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Everything posted by isamu

  1. Awesome impressions shawn! Hopefully I'll be able to go next year
  2. Is it true she's currently dating a black guy?
  3. same here. but them not shipping this with the movie is farting boneheaded on their parts! I mean what the fart? We want the movie with remastered video for farts sake!
  4. the broad from eskaflonay is guna be there....forgot her name. other than that i havent heard much else.
  5. Anyone else notice that Mari kinda resembles Diane Mizota from Filter?
  6. Hello Hurin. I just want to lend my support and say I think it's great what you're doing. I would like to encourage you to consider running a subbing business. If you do not know japanese I think it would be a good idea check around the forums and see if anyone either here at MW or at other anime boards would be interested in helping you with the business. I can tell you one thing here and now. If you could get perfect rips from the original Macross Zero dvds and put good to excellent subs on them, I would be the first one in line willing to pay around $20 for the dvd! I would also like you to consider DragonBall Z as well. The first season of DBZ is not subbed and Funkimation is taking their sweet time doing them, at like 1 disc every three months. At this rate it will be 2012 before we see the whole DBZ first season subbed. Think about it man. You could make some good money running your own subbing service
  7. wow you summed it up beautifully Ivan. I hadn't looked at it from that perspective before.
  8. What did you guys think of this movie? I thought it was quite bizarre, with some really really REALLY kick-ass action scenes. The comedic scenes fell flat with me, but the fights, the one at the end in particular was nothing short of amazing.
  9. Will Sakurai Tomo participate in this? What's she been up to anyway?
  10. Can you describe the contents of this "special"?
  11. You have to be very careful when removing dvds from their cases. Those snap in cases are made to make the dvd a BITCH to snap out from the center!
  12. All the newbies who've never seen Mari perform live should make an effort to do so. I've met and seen her perform twice, once at AX and then at Genghis Cohen which was back in 1999 and she put on a great show, performing DYRL, Angel's Paint, etc. Got home video footage of it and everything. Although I'm not fond of her contemporary material, she's a sweet and gracious person and deserves your support. There's only one, true Minmay
  13. heh heh, even though I've met her twice already I might go to this just to show support. If I can make it.
  14. Hmm, I dont think selling them is that big of a deal since the Fx discs are already boots to begin with no? If someone is willing to sell them just be like "I got some...PM me "
  15. Welcome to the club Wastegate13. You've made a very wise decision watching DYRL! For it is the greatest film ever, EVER made. And yes, that includes Live action film as well. To give you an example, if you'd ask me what I thought was better between any of the Matrix movies, any of the Star Wars movies, any of the Lord of the Rings movies, and of the Indiana Jones movies, any of the Bruce Lee movies, or any film by say, Speilberg or Martin Scorcese, I would laugh in YOUR FACE at such a ridiculous question and tell you that Macross DYRL beats any of those movies by an VERY LARGE margin! It's THAT freakin good! The scene at the end where Hikaru flies through that tunnel and blasts his way through, then proceeds to raise his Valkarie cannon and unloads on Badolza while they show Minmay in the background, is the greatest scene in the history of movies. It's nothing short of orgasmic! I have purposely avoided watching DYRL for the past three years, because I don't want to ware out the experience and want it to seem fresh and be blown away when I finally watch it again on a 100" screen courtesy of the new front projector I plan on buying in the next couple months! It's gonna RAWK!
  16. yeah I might get this too.
  17. Mechamechanic has just summed up what I wanted to say to a tee. Excellent post m8
  18. Yeah, I was just screwing around with cannon fodder
  19. Impressions please Impressions please I mean, are the subs as good as he claims them to be? ::sigh:: why can't someone do this for DBZ?
  20. heh...
  21. Mari is 42 dude. Cut her some slack. Yoko Kanno on the other hand...
  22. the game is overrated and is AVERAGE at best! Turok the Dinosaur Hunter for the N64 and Powerslave for the Saturn are both much better games...and better looking too!
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