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NEW SCREENS OF SEX AND JOY! Only one person in this whole world can post a reply that will compare and proudly represent the WhipWhip... since he committed suicide out of excitement over RR6. So here I go... I had doubts about Ridge Racer 6... seeing the first batch of pics and what not... I never saw the look... After seeing this screen shots and seeing some of the original car models and the old school paint jobs on said cars and the amazing redone tracks from previous Ridges... and seeing the amazing ammount of details in the cars and the courses... and seeing it all... just all of it... No... just no... Anything I can say on these message boards simply cannot do justice to the amount of excitement I have inside my body now for this game... just waiting to explode. Words, expressions and opinions... ONLINE... simply cannot and WILL NOT suffice the rage I feel towards this game. Because I cannot express myself fully online... I also doubt I will not be able to express myself in person, in real life either. To fully express my rage towards this game would require myself to dwelve deep into the astral planes... connect with every living thing on the face of the planet and collectively slap EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU ON THIS PLANET upside the head... then I would hold up my middle finger, grab my crotch and yell "In your face bitch!" and that would get sent telepathically to EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU ON THIS PLANET. So until I can discover the hidden abillities within me... take this instead for the road... Ridge Racer 6. Best Game Ever Made Waiting for it to come out on PS3? You sicken me! Disgusting. Absolutly revolting. To see this now and force yourself to wait because of personal bias towards one system... which we all know comes from the root of all your problems in life... that stems off into everything else in your life thus creating a hectic, chaotic mess of a farted up FAKE life. So if you are like this and need the help to come back to your senses, to put your feet back down on the ground... don't hesitate to punch yourself really hard in the stomach. That, or you could simply do yourself in. I'd enjoy both, really! So that settles it. You want to wait for this game to come out a year or two later? You must be farting crazy... either that or your mom and dad rape you, you have no friends, you have ADD, you are constantly misinformed, reality escapes you, you dream about being Japanese, you dislike yourself, your one and only gf will forever be online, you're a farting happy person... a loser... a farting peice of poo with no farting life and no farting skills in life to make said life a better life even with said skillless abillities such as being a dick and a fart face and a completely, utterley, useless farting failure the likes of which I have never seen before. Disgraceful! This game will...... ******************WILL****************** ******************WILL****************** ******************WILL****************** ******************WILL****************** .....be the greatest videogame ever crafted by the Gods of this earth. That is not speculation gentlemen, that is a ***************F-A-C-T*************** WHIP WHIP MOTHER fartERS!!!!! "FX THE MOVIE: WHEN NIGGAZ TAKE OVER", STARRING ISAMU. SHO-NUFF, BISHOPTL, BLACKACE, NEPTUNEZ, AND MORPHIX IS COMING TO A THEATER NEAR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No way man, Tony Oliver friggin rocks! If you don't believe me watch Gungrave. That man has very good range. How could you picture anyone else playing the English Hikaru?
Hurin. Words cannot describe how strongly I agree with you on this. You took the words *RIGHT* out of my mouth!! Upon watching SDF Macross for the first time, I too, was expecting her to sing "Do You Remember Love", only to be greeted by "My Boyfriend Is A Pilot" yet again! Hopefully they will put DYRL in during that scene.
LMAO I'm sure she will do an exceptional job. Good for you Mari. Oh and I personally think they should bring Tony Oliver back for the Hikaru dub. He's a fantastic VA(see Gungrave).
LMAO I'm sure she will do an exceptional job. Good for you Mari. Oh and I personally think they should bring Tony Oliver back for the Hikaru dub. He's a fantastic VA(see Gungrave).
Whoah...what is this RealPS1 you speak of? An advanced PSX emu of some sort? Link? 337807[/snapback] It's THE most advanced PS1 emulator around. And the only one with 100% compatability. 337814[/snapback] I JUST DOWNLOADED IT AND IT'S fartING AWESOME!!! WORKS BEAUTIFULLY SO FAR THANKS JBO!!!!
Whoah...what is this RealPS1 you speak of? An advanced PSX emu of some sort? Link?
Guys, there is a new *developer interview* up at Gamespot. You guys MUST see this interview!!!! The guy reveals that New York City and Tokyo will be among the fictional tracks to unlock!!! Plus a track editor and drfit physics editor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDGE RACER 6 FOR THE MUTHAfartIN WIN BITCH-ASS happy people!!!!!!!!
