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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. So far, 20. The problem with leaving it for longer is that after about a month, people become distracted, forget, or commit to other purchases and then comes the chore of tracking down the members that don't visit MW frequently to see if--after all that time--they're still committed.
  2. Holy cow, that's awesome... And shocking! That Kamjin would allow his Glaug to fall into such a state of disrepair!! Seriously, that is one impressive model. May it strike fear into the rest of your kits for generations to come!!
  3. Actually, all the Legioss toys/models, save for the Toynami (1/55?) are undersized for any kind of adult human pilot. Having scrutinized the line-art at length I can tell you that even the original stated dimensions for the craft are stupid small for any pilot bigger than a 10 year-old child. According to the stats, a 1/32 Legioss Armored Soldier should be 27.5cm tall, but mine is almost a full 10cm taller because I designed the whole thing around the pilot. The whole "line-art accuracy" thing is irrelevant: being hand-drawn, the shapes and proportions vary wildly in all modes from one illustration to another, so it comes down to picking what version you happen to like more than another.
  4. Personally, I don't think that the DYRL color scheme gets enough love.
  5. There would be a deposit when I'm ready to start and balance due prior to shipping as with my previous project. There are already 20 down of the 30 needed, so it depends on how quickly I can fill the remaining slots. I reckon that there are still quite a few people on vacation and possibly not checking the site regularly.
  6. Figured I'd post a couple of pics of the venerable 1/32 compared to some of the more "classic" Legioss offerings. I was asked why I felt that the market needed yet another 1/48 Legioss, as there were already many offerings available from Imai, Aoshima, CM, Gakken, etc. I will just post comparison pics and let you decide for yourself. The Toynami MPC is essentially a revised Imai sculpt with improvements over its predecessor.
  7. It will very much be an Armored Soldier kit, but based on the overall proportions of the 1/32 model. That being said, the proportions will allow a more astute modeler (with some scratchbuilding skills) to make a fighter if they so desire. It will NOT be transformable.
  8. That thing could potentially be a thing, but first the other thing has to be a thing... Otherwise that second thing has nothing to link to 1/32 would have been nightmarishly large for a TREAD, but 1/48 is still borderline feasible. I intend to base the Legioss on my 1/32 model proportion-wise and can make it such that, while not actually variable, an astute modeler could build it into fighter mode with a few updated or scratchbuilt parts. Assuming that demand is there, of course.
  9. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=42820 Now's the time. Also, 1/48 is also (probably) a more realistic scale that could eventually lead to a compatible TREAD.
  10. Hi guys! As promised, I am putting forth the final pitch to gauge interest in a 1/48 Mospeada Legioss soldier mode (hereinafter referred to as Buster: Henshin Robo) resin model to accompany the Crabb army which I made a little while ago. I would also make all three head variations: Blue, Green and Red to allow for more versatility in the collection. Kit would be free-pose type (build it in the desired pose only) although certain joints will allow for minimal re-posing. Decals and markings: I will do the artwork, which I will then offer as open-source so that you can download and print as you see fit. This is going to be quite a bit more of an undertaking than most of my previous models, simply by virtue of its geometric complexity so you'd be looking at a $292 Canadian price-point (about $222 US) plus shipping. I would need a minimum of 30 orders to get the ball rolling so ask yourselves: is Buster right for YOU?
  11. I had a few things in mind. I was planning to give the 1/48 Legioss project one last try in August. Other possibilities are -1/72 Dragon II -1/72 Q-Rau -1/3000 Macross TV version -1/9 MOSPEADA And of course, there's always the possibility of re-issuing a classic like the Regult. It all depends on where demand takes me.
  12. If you guys really do want MOSPEADA stuff, this is me firing a warning shot across your collective bows! I intend to offer-up a 1/48 L3g10$$ soldier kit in August which I will post in the workshop section. All 3 head and decal variants in one: express yourself or forever hold your peace
  13. I'm both pleased and impressed with your work so far, Mintox. Just got back into town a couple days ago and I'm itching to see more!
  14. By your command! To me, getting into the mindset of the series and the way mecha are made and used determines for the most part how I'll weather it. The Regults are manufactured on such a large scale that in my view, they probably won't bother with more than token maintenance of the unit. That said, I would think that if a unit had deteriorated sufficiently, they probably would just abandon it as opposed to try to salvage or repair, so while I will weather it, I also won't "beat it to death" as a reflection of this viewpoint. Paint fades quickly, especially in a space environment with no UV filtering, so colors are at your discretion. There are some paint touch-ups on mine, just to simulate use/abuse/minor maintenance. I also printed the markings onto sticky paper and carefully cut it out to produce stencils, which look way more realistic than decals... That's probably why I didn't get mental with decals for my Zentradi models in general. Cockpit color is a dreary pale green over a zinc-chromate base. I wanted the inside to look inhospitable, like a cross between a Soviet-era mental hospital and a machine shop. Anyway, just see the pics...
  15. Looking good, Mintox! You inspired me to take my Regult out of the display case for a few pictures
  16. The thread dates back to February. I'll give it one last go in August by putting the word out.
  17. I work with Corel Draw X4, what format were you looking for? Also, I'm still very much willing to do a second run with re-tooled molds if there are willing parties. Now's the time to let your keystrokes be heard!
  18. It's quite possible that the intellectual property is simply reaching the end of its lucrative life. The minimum investment to acquire/maintain the license and invest in tooling for something as complicated as a transforming toy/collectible may no longer be bankable. Rather than whigning about "unacceptable" existing products, I very much foresee a future where the few remaining fans will be lamenting the lack of any MOSPEADA collectibles.
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