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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. Lol! Tell your "friend" that I'm happy to take an extra order here or there. The molding will commence when I have 10 orders paid-up, which should be by the end of this week/beginning of the next. In any case, PM me if you--uh, I mean your friend wants one.
  2. Hi guys! I'm happy to report that the minimum order quantity has been met and I will now proceed with the kits! I'm ready to start with mold-prep this week and have updated the shipping info. Please contact me via PM so I can provide the payment details, as I will now be taking payments. For any other questions, just ask.
  3. I just saw it tonight, and I don't share the negative sentiment toward the film that many here do; quite the contrary. I think that Covenant and Prometheus are both fantastic films with deep and meaningful allegorical symbolism. Prometheus was easier to decipher, but Covenant wasn't as obvious at first sight. I'll definitely have to see it again. I do think that David is absolutely chilling and diabolical; more sinister and complex than any villain I've encountered on celluloid before. In many respects it's a shame that so many of the other characters were so weakly written and unrealistic for their respective roles, but it didn't detract from the overall experience.
  4. Derex could probably give you a more accurate measurement since he has the kits built, but from memory it's about 10cm tall without the cannons.
  5. They are definitely a bit more challenging than plastic kits. They tend to require more sanding and putty work but for what it's worth, I use a good quality release agent that means that you can just wash the parts with some soapy water and they're good to prime/paint.
  6. Hi everyone, long time no see! I was wondering, since there's a minor revival of MOSPEADA with the upcoming Legioss toy, if anyone would be interested in acquiring some of my Space Crab kits? My thoughts would be to re-issue the Pinky Space Crab [Gurab] to start with. I would basically need 10 orders minimum to get the project going. Update: Exo has graciously offered a 1/48 scale figure to compliment the Pinky kit, so each Crab will come with one. THREE CHEERS FOR EXO!!! Price would be $134 CAD (about $99 US)+ shipping with up-front payment required. Shipping prices are as follows: -$23 CAD for up to 2 kits shipped in Canada or the US -$45 CAD for up to 2 kits shipped internationally. Any takers?
  7. Same price as the first run, so something like the Pinky Space Crab [Gurab] would be $99-100 and so-forth. I'll start a dedicated thread on Monday.
  8. Since it's somewhat related, would anyone be interested in a re-issue of my 1/48 Inbit kits? Seems like the crabby baddies get no love from toy manufacturers.
  9. So happy to see these getting a new lease on life: I poured my heart and soul into making these the very nicest Regults possible. Can be made into TV series and movie color versions!
  10. Correct. As for the Regults, I think that the closest thing you will see to a mass-market item is the Bandai Hi-Metal toys, and that's 1/100-ish and has no cockpit. Something like the scout would require significant re-tooling, so you can forget about having all variants for the Hi-Metal line. I suspect that the Regults I mastered will remain THE reference in 1/72 for the foreseeable future by virtue of their proportions, detail and of course, all variants are covered.
  11. When I mastered the Gnerl, I had to scrutinize and correlate all the data related to the fighter itself as well as for the Zentradi pilot. Just as with the Regults, the pilots are practically shoehorned-in. Zentradi mechs have to be bigger by virtue of the average zentran being big enough to wrestle with a VF-1 battroid. In fairness and without bragging, these models are likely the best version of this mecha that will ever be made. After the financial upsets of companies like Imai, Arii, and Yamato when tackling Zentran mecha, no major toy or model company will ever devote significant ressources to making something like this due to its minor role in the series, legal entanglements, sheer size, and level of detail. If you're a fan, get it while you can, because the last time it was available was 10 years ago and probably won't see a 3rd run.
  12. It could signal the birth of a whole new order. If you notice, the Jedi are heavily influenced by the Knights Templar from the structure of the order to their philosophy, not to mention how the (corrupt) political leader turned on them, declared them enemies of the state and persecuted them. The KT survivors went into exile in Spain and Scotland, where they passed their teachings on. Time will tell if they will borrow another page from history.
  13. I actually think it looks good from this angle, better than any other toy to be sure. The thigh slides into the calf area, so the thigh and heel/toe cannot occupy the same real estate. Making the legs smaller will make the Fighter only marginally better at th expense of Soldier mode, which would look ape-like (beefy arms, smaller legs.) You can't fight physics.
  14. The price is certainly steep for a mass-produced, sweatshop-made item. The overall proportions look okay and at least there are locking tabs to keep it sturdy, but I'm rather disappointed with the lack of surface detail and the missiles that look like something out of an 80's toy. I mean for crying out loud: I was able to make my kits BY HAND with North-American wages, spread my R&D over less than 2 dozen units and still managed to sell it for less than this. I would definitely advise people to wait, the prices will come down.
  15. That last trailer gave me pause, the kind of pause that the fist Star Trek: Beyond trailer gave me, and I despised that film.
  16. Because the main gear units are too small, and that would be a fairly easy fix even on a 1/48 toy. The Legioss' calves are quite bulky and hang low, so the struts have to reach down far enough. I solved that by giving it a bit of a jackrabbit stance on my interpretation.
  17. That looks exactly like the old vinyl kit I used to have, the parts breakdown is identical save for the forearm Gatling.
  18. A very agreeable facelift indeed!
  19. Kinda like this except that the gun should be raised?
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