I've used ePSXe before but I'm curious, what is this "eternal spu plugin" and what are its benefits? Heh, unless of course, you buy the Segar 98XX brand notebooks which I did Quoted for truth!! I have avoided epsxe lately due to the whole "juggling plug-ins" dilema. It's simply too tedious for it's own good. Unless there's a one for all plug-in that's optimal for the majority of games out there, I'll stick with the likes of ZSNES, GBAdvance, J-Nes, Mame, Kawax, and Gens
DC's Charlie and Johnny's ram....you guys are wasting your time here. There's no point in arguing with these blatant trolls. They are out to hate on Ridge Racer 6 no matter what it looks like. I have been given verifyable and 100% reliable information that these trolls were paid off from Bizarre Creations to come into RR6 threads, suck up to PGR3 and troll anything RR related. Because no one in their right mind could be dissapointed with the way this game looks. It screams Ridge Racer quality! The track designs and environments ALONE are enough to sodomize PGR3 sideways. I really am dissapointed in posters like ourumov and others who have seemingly stabbed Namco in the back with statements like "PGR3 looks better". How much did BC transfer into your Paypal account? I thought you loved the RR series man? Anyway DC's Charlie and Johnny's ram, thanks for going to bat against the trolls in my absence. It's appreciated. When the game cums out and proves to be the greatest videogame in the history of the industry, they will eat their words and come back saying poo like "My bad Isamu....I did not realize I would be eating this much crow, but you were right...RR6 absolutely RAPES PGR3 to kingdom Cum and back!!!! I will never doubt your opinions again dawg"
::sigh::....Blim's Blim.... please PM me whenever you start a new RR6 thread. This forum is cluttered with threads and I nearly missed this one. Anyway fart ALL THE HATERS! GAME OF THE CETNURY!!!! You guys just don't know what the fart you want out of life. You complain that PGR3 doesn't run at 60fps so you're not gonna buy it. Then when a racing game DOES come out and runs at a butter smooth 60fps, you say it looks dissapointing, and will get PGR3 instead. Make up your farting mind! For me, 60fps is CRUCIAL!!! No 60fps NO SALE!!!! The game could look like Road Rash for the 3DO and I'd STILL buy it if it was 60fps. Priorities people. To say that RR6 looks like crap is like begging to be sexually ravaged by African jungle savages.
Yu did NOT form Digital Rex. He is still with AM Vision Well Model 3....they sure did add their personality to the game That is correct dude....it is indeed coming to PS3!!! OT stands for off topic, which several posters have already attempted to do here Oh and don't worry.....we will be able to celebrate BOTH games in due time M3!! Model 3....I cannot convey in words how awesome it is gonna be to play this game with other hardcore RR fans late at night while sippin on a brew! I notice you're somewhat of a night-owl LOL, that is a good thing man. It means I can look forward racing against 'ya around this time. I'm here in Los Angeles and I think you're on the west coast too, right? I usually don't go to bed till around 4 or 5 in the morning....but once I start getting into my racing games and playing RR6, I'm gonna be on that sucker til like 7:00AM PST LOL!!! C'mon man you better start training yourself to be an insomniac like me cuz It's all about racing through Ridge City til dawn baby!!!! The good thing is that VR, rjay and other folks here are from the U.K. and they're about 8 hours ahead of West Coast California time. So that means when 12:00 Midnight hits here, VR will probably just be waking up and will jump right into Coast 2 Coast for at least an 8 hours session LOL!!! Man...I cannot sleep....those pics of that night environment....man....if they animate that rollercoaster and that ferris wheel, Im gonna farting LOSE IT!!!!!!!!! Man model.... you should be an advertisement writer! Your descriptions of things are just off the charts dude! The way you just described those Crossbay Tunnel tracks makes me want to play the game right NOW so badly! While reading your description and gazing at the screenshots I suddendly got this warm nostalgic feeling of being a kid at Disneyland! That ferris wheel wraped around by that roller coaster gives me that "being there" feeling. Man....this is just.......nuts. I cannot believe what I am seeing. Ridge Racer with these kinda visuals....at 60fps....in these environments.....on these beautifully designed roads....all in 720p res....AND online. It's crazy beyond belief! If there was ever an appropriate time to use the term "We're not Worthy", it's now! I forgot one thing: I was looking at the night course screen again and saw...................a dragon!!! Namco's getting medieval on us, first a t-rex and now a dragon!!!! Insane!!! I hope he breathes fire, roars, or flies around a bit. wild crazy! (in a castle rock tower next to the roller coaster track and ferris wheel) RR6 FOR LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE!!!!!!!!
