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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. Getting close. If need be, I'll put a link in the For Sale thread to get the few remaining spots filled. Looks like I should clean my work table in anticipation for another case of crabs!
  2. It depends on how quickly I can get the minimum orders going. Based on my calculations, a week or two for getting the interest up and another week or so for the payments, you should be okay.
  3. So, here we are. Again. Hot on the heels of the previous 1/48 Pinky Space Crab project, I offer you my next suggested modeling project: the 1/48 Inbit Gamo, or as I like to call him, Blueberry Crabs! The more I look at this thing, the more I realize that it can practically stand toe-to-toe with the Legioss and is probably more significant than the Legioss in terms of actual mass, long story short: it's biiiig. So tentatively, I'm thinking $160 for the 1/48 kit, which will be over 6.5" tall with a parts breakdown similar to the Gurab... So who's in? I need 30 orders minimum to get the ball rolling.
  4. I'll start a separate thread on Friday for this new project to see if there's enough interest. I'm leaning toward the larger size, just because I'm more visual and the Gamo looks to be almost as tall as a Legioss with its massive cannons.
  5. THAT... Is a very sensible question. According to specs it's supposed to be 7.1m tall. Given that info, I'm thinking a price of $140. That having been said, this image makes it look considerably bigger, so if I were to base myself on the image, it would probably be closer to 160 bucks.
  6. If I recall, there were some poor quality black-and-white images of what were allegedly robot modes for the Dinobot toys a while back. I suspect that they will transform.
  7. I see that some people are really eager builders! looking very good indeed. ...Aaaaand all Pinky Space Crabs sold! Disappeared like spit on a hot griddle!
  8. Take your time with it, you're better off Dremeling a very small amount of material at any one time than removing too much and damaging the part. Once you get the parts oriented to your liking, you can set the pegs in place with 5 minute epoxy. 2 kits left up for grabs, all the others are now spoken for.
  9. This may be rather harsh and judgmental on my part, but I think that the new Optimus design is a fugly POS that, aside from the head, bears NO resemblance whatsoever to the iconic character. I really don't know why they changed his look, he was awesome in the first three films.
  10. Washing parts in dishsoap & water right before painting is all that's really necessary, I use a paint-friendly mold release. I'd be reticent to use any kind of harsh solvent on the resin for fear of damaging the surface. dkev: message received and I'll send you the missing parts, no sweat! Resin ordered, and I'll be contacting the members interested in more kits via PM.
  11. Well it looks like the 6 slots filled up mighty fast! If I saw correctly it's: Cesar Enrique shdwfx2000 (2) Dark Archon3000 (2) Ghadrack THOR Guess I'll go ahead and order some of that fancy resin and get my a$$ in gear
  12. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten you! My molds are still good for maybe six or seven more kits, the only problem is that I'm literally out of resin. If I can get an extra 6 orders I'll be able to make it happen, so those of you who missed out, now's your chance to chime-in! Cory: if it's okay with you, I'll save the answer to that question for part II of my audio interview with Boinger in about 3 weeks. I think it's worth going into detail on a question like that, but sooo much easier to do so verbally as opposed to typing.
  13. All orders have shipped, less than 44 hours apart. Now to work on the destructions...
  14. No, I just ship. Between the first and last package shipped we're talking 3-4 days tops.
  15. Yes! A dozen orders were shipped out as of a few minutes ago, and another dozen will ship tomorrow
  16. One idea I had (among many) was to make funnel recharging blocks for the Nu Ver. Ka similar to the Hi-Nu, but with styling that better suits the Ver. Ka, and with the addition of sliding armor sections to expose some more Psyco-frame goodness. Also, what I really don't like with the Hi-Nu is that the back-pack design sacrifices the bazooka mount, so obviously mine wouldn't. The challenge is really in getting the fin funnels to attach properly due to their design.
  17. Still waiting on boxes. Shipping labels and customs forms are also done... I've got all these crabs and nowhere to go.
  18. It's been said dozens of times already, but the Sazabi is Saza-BIG! Seriously, it doesn't even need to draw a weapon on another MS, all it needs to do is drop its shield on its opponent and it's game over! I highly suspect that my next project will involve building an augmented weapons system for the Nu Ver. Ka and then the Sazabi...
  19. Hi guys. I've got all the kits cast and bagged, just waiting on the boxes which are late (what a surprise!) Hopefully I'll get those this week so that I can begin shipping.
  20. I have breaking news: I'm almost done casting!!!... And I decided to rename the kit "Pinky Space Crab."
  21. Exo, your figures are pure awesomeness! Give yourself a pat on the back man, you do fantastic work!!
  22. ...Aaaand it's Friday, again!! Have a gander at the finished Inbiitoh. I just put him together with hot glue yet he holds together surprisingly well. I managed to cast a whopping 25 kits this week, still waiting on the shipping boxes... Hopefully I get those before Christmas.
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