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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. I wouldn't worry too much about colors: between original Vs. Remastered footage, lighting conditions, printing color variations, it's pretty much impossible to get a spot-on match. Just mix and match based on what you like and be happy!
  2. November 15 2013 Captain's log, Friday!! The first update of the Mo-Suu-Pii-Dah Inbitoh begins now. In my usual fashion, I have elected to catalog the building process as closely as I can without getting putty on my camera lens… Which almost happened a couple of times … I feel that I need to preface this first update by saying that of all the Anime mecha subjects I've tackled, this one is perhaps the most inconsistent in terms of line art. To further compound matters, I don't think that the designers really gave much thought to the joints on Inbits in general: more often than not, the joints, particularly in the legs, just look like a series of blob-shapes that are somehow supposed to move and allow for articulation. Alas, have no fear, I'm an expert in the interpretation of Anime magic! Since the line art is so variable from one view to the next, I decided to focus on the principal beauty shot for this mecha (pic 001) and simply try to harmonize all the other views with this one. With that said, the journey begins! Pic 01: these are the blocks of modeling board and basic tools that I use when commencing a build. I also print-out some same-size line-art, which comes in very handy for reference. Pic 02: I first begin by chopping my larger modeling board blocks into smaller, more manageable pieces. Pic 03: Next, I take my line-art and carefully cut-out certain key parts to maintain a really tight build spec. Pic 04: since certain components appear only in perspective, I use my compass to measure and then draw certain other components if I feel I need to. For more mechanical components, I will draft on the computer, but due to the very organic nature of this subject, I have elected to render free-hand. Pic 05: my smaller blocks were insufficient, so here I am prepping another block on the mill. It's important to maintain perfectly right angles: this helps make the transfer of proportions much more exact. Pic 06: I stick my paper cut-outs directly to the modeling board to make the sculpting of parts easier. Pic 07: using the band saw, excess material is removed, but I'm mindful not to cut too close, since it's much more work to add material than to remove it. Pic 08: I use a grinding bit on a drill press to remove as much excess material as possible, all while maintaining a right angle on the part. I try to keep parts square for as long as possible, so as to make the verification of dimensions much easier. Pic 09: the upper crab armor goes under the mill. I use my machine to remove material incrementally in complex, curved areas: it becomes a kind of manual CNC job where I remove material in tiny steps forming a curve, which I can then sans smooth later. Pic 10: the main components, still in their crude, blocky form. Pic 11: this is the "calf" armor. I'm machining out the openings for the joints while the parts still have square angles. Makes machining much easier. Pic 12: now comes the fun (and dusty) part: using my dremel, I now begin to carefully round-out the given shapes. This particular piece will become the forearm. Pic 13: a cluster of very carefully-crafted "blob" joint parts. This is a particularly tedious step, as the parts have to look convincingly blobby, but still be identical left to right. A considerable amount of time and effort was expended to get them all just right, and then somehow fit together. Pic 14: the lower leg calf component, now adequately rounded is used to fit the shin armor. I use a kind of "putty smash" technique to ensure that these very organic parts all fit like a glove. Pic 15: the toe/foot claws were too short, so here I am widening them. Don't worry about that blob of putty, it will all be cleaned up. Pics 16 and 17: a very quick and crude test-fit, courtesy of some plasticine to hold the parts together. Not too shabby if I do say so myself. That's pretty much it for this week's update. Next week comes the fun of adding all those wonderful details… And beam guns! Stay tuned More pics!
  3. WIP pics will be posted tomorrow. I actually only started on Monday so there won't be a whole lot of progress made. I seem to have quite a few pics though
  4. That's simply a fantastic Star Destroyer! I can just imagine the hours upon hours of hard work that went into that.
  5. OoOoOoOoh, I know what that's going to turn into!
  6. If you'd like. I'll be doing another segment in a couple of weeks so if you have anything to ask, I'll tackle the question in the podcast.
  7. Not too late! Payments are still coming in...
  8. I never get tired of seeing you guys show off your work. Absolutely beautiful, Mike!!
  9. I took it upon myself to do a thorough clean-up of my studio, so I won't be cutting modeling board for another couple days. The first update will be on the 15th, though I may have something to show before that. I'm such a maverick!
  10. It's a sad, sad day when Cookie Monster is relegated to eating apples! Notifications sent via PM!
  11. http://www.gearsonline.net/series/mospeada/mecha/inbit-mecha/grob/
  12. I'll just pretend I didn't hear that! Actually, I can't really find fault in your statement. I think that my initial expectations coupled with the mediocre special effects are what did the film in for me. Granted, I haven't watched it in well over a decade.
  13. Nope, you're still in time. Heads-up guys: I'm redirecting you all and your questions for the Skype interview to this thread in the modeling section: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=40177
  14. Arms and beam cannons won't be a problem, but the knees may be challenging. I don't even know how those would move at all given the line art. Upper and lower leg will be separate though, so we'll see. I'll start hitting you guys up for payment on Monday or Tuesday.
  15. Marvellous, absolutely marvellous, Mike!! It's so very heart-warming to see people build the kits I make. I'm even quite pleasantly surprised that you managed to re-pose it, even if only slightly. Guess those 3D printed joints really paid off!
  16. Agreed. The project will go ahead!! Also, just a quick FYI, fellow MWer Boinger will be interviewing me on Skype Saturday November 2nd at 1pm Eastern time (noon central time.) I don't know if you'll be able to listen-in live, but the podcast will be posted right after the interview... Exact details to come, but I was thinking that if people had questions, they could post them in this thread and I'll try to answer as many as I can during the interview. I will start the Gurab on Monday, once the sugar-shock of Halloween has passed.
  17. L-Gaim is to Five Star Stories as The Life And Adventures Of Santa Claus was to The Wizard Of Oz. I've only glimpsed at L-Gaim here and there since FSS was really more my thing, but those SPEC figures look excellent!
  18. I count 23...Make that 27. Updated. Ignacio mechaniac petarB Phyrox cool8or +1 anonymous smut peddler 2 Tober 2 Cory Holmes davidwhangchoi Pat S Twoducks coronadlux Reflex atoyer DarrinG woodmonk derex3592 2 Hyperion728 2 Sam Jennety_ varitechs 2
  19. The For Sale section gets far less traffic than this one does. I think it's simply a matter of accepting the fact that inbit simply aren't popular enough. Time to hang the "we are now closed" sign and move on.
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