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Everything posted by isamu

  1. I want a Chrono Trigger MMRPG sequel with the same 2D graphics and Yasunori Mitsuda
  2. Remastered Eva in the US???
  3. Just read this article from CNBC on anime... +++++++++++++++++++++ Anime instinct paying off for visionary firm By Jenna Colley Houston Business Journal Jan. 12 — The Japanese art form of anime is making waves around the world, and a Houston company is riding the crest A.D. Vision Inc. has gained a reputation as cartoon central for the growing legion of global fans who can't get enough of these highly stylized epic stories featuring gun-wielding schoolgirls, headstrong martial arts experts and a slew of complex and often darker characters than those found in the average American comic book fare. With the launch of a 24-hour cable channel devoted to the Japanese animation pop-culture phenomenon and a live-action anime film in the pipeline, A.D. Vision is poised to further capitalize on what some entertainment industry observers are touting as a $4 billion industry. In the past three years, the local company has experienced a 400 percent increase in growth, with six studios in Houston, two in Austin and offices in London and Tokyo. For 2003, A.D. Vision will show revenue of between $70 million and $150 million, says Kevin Corcoran, chief operating officer. In addition to 187 employees in the United States, A.D. Vision provides a livelihood for 200 to 250 actresses, actors, directors and private contractors who work on the company's ongoing projects. Animated avenues Japanese anime covers various mediums, from animated films and graphic novels to cartoon series and product spinoffs -- all avenues A.D. Vision is either currently invested in or is planning to pursue in the near future. The company was founded 12 years ago when co-founder John Ledford, now president and CEO, began importing anime from Japan to capitalize on what he saw as a highly underserved market with a high demand for animated stories to accompany popular video games. Ledford purchased the licensing rights to a film version of a best-selling video game sold by his young import and export firm. "It made all its money back in 90 days," says Ledford from the company's new office digs at the corner of Highway 59 and Beltway 8. "So I bought another title and it paid for itself in 60 days. I bought a third title and it paid for itself two months before it was even released in pre-orders." Until recently, A.D. Vision continued to focus primarily on anime home video distribution. Last year, the company launched NewType USA, now the best-selling monthly anime magazine in America with a monthly circulation of about 100,000. The publication, modeled after a Japanese version, sells for about $10 an issue and is put out by a full staff of editors and designers from the A.D. Vision offices in Houston. In May of 2003, the company started ADV Manga to market graphic novels (manga in Japanese). The books boast titles like "Those Who Hunt Elves" and the more popular "Full Metal Panic" about a high school girl being tracked by terrorists who believe she possesses special powers. Those novels are also priced at about $10 a pop. The company's main priority now centers on launching a 24-hour version of the Anime Network, which was first made available to video on-demand customers. In December, local viewers could order the channel through Time Warner Cable. The company is in discussions with several cable companies to make a linear launch either in the first or second quarter of 2004 according to Corcoran. "We're told it's just a matter of time," he says. Rasenberger Media President Cathy Rasenberger was hired by A.D. Vision to convince networks that a full-time anime channel will sell. "ADV is dedicated to expanding and growing the genre across multiple platforms," says Rasenberger. Robotic film for jaded fans In May, ADV Films acquired the rights to produce a live-action feature version of the hugely popular anime TV series "Neon Genesis Evangelion," the tale of a reluctant young man who must pilot a gigantic robotic weapon against an alien invasion. Working on the pre-production with ADV Films is New Zealand-based Weta Workshop Ltd., the special-effects studio behind the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. The venture doesn't mark the first time that a film featuring human actors will adapt an anime movie, but it does prove to be an aggressive move for the company says Fred Patten, an anime enthusiast and journalist known throughout the industry as an expert on the topic. Patten says major movie studios have announced and then back-tracked on several live-action productions, and that has left hard-core anime fans skeptical. "The fans at this point are a little jaded," says Patten. But he is encouraged by the fact that a smaller company like A.D. Vision, which has been licensing anime already produced in Japan for release, is talking about doing its own production. "That's impressive," says Patten. Copyright 2004 American City Business Journals Inc. +++++++++++++++++++ Damn...ADV is making a KILLING!
  4. Kubrick as in Stanley Kubrick?
  5. Are they gonna bring this out for Xduke Live?
  6. OMFG SS0/V RAAAAWX!!!!! I've been playing the last couple days online with some friends and it kicks all kinds ass! Mina is officially the cheesiest character in fighting game HISTORY!! The rest of them are well balanced and I could kick your ass with just about anybody! Milkman you **STILL** haven't gotten online with kaillera yet? What are you waiting for? Get the game and cum online with us man! It absolutely Why wait? Play it now online!
