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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. I'll start when most of the deposits are in, so keep 'em coming guys! We're about 1/3 in so far.
  2. Very nice builds, and kudos for taking what I consider horrible kits and making them look great! I wonder if the Zentradi are trying to tell us that they're vegetarians....
  3. Hi guys! Deposit-Day is here, so get your wallets ready for a dose of pain--Captain style!!... That just came out all wrong, didn't it? Anyway yes, today I start taking deposits [$200.00 CAD] so feel free to Paypal me. Once again I'd like to remind you all to leave me your telephone numbers for the updated customs forms, which you can do via PM, or in the Paypal message also. I've already begun drafting and will begin the manual work either Friday or Monday the 9th. I'll certainly have my work cut-out for me!
  4. The detail on this kit looks excellent! I was a little bit sad that they took some liberties with the shape and proportions but for a static model, I suspect that it will be hard to beat.
  5. Always nice to see familiar screen names pop-out of the woodwork! Past it rather, so I'm calling the project officially full until further notice.
  6. Hi Mike. Shameless plugs are perfectly welcome! In fact once the Ger is made, if there's demand for a pilot upper body perhaps you can offer a kit for it. You'll likely have to mod the arms on the Zentradi soldier, but otherwise very feasible. Pilot will have to be shoehorned in with ample grease as usual
  7. 28 is fine, assuming everyone confirms. I would ask everyone on the list to confirm with me via PM to double-check/add your mailing address and to also leave me your phone numbers which I need for the new customs forms. I will start taking a deposit of $200 CAD next Monday. I remain at your service, as usual, for questions.
  8. Based on my count, that's 28. For the sake of clarity, this is the list: [berttt] Kicker773 RKSC wmkjr Sbantonelli jefuemon Cool8or Gabe Q Major Tom Cobywan Ahiachris Petrov27 Steve71 Dark Achron3000 Neptunesurvey reflex joscasle Grayson72 jipe Heavy Melder Spitfire_BR baxojayz Ghadrack (2) wwwmwww THOR Jardann Lord Uglor For what it's worth, I would split the payment in two, if only because I won't know the full shipping weight until the kit is done. The fact that it helps to soften the financial blow helps too. For any revisions needed to the list, just LMK.
  9. I will let Toynami disappoint with their offering... Perhaps after that has passed, people will be accepting of a 1/48 soldier--done MY way.
  10. 16 so far including PM confirmations! Not bad at all considering the price-point and the fact that it's been a little over 4 days.
  11. As I haven't posted here in some time, I have started an interest thread in a 1/72 Zentradi power suit project here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=42217 If there are still any members hoping for more of my 1/72 models, this is your chance!
  12. Aaaand back to Macross! Maybe. So as I had stated in a previous thread, there were some outstanding Macross subjects still needing to be done, namely the Zentradi battle suits. I'm offering this subject as the next contender in the 1/72 series, which would have the following characteristics: - based on the TV series design -can be built with cockpit open or closed -in-scale with my previously-released Zentradi soldier, so will be quite a large kit (22.5-23cm tall!) Due to its size and the complexity of the sculpt, this would NOT be a cheap offering at 355.00 Canadian ($285 US approximately) but it would be... Glorious!!! As you have all put a $200 CAD deposit, there is the $155 CAD outstanding balance on the kits as well as the shipping fees which are as follows: $30.00 CAD up to 2 kits for USA/Canada $72.00 CAD for international shipping. Also very important: please add an extra 5% to the total to cover transaction fees if there are any. Generally PP will let you know before you send if there are fees and ask you if you will pay or make the recipient pay. I will commence casting on Monday once I test and group the molds for optimum casting.
  13. In so much as this project is tanking, I will start a 1/72 Nousjadeul Ger thread in the Workshop section for those who are interested.
  14. I will let this run until the 20th, hopefully we will hit the minimum requirement by then.
  15. Very good question, and the answer is yes: my intent was to scale-down the proportions of my 1/32 model. That also means that it will be a bigger kit than average since the cockpit was designed around a real human being and not a 4 foot tall anime character, so 22-23cm in stead of the 18.5-19cm of the old Imai kit. There will be no actual cockpit in the kit though, just to clarify.
  16. Hi guys! As promised, I am starting a thread to gauge interest in a 1/48 Mospeada Legioss soldier mode (hereinafter referred to as Buster: Henshin Robo) resin model to accompany the Crabb army which I made a little while ago. I would also make all three head variations: Blue, Green and Redd to allow for more versatility in the collection. Kit would be free-pose type (build it in the desired pose only) although certain joints will allow for minimal re-posing. Decals and markings: I will do the artwork, which I will then offer as open-source so that you can download and print as you see fit. This is going to be quite a bit more of an undertaking than most of my previous models, simply by virtue of its geometric complexity so you'd be looking at a $265 Canadian price-point (about $218 US) plus shipping. I would need a minimum of 30 orders to get the ball rolling so ask yourselves: is Buster right for YOU?
  17. Hi guys. I'll start a thread for the 1/48 Legioss on Monday in the usual manner to see if there's sufficient interest for a kit. Wouldn't be cheap though, very likely in the $200US price range. Stay tuned!
  18. N-Ger, Legioss, Macross, Q-Rau. All models I would like to make, in no particular order and if the demand is there.
  19. I was more partial to 1/3000 because it would at least be in scale with the Yamato film version and still be borderline manageable price-wise.
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