We have low budget PCs at work, so I actually saved all the RR screencaps and this thread, burned them to a CD-Rom, took it to work with me and gazed at the screencaps for nearly 8 hours straight LOLOLOLO!!! Model 3, I spotted the dragon upon looking closer at the pic. Man, I hope it's animated and flies around and breathes fire, illuminating the sky! That'd be awesome!!!! O.K. guys here we go!!!!! First of all, my fav RR titles as of now are as follows : 1)Ridge Racer V - Has the best drifting physics of all the games in the series. Has the best graphics of all the games. Is without a doubt THE hardest game in the series. Getting the trophy on the unlockable very hard mode is one thing....but coming in 1st place in ALL the races IN A ROW.....AND without using ANY retries is an excercise is patience and tedium. Also V has the most aggressive AI I have ever raced against BY FAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's just such a beautiful and complete RR game that any flaws it has are negligible at best. 2)Rage Racer - This is the game that literally got me into the Ridge Racer series. I took one look at the very first screenshots in GameFan Magazine way back in 1996 and knew right then and there that this was a game I'd be able to sink my teeth into. Everything about this game screams quality. The track designs in Rage Racer are, to date, the most thrilling and innovative tracks out of every racing game(except maybe Trackmania Sunrise, since you can already make your own tracks ) The structure of the game is simple yet engrossing....race for money and upgrade your cars both cosmetically and performance wise. Probably the coolest surprise for me came when I finally beat the "standard GP", and then being introduced to the "Extra GP", where all the tracks are in reverse, and seeing that RR logo turn gold!!!! I was like "HOLY CRAP! THIS IS WAAAAAAY TOO COOL FOR ITS OWN GOOD!!!" Man....beating the Extra GP and those super Devil/Angel cars was an exilerating and frustrating experience! Then there is the whole music aspect....I am one of those few people who don't particularly care for the music that is already in racing games. I actually prefer listening to my own music. Well, Rage Racer was no different. Rage Racer was the first racing game I actually went to Radio Shack and bought a DJ Mixer for! Yup that is correct my friends....ISAMU WAS DOING CUSTOM SOUNDTRACKS BEFORE MICROSOFT AND THE XBOX CAME ALONG LOL! I am the grandfather of the custom soundtrack idea! I actually took my own tunes and blended them with the engine sound effects from the game, and the results were orgasmic to say the least! Why do I use the word "Orgasmic"? Because that is what it was! Let me tell you something....you had to be there man! I was just getting heavily heavily HEAVILY into Depeche Mode back in those days(still am very much so BTW). There was nothing....and I mean NOTHING like burning down the road at a fast pace on the Oval track in Rage Racer, while listening to the remix of "Get the Balance Right", "Halo", "In Your Memory", "Behind the Wheel" and "Route 66" and other DM classics!!! It was just rapture and joy!! So yeah Rage had a big impact on me as far as my love for the RR series goes. 3)RR Type 4 Hi-Spec/Hi-Rez BONUS DISC - Yup, that's right...this is my third favorite RR game. Basically you can say it's Ridge Racer 1, but running in GLORIOUS 60fps...ON THE FRIGGEN PS ONE!!!!!!!!!!! I was in awe when I first booted up this game! This was the first time I played and invested significant time into Ridge Racer 1. I never got into either RR1 for the arcade, the original RR for PS One or RR Revolution(YES WHIPPEN SEAN...YOU READ THAT CORRECTLY....I do not and have never owned Ridge Racer 1 or RR Revolution....don't hate me man! I will get them just for collector's sake soon!!!) Anyway RR 4 Hi-Spec disc was just super cool and mad fun even though it only has one track and was based off the original. It made me realize how fun the original arcade version is because of the fantastic controls and the silky smooth frame rate. Wooo! 4)Ridge Racer Type 4 - Ahh R4...you either love it or hate it. Well I love it. Not quite as much as the first three on my list, but love it nonetheless. So why is this one at the bottom of the food chain? Well it's simple. Canned drift physics! And I mean REALLY canned drift physics! You were practically steered safely back on the road by the car! The ease of the drift mechanics coupled with the radically decreased difficulty level of progressing through the game makes this the