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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. 25. Got a PM for a set, so just 5 more! I'll post something in the For Sale section later
  2. Oddly enough, the confusion seems to have started after my edit, so just to clarify, One kit contains: -2 complete baby crabs -1 space booster
  3. And so, we have come to the final 1/48 Inbit project: the Eager scout, hereinafter The Baby Crab. So here's what I had in mind: one kit would contain two complete Baby Crab kits w/beam cannons, as well as one space sled (booster.*) $115 for the set and I'd need 30 confirmed orders to get the project going. And so now I turn the microphone over to you. Who wants in? *Edited product description
  4. A 1/48 Inbit Protector would be tiny and would probably come out better via 3D printing. Perhaps EXO would be willing to tackle that little bugger?
  5. Are people suddenly eager for Eager? I'll start a thread on that early next week.
  6. Not worth it, the hands are among the worst parts in the kit. Better off taking some round Gundam hands which will be far better quality.
  7. I would start off with offering Soldier mode and see what type of demand there is... After the baby crab of course!
  8. I'm starting to think that this may very well be needed. Perhaps after the Eager (Baby Space Crab)
  9. The Imai kit is actually touted as being 1/48... In a world where a fully-grown adult male is 4 feet tall. I loathed that kit so much when I was a kid: the engineering really fails on so many levels it's not even funny. The non-variable 1/72 kits are not only better but also probably the best plastic Legioss representations.
  10. Hi guys! Just wanted to let you all know that kits are all cast and will start shipping next week. Molds have held up quite well and so there's a chance I may be able to get a couple of extra castings with a little luck.
  11. Funny that you should mention that fibrous pattern, I was contemplating something like that for all the crabs, but since it wasn't really clear with regards to the line-art I decided to err on the side of caution. The Curio-Craft model has better fingers, but that's because I had to re-sculpt mine at the very last minute.
  12. Er, back on the topic at hand... I'll try to have some full-frontal King Crab pix up by Friday. Molds seem to be holding up well and should hit the half-way casting point by the end of the week.
  13. Soooo the casting has FINALLY commenced this week. Will be at ComicCon all weekend, but wanted to at least get a pic of my crabs out there for everyone to see... Orange mousse flavor
  14. Very interesting question! Never a whole mould, but there have been rare occasions where a cavity within a mould will not yield acceptable castings and so a particular part will be set onto a different mould box with a corrected position to yield better castings. The frequency of these events has dwindled over time: lots of practice and experience has all but done away with these problems although there are some shapes which I sculpt that require more study in able to mould/cast properly.
  15. Test-shot is the very first casting where you trouble-shoot, see if the vents and gates are sufficient, need to be enlarged or new vents added to prevent air pockets or decrease pour time. Also, the castings will be in a color other than gray for production
  16. You mean Reflex Point?? Actually yes!! Thanks for reminding me, the molds are almost done and I already have test-shots and preliminary casting started. Castings came out beautifully
  17. Gorgeous counter-tops!! And those inbits are pretty nifty too
  18. Thanks for posting this Exo, this guy has mad skills... And patience! *Bows before serious modeling talent.*
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