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Everything posted by lynn2009

  1. Thanks for the scan links, Kresphy. As for what it says, I did a quick summary (while I was reading). I really summarized things to the interesting points, but hopefully it will help out. Now, if I can find a real copy of this Beat Magazine... Macross F is the first Macross TV series Kawamori has directed. 7 was directed by Amino Tetsuro and even Macross Plus was a co-director position. His tastes change and are reflected in each “Macross” series. Kawamori never wants to do the same thing. It took ten years from the movie to do Macross 7 and Plus because enough time had passed and he could do something different. Even with Zero he could add a mythology aspect to it. Zero is not the first time CG was used in a Macross series. CG was used for 7 and Plus, but in an experimental phase. He felt animators had reached a limit on animating mecha action, which is why he wanted to explore CG. During Zero, he felt that the technology could be used for a TV series, although in Zero CG was used mainly for flight scenes, and a few test battle scenes with the battroids. It wasn’t enough for doing many scenes at the time, but he cleared the initial hurdle. The next test came with Aquarion and if CG could produce enough good action scenes. Once this was accomplished, Kawamori felt hand animation could be concentrated on the characters and song sequences and he could finally make the Macross TV series he wanted. Mecha action, songs, and love are the themes of Macross. The idea of combining songs and war are strange, but Kawamori remembers seeing the Vietnam war on TV and then flipped the channel to a singing show and feeling that the singing show felt more real. The three points of Macross are a real constraint and in the beginning Kawamori was thinking of what the singer would do, how the hero and heroine would meet, and different love triangles (two males and one female, three females, etc.) . The most difficult part was tying songs to the enemy. He keeps changing ideas that the staff finally told him not to change it anymore. If he made a Macross just for the existing fans it would be easy, but wouldn’t be a challenge. It’s been 25 years since the original series and there are so many things that didn’t exist back then, that the tempo is different and adding those things are interesting enough that non-mecha fans can enjoy the show. Regarding Yoko Kanno, originally he only asked her to do a few songs, but after she read the planning notes she wanted to do them all, so he feels very lucky. He leaves the song details to Kanno, but has ideas on differences between Ranka and Sheryl’s songs. And because the show is set in 2059, words like fold and gravity pop-up once in awhile. He’s glad that May’n and Megumi Nakajima sound different, because their voices leave different impressions. The Seikan Hikou sequence was animated from video of Megumi dancing. “Songs” are not used just as background music, but as a more integral part of the story linking to the battle sequences. Kawamori wants to make something that touches both the heart and stomach of the viewer (not just the eyes and ears). The private army was devised for a number of reasons, mostly because Kawamori decided the lead would be a student and pilot. If he was in a real military, he couldn’t be a student at the same time (nor have long hair). He did research on private armies and how they work as well. Regarding teenagers, he wanted them to feel a connection to Macross F by starting with a normal person (someone like them) and what it would be like to fight (like how wars are actually happening in the world). Frontier looks like a vinyl balloon house, and he feels like Japan lives in their own little greenhouse, and what would happen if some kind of culture shock happened. Hiroyuki Yoshino is the one who adds all the homages into the series, like Alto rescuing Ranka in his Valkyrie. Kawamori has drawn this type of sequence three times (first TV series, movie, Macross F). Even with Episode 10’s reference to Macross Zero, he tries to change things a little bit to give different meaning. However, he doesn’t want to alienate viewers who don’t know Macross, so he warns the staff to be careful with the references. About 3/5 through Macross F will surpass all Macross's and enter an adventurous storyline. Regarding the three versions of episode 1, Kawamori really wanted to have something broadcast last year for the 25th anniversary, thus the De Culture edition. The De Culture edition is like a movie, while the TV version focuses on the characters and feels more like a TV episode. Bandai Visual asked for a complete longer episode, so music, BGM, etc. will be different on the extended version and Kawamori hopes the impression is different. Regarding the DVD and Blu-ray release, Kawamori hopes that those with HD capabilities will enjoy seeing the details in space fights and the galaxy sequences, and even hear some lines that weren’t so clear in the broadcast version. For those teenagers who are watching the show and will be alive in 2059, he hopes they watch this show and asks to continue everyone’s support.
  2. Blu-ray is letter coded, not number coded. It should be "A" "B" or "C." Out of the few American Blu-ray titles I have, only one mentions the region coding (Pixar's Cars) and it's coded "ABC." I'm guessing all the other ones without any region coding are region free, but since Japan and the US share "A" I'm not too worried, and many of the Chinese Blu-rays are region free anyway.
  3. You can order a box from Hobbylink Japan for 2,000 yen (10 pcs.). Not sure what shipping is like, but overall it should be cheaper than Toyslogic (which is $19.95 for a set of 5). http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN953252 http://www.toyslogic.com/index.php?main_pa...roducts_id=3933 The other two "swings" are variations of the two valkyries (Gun metallic and silver).
