I bought the dvd yesterday and watched the scene. I thought is was pretty entertaining to watch, but most of you guys were right in that the scene did not fit into the overall flow of the film.
But the question is, how do you know this for sure? When exactly is the scene supposed to take place within the film's continuity? Was it a flashback during the camp fire scene or what?
I have heard many good things about this MJW guy. The only film I have seen him in is Exit Wounds. I heard he's something like a 10th degree Black belt in Kung Fu and in Karate, as well as possesing numerous skills in other styles. His movements in both Kill Bill and Exit Wounds appears to be natural and more fluid than Wasley's. Wasley's moves looked more stiff in the Blade films and in Passenger 57. I don't really like Wesley's style. He's quick but his moves are kinda herky jerky, unlike say, Jet's, know what I'm sayin?
I am curious as to why MJW is not in more films given his talent and skill. You'd think he'd have a part in at least a Jackie or Jet flick. Or even one of the Blade films.
I wanna know what else he has been in. Are there any other films that showcase his fighting talents on screen beside Exit Wounds and KB II?