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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. Hi guys. I'll be shipping the first batch of models today. ( 9 kits left.)
  2. "*muttermutter*" is not my next project Actually, probably the Ka-'Tsai (Cat's Eye.)
  3. Hi guys! Sorry for not posting sooner; I've had almost a dozen models already cast since last Friday, I just totally forgot to post in the heat of the action... And Halloween candy. Anyways, those who are ready to send payment may do so at any time, here's the shipping info to add to the kit price ($140) Shipping within North America, up to 2 kits: $17.00 International up to 2 kits: $35.00 Paypal fee: 4% So for 1 kit shipped in N-A, the total comes to $163.28, and for Int'l, it boils-down to $182. I will process orders on a first come, first served basis until the fifteen models are all spoken for. As always, questions are welcome, ad if you require my private payment info, please contact me via PM
  4. Did they operate the F-14D in Zero? I seem to recall them only having the A model.
  5. Hi every one. Just wanted to provide a quick status update: molds are almost done, and decals should be in transit to me as we speak. The first castings will be ready by Wednesday, and I'll probably be able to ship as soon as this coming Friday; will have shipping prices by then. Please stay tuned
  6. I keep looking at this stuff every once in a while, but anything even remotely good enough to produce "no sanding necessary" parts to model-building caliber is still about 15K and up. The technology is almost there, but the cost still has a ways to go, and frankly, hand-made parts might not be micro-milimeter accurate, but they're a helluva lot faster and cheaper... And where static models are concerned, some of the very best stuff I've ever seen was done by hand, and often just plain looks better than something computer-generated...At least to me.
  7. It looks like there's sufficient interest, so I've started prepping the parts for molding. Let's hope the decals also come through.
  8. Probably not for another 2 weeks, provided that I get enough interest to green light the project
  9. Hi everyone. While I had alluded to the project back in the Graug thread, this is the official "Legult re-issue" thread. Having said that, I intend this to be a limited (12-15 pieces only) re-issue of the 2005 full-cockpit Regult. It will also have reworked packaging to commemorate my 5th anniversary of Macloss model-making However, unlike the original issue of the kit, I will make a few slight improvements: -The resin will be a different color than the customary grey, so as to distinguish it from the original. -The original (unstable) polycal joints will be replaced with the sturdy, fixed-pose 2.0 leg joints as seen on the heavy and scout Regults -Parts breakdown will be improved; simplified in structural areas without sacrificing the super-detail aspects, especially the cockpit -Decals! <--while still not 100% confirmed, I'm working on having a set included; the original didn't have any. -Price is set at $140 plus shipping. So far, I have the following (tentative) interested parties: -hodiod01 -Leon Gor -Kremmen -Ahiachris -Heavy Melder -Jadefalconguard -Neptunesurvey So unless there's an error in the above, that should mean that there are 5-7 slots still available. Want in? Just let me know
  10. Hi guys. I figured I'd enquire here on MW. I'm looking to get some decals done for my next project(and perhaps other projects) on a per-contract basis. I do all my own artwork on Corel Draw 6, and will even do the necessary color separation, so I really just need someone who can do the printing. If anyone out there is capable/interested, just PM me. Thanks in advance
  11. Actually, I like all the others a lot. The only one I'm slightly less keen on is the Lucifer, but I can fix that with a coat of paint; the Twin Tornado thingamabob is really the only design that I think is a serious step backwards.
  12. Well there's that... Plus, it just looks like a$$, making it that much harder for me to suspend my disbelief. I really don't see why they couldn't just paint the regular super-armor pink and call the squadron the Pink Peckers or something; that would've been far more visually acceptable than that, that... Twin-barreled, Gundam reject-inspired monstrosity. I can see why the new pack is light on weaponry, they won't need it: when the Vajra see them, they'll just laugh themselves to death. The Captain's judgement of epic fail stands.
  13. I wouldn't mind taking a stab at some sort of aftermarket update eventually; I think that the fixed flaps/slats on the control surfaces are begging for a correction. As for photo-etch, the last time I did some was 10 years ago and it was very, very pricy (mind you, it was stainless steel.) That having been said, if I can find a supplier with a better price, I'm all for it.
  14. LMAO!!!!
  15. For what it's worth, I think that they were very smart in the marketing of the new 1/48 Macross line: produce a kit in 1/48 scale that is nicely scribed, with just enough detail--and affordable! They very easily could have tooled more removeable panels, separate slats, flaps, photo-etch, fowler flaps, etc, but then the price-point would be much less attractive; especially for those that just want a nice, clean, no-frills display bird. I give Hasegawa a great big thimbs-up!
  16. The arm cannons are actually about right in size and shape, what they did was make the forearm too short, and the lower body too large. I offer, for everyone's consideration, scans of the original line-art views for comparison. These are the drawings that I worked from. The fact that the japanese licensors offer more leeway to deviate from source-material is nice, since it allows for much more creative freedom, making each interpretation unique, unlike, say, Disney, who are horrible micro-managers. The flip-side to deviating from source material is that, despite good intentions, you always run the risk of it not being well-received.
  17. It was not intended to be a racial slur, and if it came across that way, I apologize. It was my attempt at humor based on his last film role as Walt Kowalski (Gran Torino.)
  18. Ouch! Tommy looks waaaaaay too wide at the hips; kinda kills the overall look of the mech and makes it look rather like some sort of robotic mongoloid. For crying out loud, there are front, back and side diagrams (with only minor discrepancies) that were made 25+ years ago and are readily available over the net; sorry, but this just isn't acceptable. Sculpt=Fail. No wonder they seem to have trouble marketing this sku...
  19. He'd never touch the franchise in a million years. Even if someone DID manage (by freak chance) to get a TF script to within 100 feet of him, he'd probably look at the cover page, furrow his brow, sneer, and say something like: "what kinda crazy-ass Gook sh*t is this???" And rightfully so. Michael Bay can't hold a candle to the guy that shampoos Clint Eastwood's crotch.
  20. Finally! An affordable 1/48 Bulky Lee! I think it needs many, many aftermarket conversions. I volunteer!
  21. Alright, well since nobody else seems to want to talk about the white elephant in the corner, I guess I will. Are you f#cking sh*tting me???? That's the absolute stupidest, ugliest POS imaginable! What fracking retarded two year-old came up with THAT craptastic design??? The Captain declares the new "super" pack: epic fail! **Rant over** And no offence to CF18 is implied or intended, I acknowledge that he is merely the messenger here.
  22. For what it's worth, and depending on if I can find someone to do the printing, I'd contemplated offering a set of decals formy 1/72 Graug; I had already done most of the artwork from scratch for the Regults anyway, and certain symbols will carry-over. The only reason they weren't done and included in the kit is that the project already went into cost-overrun.
  23. Neither, it was merely a "Votoms-like" mecha that I had sketched to parody the Votoms style. That particular design was never used as far as I know.
  24. Correct, the Ger would be just under 23cm in 1/72 scale.
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