  4. The official homepage has been revamped with pics and descriptions of all pages. Each issue will be 32 pages, A4 size, full-color. Although the early flyer mentioned covering the non-main series (ie games), they're not listed as series being covered on the main page. Perhaps they'll be covered on the "Goods Sheets." http://books.shopro.co.jp/macross/index.html Also, there's information about Issue 2: Mechanic Sheet: SDF-1 Macross VF-1J Valkyrie (AGAIN?? Maybe a typo?) SNN Valkyrie Character Sheet: Mylene Flair Jenius (can't remember the correct romanization) Soldiers of Anti-UN Group Timeline Sheet: Mayan Island Battle Mayan Priestess History Sheet: Release of "Shao-pai-ron" Movie Gallery Sheet: Macross F Song Sheet: ...Dakedo Baby!!/ Sweet Fantasy Goods Sheet: Yamato Corporation Making Sheet: Shoji Kawamori For those Japanese subscribers that go through the Shopro website, they'll receive some kind of bonus goodie (hasn't been revealed yet). Looks like two character pages per issue, with the second focusing on some crappy secondary character.
  5. No, I haven't placed a subscription yet. Kinokuniya is pretty bad at responding back to e-mails, so I'll be stopping by the store next week to place it in person. You can probably place it via phone, I would guess.
  6. I've e-mailed various bookstores and only Kinokuniya San Jose (CA) replied back regarding Macross Chronicles and the price: Thank you very much for using Kinokuniya Bookstores <San Jose>. We will carry Macross Chronicle for subscription with $115.00/6mos. and $206.00/12mos. We are not planning to carry the binder, but you can place a special order. Looks like $9.58 per issue for six months, or $8.58 per issue for 12 months. Only quoted for pick-up at the store.
  7. Sorry for the "Excaliber" typo. Not a word I use everyday, even though I did stay in that funky Las Vegas hotel. Yes, that's the book. While it does go into some good behind the scenes details about the movie and series overall, a lot of the feeling I came out with was negative. For example, they call Gundam a "manly" anime, while Macross is "boyish." Lots of positive review about the mecha and action scenes, but the story and characters gets negative feedback. On page 50, they call lines and scenes in the movie corny, beat up on the characters as unrealistic, and call Kawamori a "romantic" with unreal, idealized female characters. Yes, Gundam had very realistic characters with Amuro whining about being slapped, hair-twisting Garma, and the kids as comedy relief shout "This is a real man's anime!"
  8. From the cover image, the first issue will have: Mechanic Sheet: VF-1J, VF-25 Excaliber Character Sheet: Lynn Minmay, Mash (unless there's some other character with the same name, it should be the "New Half" from Macross II) Timeline Sheet: Alien Existence & Unification War Technology Sheet: Variable Fighter Goods Sheet: Takatoku Toys (something is written before, but I can't make it out) History Sheet: Galaxy Concert Tour World Guide Sheet: (can't make it out, but looks like something about immigration fleet?) Gallery Sheet: Love Do You Remember Song Sheet: Diamond Crevasse, Iteza Gogo 9ji Don't be late The magazine limited sale Yamato Valkyries are the 1/48 Ichijo Hikaru VF-1S (Weathering Type) and 1/48 Max VF-1A. Also, speaking of Minmay's character sheet, is anyone else annoyed that they use her Chinese dress illustration so much, when she only appears that way for two episodes? If they wanted to use a TV illustration, they could have at least used her Eps. 27 dress, which at least looks more like what she does in every early episode.
  9. From HMV's description, there will be thirteen types of pull-out pages (descriptions are from the site, not mine): 1) Mechanic Sheet Starting with the Valkyries, information and explanation of the mecha. The main mecha illustration will be an original illustration each issue. 2) Character Sheet From the main to minor characters, profiles of all characters. 3) Time Line Sheet The first printed timeline for all Macross series. 4) World Guide Sheet Pick-up on the Culture, Settings, and Planets of the Macross World. 5) History Sheet With original illustrations mixed in, descriptions and explanations of things that happened in Macross. 6) Technonogy Sheet A close look at the different technology in Macross. 7) Song Sheet Featuring “Songs” of Macross. Lyrics and liner notes. Gallery Sheet Visuals of Macross posters and CD jackets on a fold-out sheet. 9) Goods Sheet From the rare to the newest Macross-related goods. 10) Terminology Dictionary Sheet Terms and Descriptions of words used in all Macross Series 11) Tribute Sheet Illustrations and Interviews based on Macross by creators currently working in the industry. 12) Making Sheet Behind the Scenes Production information from the series staff through interviews and materials. 13) Extra Sheet Staff List, etc. for each series. I think I'm most excited about the Gallery, Goods, and Making Sheets. I like reading interviews and need something positive to wipe that nasty aftertaste of Itano's bashing of the Macross series in the BS Yawa book.
