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Everything posted by isamu

  1. Why aren't they putting it out on CD???? I'm old enough to remember buying records on vinyl and don't get me wrong, it's a nice nostalgic trip down memory lane, but I don't want to deal with that format, and all the inconveniences that come with it anymore. I was super happy when CDs emerged as the successor to cassette and vinyl.
  2. That's a shame if true. I mean, are you guys comfortable with him taking a back-seat role to the franchise that made him an icon? Do you trust the new studio in charge of the new series? I sure hope they know what they're doing and don't mess it up.
  3. Any Macross-related announcements happen?
  4. Can someone post a link to the pre-order page at Crunchyroll's website? Or at least post a link to their website?
  5. Day 1 for me. Hope it comes with the original breaking bad dub.
  6. Jealous of those who got to see it. Was there any mention of a new 4K UHD release of DYRL?
  7. How was the con guys? Were there any special guests? When was the last time Mari attended?
  8. Let's hope it's an actual 4K UHD release of Mac plus. Not sure why they would want to release a regular old Blu-ray in the age of 4K releases and the fact that the majority of people are probably on 4K TV's now. If that happens then hopefully it opens the door for a 4K UHD release of DYRL.
  9. First of all thanks Shawn for straightening out my account you rock man. It's good to be back Secondly this is great news. Been a long time coming, especially for a lot of us old heads. I can't wait to hear more details particularly on Macross Plus and 7, and what potential extras they will contain. I'm really hoping we finally get the Macross Fastest Liftoff special that came with the original JP Macross 7 VHS/DVDs. I remember watching that special ages ago and loving it. I guess the only other burning question is, are we getting these in 4K UHD Blurays or standard Blurays? Have they indicated either way?
  10. You are correct..... ..........it *IS* an unpopular opinion! Ai Oboete Imasu ka rocks!
  11. Congrats to all of you that went and had a good time. I couldn't make it but it's all good. I have a front projector with a 110" screen and 5.1 surround system so I'll watch the movie on that. But for those of you who couldn't go and see the film on the big screen, and don't have the space in your house/apartment to place a large TV or projection screen, there is good news............. There are new VR headsets coming out in 2022 with 4K(or even higher) resolution and there is an app called "Big Screen" that allows you to experience watching film/video content in a virtual theater environment. There are people are use Big Screen and love the app, but unfortunately the current headsets like the Quest 2, Vive Pro, HP Reverb, etc don't deliver a crisp and clear enough image to make the experience that authentic. However , the Apara 5K, the Varjo Areo and the Pimax 12KQLED are three headsets to watch out for in 2022! I plan on buying all three and if they're as good as they promise to be, I intend for at least one of them to replace my front projector and my main display for film watching. If any of you own a VR headset currently, give Big Screen a try. Try watching some Macross on it and let me know what you think
  12. I haven't been keeping up with the news, but is there any indication that the issues surrounding SDFM and DYRL are closer to being resolved so we can get a worldwide release? Or is HG making things difficult?
  13. I want a full fledge remake of the TV series with full VR support! Meaning, we can watch the show in VR using our VR headsets like ie an Oculus Quest, and during the show we are allowed to put ourselves in the Macross world with full VR support. For example, during the scenes when Minmay is holding her concert, we can watch it in VR with the option to put ourselves right at the front row of the concert. Another example would be when Hikaru has a dogfight in the Valkarie. The VR version will allow us just see the action from his eyes sitting in the cockpit of the Valkarie. That's just some examples of what we'll be able to do in the VR remake.
  14. I thought the TV series originally came out in 1984, with RT following a year later?
  15. Cool News, but who's performing?
  16. Wow thanks for the detailed impressions man. I'm glad you had a good time. You're right, they should just release it on Blu-ray already. Not sure what the hesitation could be. On another note, won't macross be turning 40 in about three years or so? If so, perhaps they will have a 40th anniversary concert in 2024 or something. What do you think the odds are?
  17. At least you got to go. Can you tell us who all performed? Was Hiroko kasahara(Ishtar) there? What about Akino Arai or Yoko kono?
  18. [quote=Mari ijima] My co-star took his own life years back.....[/quote] Wait...is she talking about the actor who played Hikaru(sorry forgot his name)? I thought he died in some sort of car accident? Did he really commit suicide?
  19. And I for one, would welcome that announcement with open arms. Bring that crap on Big West!!!!
  20. All this news is absolutely blowing my mind right now. It still hasn't sunk in that Macross will soon be *LEGITIMATELY* available in the west. Simply bonkers. I know a lot of you are waiting for things like the toys, art books and stuff like that, but I personally hope....and I mean really really REALLY hope they release all the Macross live concert performances that's taken place over the years, particularly the 25th Anniversary concert that took place back in like what....1998? I've been wanting to see that concert like...BADLY, complete with English subs. Then there's the other concert that took place a few years later that *I believe* celebrated either the 30th anniversary or the 35th anniversary I can't remember. I know it was somewhere around the 2004 or perhaps 2008 time frame. I would pay an absurdly high price for an official bluray of these concerts! Do you guys think Big West will eventually release them?
  21. I haven't seen Macross Delta yet, but from what I hear it's, well....pretty darn bad. And if that's true, maybe the question should be....*SHOULD* the next Macross be Kawamori's last? When was the last really good Macross in you guys' opinion? 7? Zero? Frontier?
  22. Thanks for the explanation. Wow. Pretty eye-opening stuff.
  23. I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Can you explain what you mean when you say they were "doubling down on being reduced to a Macross 7 parody" ? Can you be more specific? All I know is that they haven't made jack crap lately and it's confusing to me. Are they even producing *ANYTHING* these days? If not, why are they even still in business?
  24. Since the other thread is locked I just wanted to ask what the current status is on the whole Harmony Gold owning Macross rights situation is? It feels like it's been a hundred years since there's been any discussion on this. I just don't understand what HG hopes to gain from this situation. I mean, it's been years and they're just sitting on the rights to a property they haven't done anything with for what seems like an eternity. Are they waiting for Big West/Studio Nue to approach them and offer them a gazillion dollars to buy back the rights to Macross or something? If so, I got a bridge I can sell them.
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