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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. Hi folks! Quick little update before I slide back into the incohesive babble of semi-consciousness brought about by too much food and drink. Molding has gone exceptionally well, and over the last few days I've started the casting process. I took a pic of the masters just prior to pouring the rubber, followed by the castings made from them. Hope everyone likes blue I also wanted to take the time to wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year 2011!!!!
  2. Anyone else notice how Rinzler emitted a faint but distinct growl/humming noise? Kind of like the sound that a servo makes when it meets resistance? I didn't catch that the first time, but noticed it during the second viewing. Very subtle but clever.
  3. I haven't seen the original Tron in a very looooong time, but wasn't the reason that Flynn broke into the Encom building that Encom had stolen some of Flynn's work and used it for their own purposes?
  4. ZOMG, they HAVE to put that on the blu-ray release; that would be epic win-ness and an open door for chapter III!!!!
  5. Ditto! I don't understand the negativity and criticism leveled at the film for the story or the acting, I thought it was delightful... And worth seeing at least once again on the big screen
  6. I actually like the new Megatron look, and I'm sure that the toy doesn't do the film design justice either.
  7. Hi guys! Sorry for my tardiness; I wanted to give a quick pre-Christmas update to show some of the little tweaks I did to the patterns. Pic 1: here is a comparative view of the shoulder missile pod. The updated version on the left now has hydraulic actuators for the missile door. I also added a sensor housing that would be visible through a clear cover in the door (see pic 2.) I figured that something like the Legioss would have a series of sensor/cameras located at key points to overcome blind spots and provide the pilot with a more 360-degree view of the battlefield. Just one of the little details I had never gotten around to doing originally. In pic 3, we see the main shoulder joint which I completely re-fabricated. The original was meant to be cast in white metal, but with the better resins available now, I can make a sufficiently strong hinge with resin, all while keeping the weight down. Notice the beefy 3m cap screws! Pic 4 shows the same shoulder pod assembly, but with the new joint mechanism in place. The louvers on the back of the shoulder now have a little extra detail. Pic 5: the hands have also been reworked somewhat. The knuckles all have little armored pads added and the palm has been re-sculpted to make positioning the gun handle a little easier. Pic 6: one area that received the most re-working was the forearm. The original forearm missile housings were crude and underdetailed (on the right) but were completely redone along with all-new missiles. Detail was also added to the expendable countermeasure tubes atop the arm thrusters. Last but not least, I machined out the front of the gun's targeting system and added a sensor unit that will be housed in a clear housing. Masters are currently being prepped for molding and that should be completed before the week is up.
  8. I won't be touching that til after the holidays. Cockpit will be the same, just a longer nosecone & radar housing.
  9. Hi guys! Quick little update for the Festivus season -Finally refined the masters for the arms; all parts needing TLC have received it, so there will be a few minor upgrades to the masters which I will reveal in pictures before the weekend is out. -Ordered all the screws (all 2000 of them!) -Will begin work on the destructions first, then molds early next week. Also, it would seem that there a few more people that would like to clime aboard the Beast ship. As it stands, I'm theoretically booked, but there are some question marks remaining, so I would ask that the following members please contact me ASAP: -jorwar_b -nightmareB4macross -Silverdragon -THOR Thanks guys
  10. Realistically, the base Eta model could be modified to make 3 other variants, the iota, Zeta, and Dark (manned) Legioss with just a few conversion parts. I don't see why a little conversion kit with new head/ride armor/pilot/decals couldn't be offered later on.
  11. That looks awesome, Marc! How's the version with the charged/firing main gun coming along? I seem to recall that you were contemplating how to go about achieving that effect a while back.
  12. Are they members here? Re: Inbits. Even in scale with my 1/32 kit, a Gurab (the grape-flavored mecha) would only be about 22-23cm tall, and no where near as spendy as the armored fighter, due to the relative simplicity and low parts count. An Eager (little sand crabby thing) would be even cheaper; maybe the price of a Destroid. Once again, that's still a ways off but well within the realm of possibility.