  10. HMV Japan has started pre-orders for the first four issues and binder: Issue One Cover Image: http://img.hmv.co.jp/image/jacket/400/27/5/3/257.jpg Binder: http://img.hmv.co.jp/image/jacket/400/27/5/3/280.jpg Unfortunately, shipping would be really high on this、but cheaper than Amazon Japan.
  11. Watch Impress has an article up on the game. No new information, but some nice pics, especially of the characters. http://www.watch.impress.co.jp/game/docs/20080627/maf.htm Also, there is an official website up at Bandai Namco games, but nothing special yet. http://b.bngi-channel.jp/psp_macross/
  12. The "love triangle" is not the standard Macross love, but your friendship level with other characters. From the following pages, it looks like if your "love" level with other characters are higher, they'll join you in battles? Here are some bits from the interview pages: The team mentions there will be more than 40 vehicles, 30 characters, and currently more than 80 missions in the game (including versus missions). You'll be able to have 4-player battles like in the Gundam Battle series. The name "Ace Frontier" of course ties into Macross Frontier and was approved by Kawamori. You'll need to upgrade your valkyrie and also your piloting skills, like in Gundam Battle. The game uses the Gundam Battle engine, and also a lot of the same staff. The main difference is the transforming mecha. They're trying to be able to make the valkyries move like they do in the original TV opening sequence (VF-1J vs. the regults in the city). They were asked about Basara in the game. He won't fight and will probably yell "Why are you shooting at me?" if hit during the game, but he will be a music friendly play with speaker pods. Actually details are being kept secret. They'll announce what songs will appear in the game soon. The love triangle is your friendship/trust level with other characters, so no romances between Hikaru and Isamu and Alto. Transformation will be controlled through the analog pad, and should react quickly so you can transform in mid-air (like the other games). "Will you be able to control the Macross?" - To be answered in the future... They're aiming to recreate the dog fight scenes. Finally, the game is 60 percent complete. Release is scheduled for the fall. I think it's time to save up for a PSP now...
  13. To make the Dreamy Prelude rape point clear, Minmay is never raped and the actions are never carried out. I forget why and how, but just the idea of Janice scheming a Minmay rape plot soiled the story for me. As for Guld and Myung, the novel's setting of the scene is different. From the skimming I did of the previous chapter and the actual chapter, here's what happens (it occurs in the chapter "Vanishing Point" pages 71-82). Isamu's mother Mariara has told Isamu the news that Myung's father Ravel Fang Lone has just died in a space fold accident, no survivors. Isamu rushes over on his bike to Myung's house on the rainy night and finds her in her father's study staring at a candle. She says very little, except that whenever something good happens, something bad is bound to follow (apparently she did well in an audition). She leaves the room and the lights in the house go out (short circuit). Isamu finds Myung on the living room floor and comforts her, telling Myung that his "old hag" (ie mother) would be coming over and stay with her through the night and that everyone would help her through this time. Eventually Myung wraps her arms around Isamu's neck and he hugs her back. Guld sees this and loses all sanity, not even able to recognize Isamu and Myung. At first Isamu thinks it's his mother coming into the room, until he's punched. Guld attacks Isamu, punching him repeatedly, while Myung screams for Guld to stop. Eventually, he punches Myung into a wall when she tries to stop him. She's unconcious and Guld asks himself, Did Isamu come after her? Why is Myung unconcious? Is this Myung? This isn't Myung. Was Myung's skin this white? Her neck, her arms, her breasts. And then he rips her shirt still trying to figure out if it's Myung, when Isamu hits Guld in the head with an armchair to knock him out. Isamu carries Myung to the "Pyramid Room" in the house and covers her with a sheet. He then carries Guld to the apple tree outside in the garden, when he hears a police siren. Isamu apparently splits to avoid getting Guld in trouble. By the time Mariara comes over (carrying a lunch box for Myung), she sees Guld being questioned by a police man. Guld isn't sure who attacked Myung and doesn't know who hit him with the chair, although he remembers Isamu being there. After the police leave, she takes Guld inside after seeing his wounds. While she dresses Guld's head wounds (she's a nurse), Mariana asks Guld if Isamu was there. Guld says no, but she doesn't believe him and tells him to be careful on his way home. She then calls Isamu, but doesn't get an answer and can't believe her son would do such a thing. -------------------------------------------------------- So, Guld did not do anything sexual to Myung, but he did rip her shirt, so it could be considered rape. Also, there are a few conflicts with the animation side (Myung crying and Isamu with his hands on her shoulders to comfort her), since she is unconcious when all this happens in the novel. As for the TV novels, my memory isn't so good. If I remember, the first book is dedicated to the first six episodes, the second to 7 -16, and the last 17-27. The last two books seem rushed, and it ends with Hikaru and Misa staring at the sky (the Macross hasn't returned to earth yet) and feels like they're the last two people on Earth. I don't believe there is anything enlightening or clarified in them, but I should probably give them another read if I can find the box they're in (I have around 1,200 mangas and 300 novels - horror, TV/movie adaptions, biographies, anime, most boxed up since I have no more space on my bookshelves).
