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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. http://www.new-un-spacy.com/sdfmacross/comanchero.htm
  2. September 13th update. I've spent most of the day drafting the blueprints from the Commanchero, so far so good. One of the things that troubled me about this gunship is its size: it seems to have an arsenal similar to that of an AH-64,but is literally almost as large as an Mi-24, and is actually wider at the fuselage than a Hind, due to the lateral placement of the engines. This was causing me some concern, as I couldn't for the life of me understand why the bird needed to be so large. By scrutinizing the line art, there didn't seem to be any sort of troop carrying capability; no room for a lateral door, sliding or otherwise, once again due to the engine placement. As a result, I came up with an interesting idea: why not give the Commanchero an internal weapons bay? So I did! I figured that this little option, while not necessarily canon, would justify the use of such a large helicopter,giving it substantially greater either air-to-air or air-to-ground attack capbilities. I will likely finish the dagrams by tomorrow, and will be committing to Ren-Shape by Wednesday. Stay tuned
  3. Agreed. While my opinion may not count for much, the last few pictures at the bottom of the original post showing the unpainted plastic toy make me prefer it over the overly lankily- proportioned model kit.
  4. I wholeheartedly agree, 1/32 is just way too big and would push the price-point over the practical edge of affordability. On the other hand, a 1/48 VF-25 would be feasible as a Perfect Grade; round about the size of the Zeta Gundam... Assuming they ever decided to go that route.
  5. I honestly wouldn't know, since I have no data or means of comparatively gauging each series' popularity. That having been said, Evangelion was a non-Gundam series, it was different, risky, and yet Bandai promoted and supported the hell out of it, so it just goes to show that if Bandai sense the possibility of gain from pushing something, Gundam-related or not, they will do it. That having been said, in my 20+ years of buying Gundam product, or just about anything from Bandai, I've noticed that they like to test the waters with lower price-point skus, and if those are successful, they go up a notch with the skus. If anything, I would tend to think that the current crappy outlook on the global economy would be the greater reason for their not going PG... But that's just me.
  6. Actually, I think it was literally THE first Perfect Grade. The very first run came with a gimmicky credit card type thing too.
  7. I could accomodate almost double that, but another dozen couldn't hurt. I will start drafting plans for the Commanchero on Monday. I also plan to pick up a 1/72 Mi-24 to see if there could be some interesting parts to scavenge for the sake of realism and parts commonality.
  8. I guess it would be unrealistic to expect Bandai to give the VF-25 the Perfect Grade treatment?
  9. It's not made yet. Demand seems to be pretty disappointing up to now.
  10. As I had tried to say back on the SM forum before Rob so rudely spoke on my behalf and promptly locked the thread, I'm certainly not opposed to the idea if I can find enough people willing to buy one... And provided that Hasegawa doesn't beat me to the punch
  11. The same way I managed to get matchstick-thick landing struts to hold up a beached whale like the Gnerl: inserts Honestly, I think that once you can get anime-accurate landing gear on something like that project and not have it collapse under its own weight, most everything else is child's play.
  12. Hi everyone. I started this thread in order to gauge interest for a potential 1/72 Commanchero model, since I had mentioned the topic previously and was met by some enthusiasm by board members. That having been said, my goal would be to have a model that would have clear vac-formed canopies and detailed cockpits, optional rocket pods and the option to have deployed or retracted landing gear. I was looking at 120-ish bucks as a goal also. All those who are interested, feel free to chime-in
  13. Yeah, the Commanchero is absolutely massive! Bigger than a VF-1 if my memory serves me correctly. Stick it in a hotdog bun and call it a manly meal!
  14. Speaking of fondling... Here are the instructions Probably not necessary for most of you, but I prefer to dot my Is and cross my Ts... Just to be on the safe side.
  15. If you have a deformed resin part, which does happen, simply pour some boiling hot water into a bowl or cup large enough to comfortably submerge the part. Put the part in that hot water and keep in in for 15-20 seconds. Remove part from boiling water, reshape as desired, then immediately place in cold water and voila! The part is set.
  16. It means you get to spend more money for the same kits... I think
  17. Hey guys. From now on, all projects, progress reports, etc will no longer be posted on the SM site, so everything will be right here on Macrossworld... Unless Shawn & Graham plan to evict me
  18. Breetai unofficially disowned him at a young age after a series of humiliating combat exercise foul-ups and forced him to adopt the "Kravshera" name Actually, it was intentional... Just like how I intentionally mis-spelled the names of previous mecha models; makes things that much more interesting if a certain corporate entity tries to claim ownership of a certain name *wink-wink*
  19. I was seriously looking into the Commanchero as my next victim; looks like a neat chopper and surprisingly big too, especially compared to a VF-1.
  20. That's an awesome family picturebook HWR, can't believe I haven't posted sooner. You have an awesome family
  21. 10 Kamjin kits, of course. The regular soldier has been discontinued for a loooong time.
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