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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. "What's the height difference on both resin soldiers?" About that much (see pic below.) I wanted him to be taller than the average grunt, but still small enough to realistically fit inside his mech without having to make that mech enormous. Couldn't tell you if the sizes are any different in DYRL, but my gut tells me they aren't. I also think it would be longer and harder to mod an existing figure to the DYRL costume; easier just to do a whole new sculpt.
  2. See enclosed pic for Kamjin's color scheme. I don't know if there are any official color guides; there weren't in Perfect Memory. I may eventually re-release the standard soldier (standing pose.) Not sure about meltrandi though. If you're refering to the difference in armor between Kamjin's suit and that of the regular officer (brown) basically, it's a matter of color and the helmet. I'll try to find a pic of it tomorrow.
  3. Negative, the helmet has Kamjin's head already in it; would've been a nightmare to cast otherwise.
  4. Actually, the helmet is not separate, it's a one-piece casting; you have 2 heads in the kit: one with helmet, one without. Unfortunately because the hair on his head is solid resin, had the helmet been separate, it would hav needed to be ridiculously oversized to fit over his noggin'. I merely made a casting of the un-helmeted head, dremeled off the hair, and inserted it into a pre hollowed-out helmet and then cast it as one piece. Far simpler than it sounds.
  5. That would be awesome, and I'm sure I speak for everyone here when I say it's greatly appreciated. Also, I figured I'd post some pics of the kit dry-fitted for everyone's enjoyment.
  6. Sure thing. The condensed version is as follows: each kit: $55 Shipping for 1-4 kits within north America: $11 Shipping for1-2 kits everywhere else: $19 If you use Paypal, add $2 per kit. IPMOs also welcome
  7. hi folks. Ordering info is here: http://www.samurai-monkey.com/boardz/viewt...p?p=15153#15153
  8. Actually you could. Take notice that the helmet for Kamjin is slightly different from that of the regular officer's battle armor (scribing, shape of the visor) so that will require a little tinkering.
  9. Better safe than sorry Oh, and there's a new update on the 'Monkey: http://www.samurai-monkey.com/boardz/viewt...p?p=15044#15044
  10. If you could, you would be quite the lifesaver... Not to be confused with the candy of the same name Payments: hold on to your money for now, I still want to test my molds and get the packaging labels done. I mean I'd love to take everyone's money, but I want to be certain that I can deliver a quality product first.
  11. Zentradi ships? Just make your own with a zucchini and some corn nibblets! Sorry, I couldn't resist
  12. F&%%@#$$#%^%&$$%$^%%**@##%&%^^$%$^*(&**#$%##!!!!!!!
  13. Roughly 13.8cm tall. The standard soldier is about 13.1cm tall. AJACS: that was Jorwar_b's project; I had merely been approached to sculpt it if and when sufficient interested people could be found.
  14. Don't know yet, but I'll try to make as many as the molds will allow.
  15. New update on the 'Monkey http://www.samurai-monkey.com/boardz/viewt...p?p=14721#14721 I should be shaking dow--er, I mean getting ready to take orders by next week
  16. ...Oh, and the sculpting is done; I'll have pics of the masters tomorrow, right before I start committing to rubber
  17. Hi AcroRay. Yup, perfectly aware that the line on his face is a shadow; you see that on many characters, I just figured I'd give him a little bit of history and character. In reality, the line is quite feint and can probably be covered quite easily during the build. Plus, I think that the scar was more visible and prominent when he had no hair. Things are a tad different now. See for yourself:
  18. New update http://www.samurai-monkey.com/boardz/viewtopic.php?t=1456
  19. Hi guys. New update on Samurai Monkey: http://www.samurai-monkey.com/boardz/viewt...p?p=14501#14501 Get it while the electrons are sill fresh
  20. Anyone ese want in on a Kamjin? I should be starting the sculpting either tonight or tomorrow; progress pics will follow as per my usual M/O
  21. Yes, that's part of my reasoning behind the Kamjin figure: to build up to a 1/72 Glaug at a later date. Oh, and I had envisioned a price for the figure of about $50-55.
  22. Hi folks. The nasty rumors that have been circulating lately about my untimely and violent death were very much an exaggeration, as I'm alive and well... For a zombie,anyway In so much as this is sort of the "slow season" for modelling, I thought I'd take the time to make a suggestion on the next potential model, a 1/72 Kamjin figure in battle armor; I figured something smaller and simple might be a welcome break. The features I'd like to incorporate: -either a removeable helmet or swappable heads (one with helmet, one without) -I'd also include a zentradi battle rifle, and maybe build him in an action pose? Based on my math, I'd need about 40 orders to make it fly, and as always, I'm open to ideas and suggestions. What say you all?
  23. Here's a little something I was tinkering with a couple years ago; was thinking about dusting it off. Not Macross-related unfortunately.
  24. Just so everyone knows, the Imai kits and their decals were mostly "invented" by the people at Imai. The official lineart does not have nearly as much artwork on them. Also, you might be better off making the decal artwork from scratch and doing your own sizing based on the kit or which ever artwork you wish to make it look like; you get better results I find.
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