  14. I actually collected all the Macross novels years ago since I was a kid and read all the Macross & Macross II novels in one month about 7 or 8 years ago. The Dreamy Prelude Minmay script one is questionable. There's a chapter where Janice has a plan to have someone rape Minmay and humiliate her, so it left a bad taste in my mouth. Unfortunately, it was during a time when rape wasn't considered such a serious crime or offense. :< The White Reminiscence book is much more enjoyable, especially when Riber takes Misa to Yokohama and they meet Minmay. Not a ton of new information, except that it explains that Misa and Riber met at a party in Australia. There is only one Macross Plus novel. There was supposed to be a second one, but according to the afternotes by Nobumoto, she had trouble finishing the first novel. This is the only novel I've skimmed, but it does have some good background information. It's around 182 pages (+ 2 pages of notes). Can't say I can scan it in fear of ruining the book, but let me know what your question about episode 4 is. I might read it this weekend and get back to you.
  15. I think they wrote "hppt" so people don't try to go to "kyodofrontier.com" since it's fictional.
  16. With the end of Radio Macross coming next week, I'm wondering if there's any interest from people for summaries of the "Radio Macross F" show that starts on April 4th. I currently have summaries for eleven episodes (out of thirteen) of Radio Macross, but if there's no interest I'll just finish this series and close up shop.
  17. I'm slowly working through them. It takes about an hour to write everything down, since I need to pause every once a while to summarize and write things down. Hopefully by the end of the month I'll be caught up. This week's show (#9) will be featuring Isamu Dyson's voice actor, so I'm wondering what bits of information he can add.
  18. I'm not sure if one exists, but I'm creating a blog that covers the "Radio Macross" program that airs every week. I'm hoping to post summaries of all the episodes. Please see the following page: http://radiomacrossing.livejournal.com/ Comments are definitely welcome!
  19. Unfortunately I don't have my DVD yet and I could only find a blurry image on Yahoo Japan, but it's just a sticker announcing the new series: 25th Anniversary Project Macross Frontier Starting April 2008 on TBS/MBS Stations
  20. The set is in production for one year until 2/21/09 and there are no first print bonuses (unlike the Gundam movie box, which is also a one year production), so there's no real rush to get it. The only reason to pre-order is to get a discount at Amazon Japan for 26% off, but Amazon has quarterly sales, with select merchandise at 30 - 50% off the original price. Among Bandai's releases in past sales, Cowboy Bebop's 5.1 ch Box set a few years ago was 40 and 50% off, and recently the Turn A Gundam box and Gundam First Sets at a larger discount of 30 and 40% off. I've pre-ordered the Macross TV set, but combined it with some DVD releases that won't come out until August. Usually Amazon Japan doesn't ship orders out until all items are relased, so this way I can be guaranteed the 26% off preorder price, but also cancel if it happens to go on sale by that time.
  21. It's Tomo Sakurai, the voice of Mylene (Macross 7) and Canari from Macross Generation. She also sings Tenshi no Enogu, Watashi no Karewa Pilot, and Silver Moon Red Moon. Information is the from "Legend of Eternal Songs" CD.
  22. I've read on Japanese blogs that the shortage isn't really due to high demand, but an error in the set. It looks like almost all online Japanese stores have pulled the DVD set due to a printing error in the Storyboard book. Page 24 has a printing error, according to a post on Bandai Visual's website: http://www.bandaivisual.co.jp/support/info.html Here is the correct Page 24: http://www.bandaivisual.co.jp/images/support/P24.jpg For Japanese residents, you can exchange your copy for a reprinted guide (available around mid-January) by returning your original copy. This suggests that the Movie Box will be more readily available in January, since most likely a corrected book will be issued. This is the second printing error for a book that has happened with Bandai Visual that has also limited stock. The first was back in October with the Clamp in Wonderland set, which is readily available now. Fortunately, that set was only due to two pages being mislabeled in the Table of Contents section.
  23. Victor owns all Macross music rights, except Macross Generations. The reason why Macross Plus was not included was because there were no single releases. This box just collects the singles (LP or CD) and re-releases them as full 12 inch CDs. I'm disappointed by most of the cover art, though. I was hoping it would look exactly like the original, or at least very close. Macross II had two singles (not including the special Bandai sendaway), but I'm guessing it wasn't included since it's not considered canon.
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