bicycle training wheels of RR games, and utimately left juuust the slightest of bitter tastes in my mouth. BUT....those flaws are almost offset by the fantastic cars and courses in RR Type 4. I have heard quite a few people diss the courses in R4, but I just don't agree. How can you not like that awesome night course with the big jump?! Or how about the one with the industrial scenery(sorry guys, it's been so long since I played R4 I completely forgot the names of these courses LOLOL)? Or how about my favorite of them all, Shooting Hoops? FIREWORKS MAN!!!! FIREWORKS!!!! Plus it wasn't an oval like in the rest of the game. It was an 8 figure!!! But an 8 figure track with speed!!!! Man...shooting hoops was just awesome!!! Anyway those are my favorite RR games and in that order. Rave Racer would be number 5 because although I have it on VivaNonno, I haven't played it that often, which I will get around to soon. PSP version I haven't played because well...I just don't like having either an analog nob or a D-pad shoved down my throat! And that is exactly what will happen if I buy a PSP and RRs. I have never ONCE played an RR game seriously with an analog stick or a d-pad, and don't want to start now. I MUST have a steering wheel or at LEAST a Namco NeGcon(best control pad on the planet....PERIOD!!!). So, I may never get to see all that Ridge Racers PSP has to offer, but hey, that's O.K. by me You can see me practicing my Ridge Racer skillz *HERE*
Not to mention the other benefits and advantages it has
O.K. I will concede that PGR3's tracks look slightly more realistic than RR6. But let's discuss one particular factor that no one seems to have brought up: Track Design. Do me a favor.....go watch the recent gameplay vids of PGR3 and pay close attention to the tracks. Notice something? That's right....the designs of the tracks themselves are BLAND! They consist of too many straights, hard angular turns and NO elevation! They look BORING!!! Now....take a look at the RR6 screencaps and watch the video. Notice how nice and curvy the tracks are. Notice the many elevation changes and uphill/downhill sections. Notice the various chicanes and banked parts of the roads. THAT is the Namco difference! And it is those differences that make RR6's tracks superior to PGR3. And I'm sorry but from the vids I've seen of PGR3 so far, the sense of speed leaves a bit to be desired.....and that was in a freakin FERRARI ENZO!!!!!!! The vid you see of RR6 has the slowest car in the game. I GUARANTEE YOU the fastest cars in RR6 are going to absolutely SMOKE the fastest cars in PGR3!!!!!!!!!
******************H-O-L-Y****************** ***************F-U-C-K-I-N-G***************** ********************S-H-I-T******************* I am so sorry gentlemen....but how in God's Green Name can you POSSIBLY say that Project Gotham Racing Three looks even REMOTELY better than this????? Seriously....what is going here? Where did all these blind people come from? Do you realize what you are looking at here? To say that this RR game looks like a upgraded port of the PSP version is nothing short of a serious plea to be cannabalized by african savages from the jungle! Has it even begun to seep into your brains that we are getting all the classic tracks from Rave, RType 4, Rage and all NEW ones in glorious Hi-Definition at a rock solid 60fps??????????? Has it seeped in your brain that we are getting a Ridge Racer game that will allow us to finally race these ridiculously awesome tracks over a broadband network with voice chat??????? C'mon guys....just sit back and think about what we're getting from Namco here. *gazes at screencaps and continues to fill up house with jizz*
I'M HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I took a nap, woke up, made love to my GF, came to work and broke out my laptop to this..... *BLOWS LOAD* Agent IceBeezy....I want to turn gay, bring you flowers and make hot, steamy donkey sex to you like two niggers on a slave plantation!!!!! Thanks so much for posting these scans!!!!!!!! OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *unsnaps firearm holster* I'm seriously thinking about doing it guys....this is too much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best game...... E--E--E--E--E--E--V--V--V--V--E--R--R--R-R--R--R!!!!! Do you guys HONESTLY think PGR3 looks as good as this game????? STAY OFF THE fartING DRUGS!!!!!! This takes a giant poo from MARS all over PGR3!!!!!!!!!! NOVEMBER CAN'T CUM SOON ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just printed out those scans and stapled them to my cock!!!! I bullshit you NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RR6 = WHIPPENSEAN, KLEE, FIGHT FOR FREEDOM, XEXEX, OURUMOV, KAJIMA AND ISAMU ONLINE AND DRIFTING IN HARMONY THROUGH UPGRADED RAGE AND RAVE RACER TRACKS = HOT STEAMY, BRUTAL, VIOLENT, RAGING, THUNDEROUS KANGAROO SEX ONTOP OF THE MUTHAfartEN EMPIRE STATE BUILDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