  7. If you guys havent heard all three discs in their entirety, then of course you'd be scratching your heads. It behooves to pick them up ASAP. Yes there are some J-pop and some heavy metal-like tunes, but its the orchestrated, classical-type compositions that are ace! Koh Ohtani outshines Kanno beleive it or not in this OST and some of the melodies within these short tracks are nothing short of breathtaking! Believe me, I absolutely LOVE Mac+'s OST to DEATH! And it's really hard to choose, but when you hear those orchestrated pieces you'll know why they are the most incredible BGM tracks ever composed!
  8. Gundam Wing OST ALL Operation Volumes Castlevania SOTN(Crystal Drops is the most beautiful track ever!) And of course mac+
  9. I just wanna say that Gundam Wing has the best background music in any anime I've heard in my entire life. Yes, edging out even Macross Plus.
  10. I'll go with Ichi the Killer TV series.
  11. who is Junya Ishigaki?
  12. Those subs have me in tears
  13. My friend told me today that he read on another forum that some IMAX theaters are showing, after the ending credits to RotK, an exclusive secret trailer for SW EpIII, where they actually show Anakin donning the DV mask for the first time! Can *anyone* confirm this?
  14. That midget who played in Bad Santa is hiding in one of those robot suits...
  15. LMAO! YEAH RIGHT! This is incredible. But knowing me, I'll prolly frakk around and get it anyway.
  16. Because the god Brahma did not want to Sharuta to acheive the power of becoming "The One"...hence, he turned him into Sailor Venus instead.
  17. Yeah that's a pretty good deal!
  18. Game is shipping today gentlemen
  19. This game is simply one of the best racers to grace the console world since sega rally 1/2. After playing so much, besides being a graphical powerhouse, this game has NOTHING in common with the GT series gameplay wise and thats a GOOD thing. Trust me. This game is a arcade racers/street racers dream come true. Forget boring liscence tests, Forget Need for Speed Underground. Seriously. Racing thru chicago at night with 7 other player is a sight to behold and damn FUN. At first I have to play single player just to play and If you have XBL, prepare to play in single player mode for ATLEAST 2 hours before you actually participate in a live match. Not because you have to earn cars or courses but because seeing your ranking against other who own the game is addictive as hell!!! I spent a couple hours just trying to work my way up the live scoreboard and it was for the SINGLE PLAYER GAME!!! If you thought Moto GPs live set up was great, PGR2s is 10 times better. Maybe even more and i'm not exaggerating. For one, if you are on live you are always connected to the online multiplayer world. You can get friend invites while shopping the showrooms, doing test drives, cone challenges, WHATEVER. Ofcourse you can turn this option off if you dont wanna be bothered in your single player experience but whatever. ITS COOL. If you happen to join a race in progress, you are shown whose in the race, where they are in the race, what track they are racing, position, the whole 9. Theres even a little live map that shows the race going on so if you see the racers are only 1/4th around the course, you can go grab a bite and not worry about a game starting without you! BTW, you can even have it so the voices from other players come through your TV/sound set up IN GAME!!! PGR2 has NO LAG and if there is lag is on the player. not XBL. I saw one person lag and it was because of his router. Buttery smooth and extremely fast. The game is indeed 30fps but its the smoothest 30 ever. I believe apex was also 30 but apex doesnt even touch this one graphically or framerate wise. i dunno how they got 30 to look like something way smoother but it does. Before you framerate friendly womans start your BS about how it should be 60, do me a favor and play first before judging. Its amazing. The gameplay is not compromised AT ALL just as bizarre promised. The AI in the single player matches is BRUTAL!!! They come after you like you did something wrong! I find it better than AI thats on raile but seriously. they are out to flock you up. Bastards. Its not a bad thing though because with them being so damn aggressive, you can take advantage of them Driving skillfully will get you through it without a problem. takes practice but thats what the single player mode is partly there for! The online gameplay is fabulous. PGR2 has more street racing feel than Midnight Club ever will and its not even trying to be a street racer. Racing through the streets of barcelona, chicago, DC or where ever will make you feel like you are in the middle of the fast and the furious. Not because you are balzing down city streets at 100+ MPH but because you are racing against 7 others for a shot at #1. Its all about skill. After a race it'll not only show the rankings but how people scored in kudos as well. good stuff The sound is some of the best racing sound i've ever heard in a game. lod thunderous engine roars filled my room in glorious 5.1. Each car sounds different and VERY meaty. Car fans will love it. The music is actually pretty damn good too. I was actually able to turn off my custom