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Everything posted by isamu

  1. I haven't listened to my Macross song collection soundtrack in AGES so I popped it in and remembered how amazing the songs from Macross were. But what was even more amazing was how I had forgotten how incredible the songs from Macross II are. Are you kidding me? Mari Ijima's songs from DYRL are incredible no doubt....but Hiroko Kasahara's songs from Macross II are nothing short of MAGNIFICANT!!!!!! I can't believe how how little attaention Macross II's soundtrack gets. It's way way waaaaaay underrated, and is better than even some of Yoko Kanno's sountracks.
  2. Damn you guys for living in Japan! Damn it all! DVD pretty please with cherries on top ?
  3. Words simply cannot describe how sad I am that I missed this concert. I am close to tears after reading these impressions. I'm dead serious when I say I would literally pay $500 US dollars for a good quality dvd of the concert. If whichever company/studio that was in charge of this concert doesn't release a dvd I will hate them for life!
  4. Damn I was reading this thread not realizing it was from 2006
  5. Please....for the love of God.....release this on DVD!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate hearing about these awesome concerts and not being able to go, let alone see them on dvd
  6. Hmmm.... how would the PE dvd look on one of those new Toshiba Super Upconversion players coming out?
  7. Perhaps it didn't sell well because they're waiting patiently for the BD, and didn't want to buy to some remastered dvd.
  8. wow this thread seems to have brought out a few people new to the forums. Welcome As for the question, I like DYRL more. The aural/visual combination is sex on celluloid, and makes for one orgasmic 2hr experience
  9. I find it pretty puzzling that with the success of Frontier BD, they haven't even announced DYRL. This is their most popular Macross related film, and yet all we've gotten in the last couple years is a remasteres DVD. It's like they know I want it so bad they're deliberately not releasing it just to fart with me
  10. I have not seen Macross Frontier yet so I don't know who this lady is, but how would you describe her songs? Is her music comparable to Mari Ijima's original Macross songs? Or are they like Fire Bomber's Mac 7 songs?
  11. is there still no word on a BD release?
  12. I am extremely EXTREMELY grateful and excited to hear this THORA guy is doing fan subs ripped from the bluray release of MF. That is amazing and I plan on donating to him later on when I get some cash. Do you guys think he will be done subbing the whole series by say, June? I don't want to grab anything until the entire series is fully subbed so I can just sit down and watch it in one sitting THORA if you're out there reading this, thanks man
  13. Co-sign Link?
  14. How would you define "good computer"? My specs: Sager Laptop: Penitum 4(single core) 3.6Ghz nVidia Geforce Go 7900GTX 512MB 2GB DDR2 ram 2x 80GB HDD Raid 0
  15. Is it confirmed the Lunar High rez/High quality releases suffer from blurry/crappy video? I was making future plans to grab Frontier from them, but I'm a sucker for good video quality Should I wait until it's released from someone else? THORA perhaps?
  16. do they have good subs?
  17. When can we expect a domestic blu-ray release of Frontier?
  18. Damn, that's a good point but still, I can't do it bro. I GOT to watch it in one sitting. The impatience in me wouldn't be able to handle the weekly wait in between eps
  19. Am I the only one that does not want to watch the show until the entire show is complete and all the episodes are done, so that I can watch them all in one sitting? I cannot STAND waiting a week inbetween great shows, and must watch it all on one sitting. Is there anyone else out there like this, who is waiting until Mac Frontier is done?
  20. Are these being remastered?
  22. I started watching Robotech when I was 12 when it aired on TV here in the US. I am a huge fan of the show and it wasn't until ten years later when I attended the 10th anniverseray Robotech convention that I discovered that the show was built from three different anime that originated in Japan. I was shocked to say the least, and so I wanted to know more about Macross, and thus bought Clash of the Bionoids, and then Macross Plus, both of which were only available on VHS Suffice to say, after watching Mac+, I became a huge fan of Macross, and developed a real appreciation for Kawamori, Ishiguro, Mikimoto, and the entire franchise. I still have a soft spot for RT though. Like someone said above, it is still enjoyable because of the huge nostalgic emotions it gives me while watching it. Plus I think Ulpio's background music is some of best I've heard in ANY anime soundtrack.
  23. thanks for the heads up wolfx. Any word on whether or not the full concert's coming to dvd? Damn I wanna see it so bad, but not in some crappy youtube quality
  24. I can understand where she's coming from but seeing as how, like the poster above said, 75-80% of her fans are Macross Minmay fans, it would be in her best interest to milk her Macross fame as much as possible while she can. If I was her, I would've demanded some sort of role in Macross Frontier. Still, why complain? Didn't she already attend a MWCon once? I'd be grateful just after that one visit
  25. And why is that? She's a better singer believe it or not. It was Tomo who should have done the singing in the first place.
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