October 6, 2005 - Ridge Racer 6 will join Need For Speed as the two big launch racers for the Xbox 360 later this year, oddly mirroring the PSP launch. As with the PSP version, Namco seems to be giving this first next generation RR game its full attention, with all the modes, cars and tracks you could want from a launch title. This from the latest issue of Famitsu. Namco is working on a bunch of game modes for RR6, all accessible via the slick interface we've come to expect from the series. The main mode of play is called World Explorer, and accessing this mode opens up options for Global Time Attack, Single Race, Online Battle, Multi Battle, Options, Garage and Save/Load. World Explorer takes place in a world called "Ridge Universe," where more than 230 races await. The races are accessed on a massive flow chart. You're free to construct your own race tour, selecting the order of multiple courses or, for those who like to keep things simple, choosing just a single course. In all, the game will have 30 courses -- the most ever for the series. Famitsu introduces five new courses that are being prepared for the game: Harborline 765 (4.167km), Southbay Docks (5.694km), Highland Cliffs (6.377km), Crossbay Tunnel (7.149km) and Surfside Resort (3.527km). Courses aren't the only area of the game getting attention. Namco is also adding a bunch of new cars to the Ridge Racer franchise with part 6. The game will feature over 130 cars, including Meltfire, a new sports car, and Hijack, a new next generation sports car. Reiko Nagase is back for spokesperson duties, and she looks easier than ever. Here's her updated profile: Birthplace, Tokyo; Height, 165cm; Weight, 48kg; Three sizes, 85/58/86; Foot size, 23cm; Blood type, A. Reiko is said to be good at swimming. She likes driving and making soufflés, and on her days off, she enjoys driving with her (most likely hot) sister and scuba diving. Her favorite foods are minestrone and potato chips (???), and she seems to love Namco games, as she lists Pacman and We Love Katamari as her favorite games. In the future, she hopes to become an astronaut. It seems that Nagase will have a greater role in the game this time around. Apparently, once you've cleared certain conditions, she'll send you letters! Development on Ridge Racer 6 is being headed up by series veterans Hideo Teramoto (producer) and Masaya Kobayashi (director). Commenting to the magazine, Kobayashi reveals that team Ridge Racer is aiming for 60 frames per second in the final build -- something we've come to expect from the series. Teramoto states that he wants to convey the same style of drift mechanics we've seen in previous entries. Xbox Live play will make it into the title, as suggested by the above mode list, but Teramoto is not willing to commit just yet on how many players will be able to race Online. He hopes to push the game as far as possible in this regard and allow for the maximum number of possible players to race Online together. He also mentions that the game's Global Time Attack mode, where you race against the times of racers throughout the world. This is the mode that he most enjoys, he admits. Moving on to gameplay specifics, Kobayashi hints that we can expect some changes to the nitro system, resulting in greater opportunity for strategy and a better feel. Enemy AI has been improved, and on top of that, due to the greater number of cars on screen, you'll have to aim for openings in the road. The TGS version didn't have any traffic, so hearing that the final version will have lots of opponent cars has us excited. Ridge Racer 6 is listed as 80% complete in Famitsu and is scheduled to launch with the X360 in Japan on 12/10. ________________________________________ This game is mine....
360 for Ridge Racer 6 muthafarta!!!!!!!!
How do you know this, for SURE??
some of them might not be alive next time
O.K. so what's the deal? Who went? How was it? Did Reba West show up? Tony Oliver? Did Reba sing Minmay songs? I don't feel too back for not going this time, since I already went to the 10 yr one back in '95. Reba sang her Minmay songs and I got it, as well as all kinds of other great footage on home video