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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. In many ways, being a small-sized opponent is an advantage in that it creates a smaller target to shoot at. I think that's one of the more interesting aspects of Macross in that it felt very much like a Davis vs. Goliath scenario.
  2. I think that work will provide all the frustration I need and then some. In some ways, this will be a blessing as it will allow me to take my modeling back as a hobby. If my models do live-on, it will only be if some of you guys acquire the masters and make them yourselves because I think that my departure is quite permanent this time.
  3. Depends on the shape in question. In most cases, before I start sanding a curvature, I mark off specific centers and reference points and then proceed to eyeball the curve. If it's really complex, I'll draw cross-section lines across the curve with a pencil and tape to gauge my progress. When you can freehand a curve and most people look at it and think it was done with with a CNC mill, it's cos you've been at it a long time
  4. Oops, forgot two pics. Also, it is with a heavy heart that I must announce that this will be my very last modeling project. I will be moving in the next few months and won't have time to make these types of projects anymore. I'll be putting what few kits from previous projects I have left in the sale section, and once the Legioss is done, that will be it. Grab what you can while you can because when it's gone it's gone for good.
  5. Captain’s Log Friday, September 18th. DSCF5556: modeling board is a very useful material, but it’s not cheap and so I try to waste as little as possible. This little pile of scraps from Monday’s cut-outs is enough to make the rest of the parts I need, and maybe have a bit left over. DSCF5557: because the thighs are mirrored parts left and right, I have to construct both. I’m making them from a single block, side-by-side to insure maximum symmetry. In this particular instance I’m still heavily involved in milling ops. DSCF5558: the upper part of the foot being shaped on the bench sander. DSCF5559: once parts have been cut by the band saw, re-milled and occasionally run on the bench sander, I can then proceed to give the parts a bit more character. DSCF5560: the calf module which is being prepped for Dremel duty. I make precise marks with a pencil to guide the rotary tool. DSCF5561: shoulder module receiving a third round of milling treatment. This is a particularly complex component and will require more work than most. DSCF5562: the thigh pars are now separated and in this particular instance, I’m taking the razor saw to the parts to scribe panel lines. DSCF5563: yet more parts being refined with the Dremel. DSCF5579: the nose module just off the mill. While it’s predominantly a decorative piece in soldier mode, I maintained the dimensions faithfully from the 1/32 model. DSCF5593: after a round with the dremel, followed by manual sanding, the nose finally starts to find its shape. DSCF5594-95: while it’s still early days with much work and detailing still to go, the first mock-up test is very promising. Stay tuned for next week’s dust-filled shenannigans!!
  6. The grinding stone is itself parallel to the base as it turns at high speed. As I drag the block of modeling board across the base, the grinding stone removes material across the top of the block leaving the block flat. Same principle as with a mill except that in the mill, the block is held by a vise whereas here I move the block freehand.
  7. Captain’s Log Monday, September 15th. Sooo… In the interest of maintaining a less chaotic work schedule and minimize project overlap, I’ve decided to start sculpting the 1/48 Legioss—in force! DSCF5547: all projects begin with a single, humble step and this particular project is no different. I spent approximately three full days measuring and drafting new plans based on my 1/32 kit which I then re-scaled to 1/48. Those diagrams were then printed and I assembled as much pre-cut modeling boardas I could muster. DSCF5548: as some of the blocks are both rough and rather large, one of the first steps is to cut the modeling board into smaller blocks using the band saw. DSCF5549: I then proceed to carefully cut-out all the parts patterns… DSCF5550: and then glue them to the modeling board. I have to make sure I don’t place them too close together because the band saw doesn’t always make predictable cuts. DSCF5551: blocks are trued on the mill. This operation had to be performed a multitude of times. DSCF5552: creating perfectly parallel parts is another operation that sometimes takes place at this stage. I use a metal grinding bit on my drill press and run the blocks under that. This leaves a much smoother finish than the mill but can be a tad dangerous if you don’t have a very stern, steady hand. DSCF5553: most of the larger parts are now ready to be cut-out. DSCF5554: Aaand so back to the band saw we go to separate all the parts and remove as much rough material as possible. DSCF5555: this is about as close I can get with the band saw without risking damage to the parts. From here, I will use the mill, the grinder and the Dremel to refine the parts into something more usable. Stay tuned for next week’s update where I venture into the Buster zone!
  8. For what it's worth, I've already started the building: I had no choice at this point, otherwise I would have a scheduling conflict with other projects slated for fall.
  9. Hi guys, Today is update day and while I'm still waiting on a few stragglers, I thought I'd take the opportunity to show-off my back-engineering progress with the diagrams. Just like with the original 1/32 model, I wanted to make sure that the geometry is sound and even if the kit is not technically variable, that the proportions do totally support a fighter mode.
  10. Well in my mind it's settled: it's not even passably TV-accurate and it's not 1/3000. With your support I intend to remedy both factors as my next project.
  11. See line-art and Imai kit below. You see that the area where the bow meets the main hull has a bulge on the side that then becomes flush with the hull/aft portion of the gun. The legs are also far simpler, with no greebly detail on them (panorimic wondows or other details. Now compare this to the Hasegawa version and you'll see why I think that they totally dropped the ball. The Hasegawa kit is nice, it's just not a proper SDF:M version.
  12. I hate to be the one to say this, but I'm disappointed that Hasegawa certain visually-inaccurate DYRL parts for the TV version, it really does compromise the look of the kit: the leg/thruster design and where the bow meets the middle hull are particularly irksome.
  13. Keep the deposits coming, guys. I will only start construction once all the deposits are in, since it's a smaller than average run.
  14. This. Hasegawa has done stellar work up to now, so they have the benefit of my doubt. And if it should happen that they would get it not quite right, then that's when I come in
  15. Today... Is Deposit-day! You may now begin sending your deposits of 200 CAD (per kit ordered.) If you don't have my payment info, just PM me. Also, because of new policies implemented by the post office and their updated customs forms, please make sure that your phone number (with area code) is either displayed with your address or the body of the paypal message. On my end, I have started the back-engineering process from my 1/32 kit, which will likely continue into next week. First progress update/pictorial scheduled for Sept. 11. P.S: please insure that any PP fees are covered on your end. I've noticed that there are no fees if you're sending funds to someone and you already have the amount in your PP account. The fees kick-in when you send funds by withdrawing from a credit card or bank account.
  16. It does, and having re-evaluated the situation, I would much prefer to keep the price-point at what I originally quoted. My gut tells me to green-light the project and things will work-out, even if it doesn't happen on my preferred timetable. It's settled: kit stays at 292 CAD, and I'll start taking deposits of 200 CAD on Friday. *bangs gavel*
  17. You know what would go great with that Macross, but that they probably will never make? A same-scale Supervision Army gunboat!
  18. Hey guys. The deadline for the 30 spots will be upon us in 5 days and from the looks of it, interest for the project has stalled. I will ask all those members who want the kit to let me know if you approve or reject the project with a price increase to accomodate the lower production volume. If there's a unanimous yes, I will start on the 30th. If not, I will consider other projects.
  19. If I were to do a run of 22 in stead of 30, it would raise the price from 292 CAD to 390 CAD (290 usd), a rather significant price bump. It would have to be approved unanimously by the 22 already aboard or it all falls apart.
  20. I'm digging the choice of colors, and thankfully there was no mixing required.
  21. See first post. I'll take a deposit to secure orders and commence work, say 200 CAD (153 USD) and the balance just prior to shipping.
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