  13. Nope. The current workload is already very high; pilot/stowed ride-armor would have to be offered separately later.
  14. I can actually re-do the artwork, no problem. What I'd really need is someone who can do excellent quality printing from a Corel Draw X4 file.
  15. Ok, for those of you who have contracted in, the down-payment will go as follows: -$140 per kit ordered. -Shipping North-America: 1 kit = $19.00. 2-3 kits: $32.00 -Shipping International: $40.00 -Transaction fee: 3% (downpayment(s) plus shipping multiplied by 1.03 will give you your total) IMPORTANT: do NOT, I repeat, do NOT send funds until you have reviewed and returned the agreement as requested. For info on that agreement and how to get things going, refer to post #92. If anyone needs me, I'll be having a snack in my office
  16. Umm, sure, you can throw your name into some hat if you want to... Dunno what that has to do with the Beast... I kid, I kid! Sure thing, buddy! Welcome aboard
  17. If you do a little search for threads I've started in the past here in the modeling section, I'm sure you'll find quite a few that describe my building procedures & materials I use. It's pretty much all the same, only the final shapes differ slightly
  18. Holy moly, what a whopper!! Actually, even at 1/24 it won't be massive; maybe a tad bigger than a 1/32 F-14. Will you be using PU resin? Fiberglass? Keep it up man, that looks kickass!
  19. Hi Akim, long time no see! Yup, I think I have pretty much all I need as far as visual reference. I've also added a lot of little things that weren't in the original line art, like a crew boarding ladder, access hatches, radar assembly, etc, etc. You know me, I like to put my own little touches on things ^^
  20. You'll have the ability to pose the kit however you like and make a few adjustments here/there, but I would advise against constantly trying to change the pose, as it will loosen the joints over time. Think model, not toy Oh yes, it's f%$*ing huge
  21. Pics... I've done a little machining to certain parts I felt could use some improvement. In pic 1, I've opted to remodel the forearm missile housings so as to allow for slightly larger warheads. Pic 2: testing and fitting of parts, to make sure everything goes together as it should, and try to pick up on any shortcomings I may have missed 8 years ago. Pics 3 & 4: STEEL HARDWARE' BABY!!! In stead of using punier, wimpier Walthers brass bits, I opted to go for full steel 3m hardware throughout the kit. This will not only make the model rock-solid, but will also stay within the sturdy, over-designed look that the Legioss is famous for. Most screws will be hidden, but the ones that are visible won't detract from the kit one bit, thanks to the strategic use of countersunk screws. You can also see in pic 4 that certain parts are being rebuilt entirely; the originals just weren't cutting it with regards to tolerances. Pics 5 & 6: the enlarged missile bay and new missiles, respectively. Detail will be added and refined in due course. That is all. Carry on
  22. Hi everyone. Yes, I'm still alive. Barely... I've been busy doing inspection, re-engineering and re-working of some of the BEAST's details. All of which needs to be done to make this the best model I can make, and oh boy there are a lot of parts! I will have pics shortly detailing some of the changes I'm making to the kit, but just as a heads-up, you'll need a good quality 2 and 2.5mm Allen wrench What I need from you guys ATM: send me a PM with an e-mail address that you check regularly. I will use it to send you a User Agreement that will be the back-bone for this project. This is to cover both my but and your butts because it's such a spendy and sensitive project. Still putting the finishing touches on this, but you can expect to receive it by day's end Friday.
  23. Hi Carl, I have that jpeg too, but I was referring to the actual vector file. At least I can size that image and use it as a quick reference.
  24. Looking good! Did the sprue antennae pose much of an obstacle?
  25. Hi Pat, Nightmare. Welcome aboard! Guess what guys, it looks like we have our 20!!! I'll kick the project off on Dec 1st officially, but will be doing some prepping behind the scenes until then... I also have to redo all the decals from scratch because the original file was lost, but that'll be a labor of love. Oh, and by the way... IT LIVES!!!!
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