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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. I freaking love it!! I'll have to build my own kit eventually, just out of pure jealousy! Ruben, I tip my hat to you, you make my models shine! P.S: be honest, now. Did you saw off the missiles and make your own with styrene?
  2. Yup, that was mine. It was closer to 80% complete... Back then anyway.
  3. 1/35 Monster custom-made one-off? Sure, I'll do it. You picking up the tab? I'll probably revive the 1/32 Legioss before I get around to that though.
  4. There are limitations and problems associated with making something like a 1/60 Monster out of PU resin, and to me, that simply wouldn't be practical. If you cast large parts solid, the exotherm created by the PU will cook itself in the mold and warp the part; if you cast parts hollow in certain areas and full in others, you end up with assymetrical shrinkage which brings about warpage... And that's not to speak of material sag over time, load-bearing matters and so on and so forth. I say just stick with Mike's 1/72 kit.
  5. Sorry about the pour stubs; they really are my Achilles heel. Maybe an overall gunship grey to match what you see in the animation? I might eventually do mine in overall dark grey with a light compass ghost grey underbelly... Airwolf-style
  6. The Commanchero project has been wrapped-up almost 2 months ago; the only reason people just recently received theirs was due to my own miscalculation in production & supply. A 1/72 Glaug is in the crosshairs for late March/early April.
  7. Being somewhat of a grizzled old fart that's followed Mospeada since the 80s, I seem to remember something about TREAD standing for TRans EArth Deployment, or something to that effect. As for "LEGIOSS," I think that "legios" is latin for "link." I don't recall LEGIOSS being an acronym of any kind though. It's been a while since anything Mospeada and I have crossed paths
  8. Somewhat off-current-topic, does anyone know what a first-release MP-01 Takara Convoy that has been displayed is worth? I tried rummaging through the forums over at TFW2005.com but I couldn't seem to find an answer.
  9. Hi guys. Not to worry, all kits have been shipped since mid last week, so it's just a matter of time before they show up at their respective destinations. 500+ kits shipped since 2004, and they never lost one yet Oh, and as for the Glaug, that won't be coming until late March/early April, so as to give everyone who wants one an opportunity to save-up.
  10. Onezero has already expedited my canopies, so they should be here in a matter of days. After that, everyone's package will be shipped within 2-3 days at most; all I really have to do is separate the canopies, bag them & slip 'em in the box.
  11. Believe it or not, I'm still waiting on the canopies! I'm hoping they weren't lost in transit or something, though it's likely just Canada Post taking their usual sweet time
  12. For the Commanchero you can't, since it's now officially out of production.
  13. Instructions are for sissies... Right up until you go and f*@$-up your build and then they aren't for sissies anymore The final boing!
  14. It was actually (true)1/32 scale, not 1/48. The masters are kinda scattered over two countries.
  15. Yes it does! The first few will go out Thursday, and hopefully the rest in the following few days. Oh, by the way, the canopies look awesome!!
  16. If by "spirit" you mean the spirit of insanity, I'm already a mile ahead of you
  17. Onezero over at SM is doing them. My own setup was very crude, and while I technically *could* have done them myself, it was very hit-or-miss and would have wasted too much lexan. I put the success of the project before my pride.
  18. Funny you should mention that: I had, in fact, come up with some really interesting firearm concepts a few years ago and was able to acheive proof-of-concept by making semi-functional plastic prototypes with light springs I put them on the shelf shortly thereafter in favor of more fun things.
  19. Actually, "profit" is nonexistent when I make these models. The price of any of my works is made up only of my labour fees and materials: I essentially just calculate the overall time that I anticipate it will take to bring a project from concept to a given number of finished, packed models, then just factor-in the materials and postal fees. Thankfully, my hourly wage is elastic, so I can adjust to compensate for a higher or lower demand. Seriously, this is not a way to "make money," if I wanted to do that, I'd just rob people at gunpoint; so much easier and a lot less work All kidding aside, it's immensely fun for me. There are times when I find myself working on a sculpt until 1 or 2am; not because I'm thinking of deadlines, but merely because I get so caught-up in the work that I lose all track of time. I look at my life like a perpetual friday afternoon of grade-school arts-&-crafts... Except that I've moved slightly beyond the use of sprinkles, white glue & popsicle sticks. No wait. I still use the two latter items
  20. On a basic level I completely understand where you're coming from. On the other hand, sometimes the reason something never makes it into 3-D form is that, well... Not enough people are interested in it. Oddly enough, my most successful models have been those that HAVE already been produced in 3-D. Badly. (Regult, Destroids.)
  21. Hi guys. Yup, I'm still up for oing a Cat's Eye if I can swing the numbers. Perhap after the Glaug, assuming I survive making it.
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