soundtracks and enjoy the music from the different cities. Very nice selection of tunes. as for the graphics, amazing stuff. If you are gaming in HD, the graphics are very close to the official screens released my MS and BC. I'm not kidding. Maybe not as razor sharp ofcourse but the textures are clean and clear, the cobblestones glisten in the sun, I noticed not a single trace of pop up either. The draw distance is unbelievable. Some cars look alittle off but most are damn good looking. The reflections are ever so smooth and reflect everything realtime and at the same framerate as the game. The replays are gorgeous too. Nice depth of feild effects. Comparing to GT4(yeah i'm gonna do it)oddly enough doesnt work. If you've seen and played both like I have you'd get it but i'll try to explain. It has nothing to do with the framerate but the way polyphony does graphics and the way bizarre does em. in GT4 the game has a cinematic quality. In PGR2, its not cinematic, its LIFELIKE. Kinda like a postcard. While racing around one of the courses i could swear that if i were to go there, thats EXACTLY what i'd see through my own eyes and not a camera. I know a postcard would be thru a camera too but racing through florence at night reminded me of palm springs at night. all the tranquil lighting, like a vacation. Lastly the course design is amazing. There are 100 course in the game and What i've opened so far has been sweet. I'm actually dog tired now though and probably wont reply here until morning but any questions, feel free. Racing game of the year. Bar none.
  20. http://filmforce.ign.com/matrix/articles/4....html?fromint=1 ============================= Revolutions Coming Home Sooner Than We Thought? Lackluster box office & online piracy may mean more Neo for Christmas. November 11, 2003 - When is a film that grosses $85 million in its opening weekend considered a disappointment? When you're Warner Brothers and the film is Matrix Revolutions, the third and final(?) installment in the popular Matrix trilogy. While the film posted the third highest opening box office total for a Wednesday open, the studio expected the film to come in at number 1. The $85 million in box office receipts from Wednesday to Sunday fell well below expectations as did the $200 million internationally. Like most films in release today, copies of the movie appeared in various Internet groups just hours after the film opened, causing more concern for the studio. Worried that the time to make money from the franchise may be running out faster than expected, representatives for Warner Home Video contacted some of the major video retailers and rental outlets on Monday to let them know that Revolutions may be coming home a lot sooner than expected. Early January was mentioned but if the box office continues to drop at its current pace, Matrix Revolutions could hit DVD before Christmas. Adding insult to injury, a possibility was mentioned to one video dealer that the studio may try putting together a 3-movie boxed set for Christmas if Revolutions is released in time to show up in your holiday stocking. According to one video dealer that spoke to IGN FilmForce on condition of anonymity, "Warners is afraid that Revolutions won't sell very well because of the word of mouth on the movie. The only way to make the money on sell-through is to package it with the other two." The retailer went on to say that the number of requests for the film have dropped significantly since the film's opening day. The big test for the film will be how it fares in its second weekend, when it will be up against the Russell Crowe starrer, Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, a film that has been getting extremely positive reviews and advance word of mouth. Representatives for Warner Home Video would neither confirm nor deny the information but a source at Warners did confirm that a meeting about the DVD release for Matrix Revolutions did occur on Monday. If the film is released early to DVD, we should be hearing an announcement within weeks. Stay tuned. -- KJB ========================= Wow...I'll take a box set with those fries please maam
  21. Windows interface 2D fighters galore Get a cheap arcade stick for $15 at fry's, Best buy, etc...you'll never touch your keyboard ever again.
  22. You've posted some good links except where to get the ROM images... Hardy har har... Anyway why would anyone prefer NeorageX to mame? NeorageX hasn't been updated in like...FOREVER! Doesn't even support Kaillera! Mame gives you: a)a way way WAY larger selection of games b)more display resolution options c)a better button configuration menu(even presets for X-arcade, MAS, and Hot Rod arcade sticks) d)Better sound emulation e)is made with a "code for code" philosophy in mind, and a result emulates every game(especially Neo-Geo) much more accurately than those other emus f)can be configured to work BEAUTIFULLY in actual arcade cabinets and is written so well, you can even have it set up where as soon as you boot your PC it'll go straight to the game you want it to. You just puch a button and play. g)did I mention it has over 4500 supported games? h)did I mention you can play online?
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