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Everything posted by isamu

  1. Darnit Tochiro, you lucky dog Post lots and lots of pics, and tell us if Kawamori shows up and announces a new Mac series. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
  2. I have the file. It completed fairly shortly, so it's all good Thanks again Tobi
  3. I agree with this. Thank you very much for this upload. I am grabbing it now the torrent just started. If more of you could seed it would be greately appreciated.
  4. It is unfathomable to me how Bandai Visual has refused to bring Macross DYRL and Macross Plus to bluray up until now. It's as if logic escapes them. These two movies are arguably the prettiest most gorgeous looking animated films in the history of animation celluloid. Yet they're being restricted to a medium that's over 15 years old. Appalling.
  5. I still say we should meet up and do it. Who cares about the time differences? I am up pretty much all day and night and would be willing to meet with up with fellow Macross fans over at Justin.TV for some Macross viewing. C'mon, it's much better than just watching it on our own and coming here to recant what we saw. That's already done everyday here lol.
  6. guys guys GUYS..... I was thinking.....why don't we watch Macross together....for real? I mean like literally together via a stream service like Justin.TV? That would be pretty cool. Has anyone else suggested this?
  7. Thanks for clearing that up guys. Goes to show how little I keep up with these things. Glad to know you all are on good terms. Sounds like you all had a blast. Hope to see you next year
  8. Wow you guys are awesome. So glad you had a great time. I missed it unfortunately. Maybe next year Got a quick question....what was Tommy Yune doing there? I mean, doesn't work for Harmony Gold? Weren't you guys supposed to be beefing with him?
  9. Thanks. I don't remember exactly but didn't she also play Rimiruru in Samurai Spirits 3? edit: nevermind it's right there on the front page LOL
  10. Wow. How in the world did you find this? How old is she in that vid? By the way, has Tomo done any other voice work since M7?
  11. There are better odds of the Robotech Live Action movie being premiered in Tokyo first, then to the rest of the world.
  12. Tochi continuing to mop the floor with all the good Macross events
  13. Well UN, if we could rate posts, I'd give your post a 10 out of 10. Because that was amazing! Thanks for sharing. How did you find these, and more importantly, what exactly is Budokan Final? Is that the name of a new Mac Frontier related concert dvd? More details please
  14. I'd buy them in a jiffy!
  15. Is there a vid of the full concert uploaded anywhere? All these bits and pieces but nothing of the whole thing?
  16. Ditto. Japan gets all the cool events. Glad you had a good time Toch and thanks for the pics.
  17. Yeah I haven't heard of it either. How come I don't see any DVDs or BluRays of it at Amazon Japan? Or is it only in theaters at the moment?
  18. The next time AX brings a really really awesome guest I am dying to meet, I wonder if it would be worth trying to register as press, just so I could be permitted to take videos and photos? I mean, they get ALL of those perks all the time.
  19. Wow Mari seems to like flying back and forth to Japan quite frequently. Wasn't she just in LA doing a show at Benihana or something?
  20. Yeah the youtube guys had some big cahonas for chancing it with that video LOL. I agree though, great clips. We'll see what Anime Expo 2010 brings....
  21. A TEENY WEENY slice of heaven for those of you who missed it: LOL
  22. I just have a simple question for you guys: Why even speculate on a reboot, when absolutely nothing...not one iota of evidence is out there supporting the idea that Kawamori is thinking of doing a reboot? So why even discuss it? I'm not trying to be negative or pessimistic with you, I'm just wondering why you all would waste time discussing something that for all we know has no chance of getting made? I would love for it to happen too, believe me...but this is the same thing as discussing what a Star Wars reboot would be like.
  23. Yeah Megumi has great potential as a singer. You could tell she is very enthusiastic about singing in general. I do wonder though....why do you guys suppose the studio did not pick Maaya Sakamoto for the role of Ranka Lee? I mean she: A)Has worked with Kawamori before on Escaflowne B)Has worked numerous times with Yoko Kanno C)Has extensive experience as a voice actress and singer D)Sings the Macross Frontier theme song Triangler for Christs sake(and does it BEAUTIFULLY I might add). So I don't get it...why go with a relative unknown instead of an established talent like Maaya?
  24. That is precisely why I didn't watch it along with you guys. I can tell you right now, that it would have been extremely painful having to wait a week or so inbetween episodes. While watching Frontier in one back to back session, at the end of each episode all I could think was "Thank God I will find out what's going to happen next...right now!". Hell, I'm going through Frontier withdrawal already! That's how much I want more.
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