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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. I'm thinking August 1st so as to give people a bit of breathing room during the vacation season. Yes, payments with shipping up-front.
  2. Yes, the stats show that it's about the same size but more detailed and with a more complex parts breakdown, hence the price.
  3. Yes, free-pose means no moving parts. At least one member modded my Gurab (Pinky Space Crab) with ball-joints. It's certainly feasible, but I opt not to do this to maintain as much authenticity in the joints as possible despite their often unrealistic design. Also, ball-joints make a resin model more fragile due to the overall weight so I leave that compromise to people who really want it.
  4. Well that, plus the fact that there are ZERO prospects on the horizon from any official kit/collectible companies, who probably regard Inbit offerings with as much enthusiasm as an anchor by a drowning man. The very few (garage)kit iterations of this mecha which I've seen have been disappointing to be put mildly.
  5. The time has come for the heavy artillery! So here's my proposal: a resin kit in my usual style and quality that will have the following features: -free-pose build (build it in the pose you want), fingers too. -the option of having open or closed missile bays (shoulders) -translucent canopy with detailed cockpit interior (no pilot though) -can be built as the dude or chick model (just sand off the head antenna) I'll also look into making the cockpit hatch open with the seat deploy. Worst case you'll have to choose open or closed build versions if the hinge mechanism is too intrusive/complex. We'd be looking at a price-point of $215 Canadian bucks (about $200 US) and I would need 30 orders to get the ball rolling. Who's with me?? I will also accept payments in Bitcoins for the brave pioneers among you
  6. Last call for the Spartan kits. After this week they will be available through eBay only.
  7. Just a heads-up guys, kits will be shipping Wednesday and Thursday!
  8. Next will most likely be the 1/48 Gosu, provided that the demand is there.
  9. Last of the molds will be poured by day's end. Molds ready by Wednesday-ish
  10. I just saw it a couple hours ago and I thought it was great! Lots of interesting allegories in there so I'll have to see it again, but without the large soda this time! Oh, my poor bladder
  11. Hi all, just wanted to give you a heads-up on my progress: mold prep is half-way done, I'm just waiting on the mold rubber which will probably arrive late in the week. A couple of pictures of my progress are included below
  12. Excellent work! You managed to breathe new life into such a clunky old kit and I tip my hat to you for your efforts.
  13. Since the project is going forward but the making-of dates back a few years, I though it would be interesting to offer some of the newer members a retrospective look at the construction process of the Spaltan. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=24314 Enjoy!
  14. Okay, we're off to the races!! Each kit will be $152 Cdn dollars ($140 US) and the shipping fees are as follows: -$23 Cdn for up to 2 kits shipped anywhere in the US or Canada. -$42 Cdn for up to 2 kits shipped anywhere else in the world. Paypal is acceptable as always (same address for those who already have it), though to shake things up, I will also accept payment in bitcoins for those of you who are more tech savvy Will PM the rest of you with the details.
  15. So far it looks like 10-11 people are desirous of a kit. While it's still short of the goal, I'd be okay to get the ball rolling on new molds because the masters are already made... And I suspect that there might be more demand later. Will start trolling for funds come Monday if you guys are down with that
  16. Yes, straight re-issue. I'll leave the window of orders open until the 13th at the latest.
  17. It's possible that people aren't used to finding me in the modeling section anymore, so I'll post a link in the for sale section to this thread.
  18. Hi folks! It's been quite a while since I posted in the modeling section, so I figured that I was long overdue. My intention was to offer a re-issue of the SPALTAN kit, seeing as how the big model firms don't seem to want to touch our beloved green goblin. I'd need 15 orders to get the project off the ground, the kits would be $140 apiece. Any takers?
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