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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. Some time in July. I'd at least want to wait until the Pinkies have been received by their new owners.
  2. Destructions are up, albeit a couple of days late. Casting is all done, just waiting on the mini Blow Superiors to ship.
  3. Yes and yes! Just a heads-up guys: the order window will stay open until Friday night, so any last-minute stragglershave a couple of days left. Casting is nearing completion. Soonly, people will have crabs!
  4. Casting is more than half done already. Now I'm just waiting on the Blow Superior figuresto arrive. Will post the destructions come Friday. In the meantime, I made a funny.
  5. Because of the moisture-sensitivity of the resin, you have to pressurize the resin. Also a Monday update: the first castings didn't come out as expected... They came out bettar! But don't take my word for it, see for yourselves.
  6. He was the first incarnation of Batman I saw as a child. May he rest in peace.
  7. I've found with Smooth-On (and most tin-cure silicones actually) that there is a minute amount of ammonia in the matrix that needs to evaporate before you use them. Otherwise, the first casting comes out sticky and is otherwise unusable due to the moisture reacting with the resin. The next 2-3 are generally also sticky but can be post-cured in the oven. So much easier (and less waste) just to air them out for a couple of days. Also, I haven't received the bonus figure from Exo yet so there's no rush.
  8. Molds are airing out. Took a little longer than expected because I wanted to do a significant but subtle mod to the thigh parts. I felt that the hips were set too wide originally and wanted to narrow them a tad to look more like the style sheets. Had to cast an intermediate part, blah-blah-blah I succeeded!
  9. Hey everyone! Molds will be ready tomorrow; I'll open them up and let them breathe until Saturday when I'll start casting. Will have a pic or two up by tomorrow.
  10. Molds prep is proceeding according to schedule. Will be pouring the pink goop this afternoon.
  11. While I retain the ability to make molds, castings and some very minor repairs, I no longer have a dedicated workshop for sculpting/machining: that would have to be its own separate thread with someone willing/able to tackle the project.
  12. Little update: I've ordered the silicone and resin which should arrive on Monday. Stand back people! *begins to do some stretching and warm-up exercises* The captain is about to step back into model-making mode. *cue the scene in episode 36 of Macross where the SDF-1 roars back to life for one last hoo-rah!*
  13. That I know of, there was: -a 1/1 wooden mock-up made for ANH -the 5-foot ANH filming miniature -a 1/44 (approximate) scale miniature used for dynamic shots in ESB -a new wooden mock-up for ESB -at least one very small miniature used for the astroid monster scene in ESB -a CGI Falcon was made for the the scenes added to the OT in the 90's. Fact: none of these representations of the Falcon are consistent in shape, proportion or details between themselves, yet are supposed to all represent the same ship. Also fact: the effects team added landing gear boxes to the Falcon for ESB: a significant visual change, yet no on-screen explanation is provided. Whereas all the above are well-documented facts, I can only thus conclude that "accurate" is a selective term employed by certain people when referring to their own preferred film prop/model, and not an objective standard. Consequently, I don't get hung-up on this detail not being quite right, the angle of the mandibles is wrong, or that panel does't look the same as on XYZ filming miniature. If it looks good to me, that's good enough and life is too short to get caught-up with meaningless, pedantic details. And this is coming from someone who works on watches that have screws the size of a piece of dust.
  14. I doubt very much that it would come pre-painted/weathered. I'm curious as to whether some battle-damage will be integral, though. I'm curious as to why they're releasing the OT version as opposed to the TFA/rectangular rectenna version. Unless that itself is a major clue to something...
  15. If there's enough demand, yes. I will proceed with the Pinky first and complete that project, then gauge interest for the Blueberry(Gamo), then King(Gosu), and finally the Baby(Eager.)
  16. While it's not a Legioss, the Gosu is almost the same height as the Legioss I sculpted in 1/48.
  17. And would probably be a wallet-killer too. I don't think too many people would be able/willing to fork-over $2000+ for a kit
  18. Technically correct in that the symbolism is not explicitly Christian, nor reigious. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, etc. are exoteric and faith-based, not to be confused with the esoteric teachings (Gnosticism, Kabbalah, Sufism, etc.) which are practical and not faith-based.
  19. You're just beginning to scratch the surface. In fact, I find it comical that people dislike Prometheus so much, yet love Blade Runner when the two have the same basic theme: A lower created being, imbued with greater than average abilities (Roy Batty: stronger, more resilient than any human--Peter Weyland: ultra-successful business tycoon) being confronted with the prospect of its own mortality, seeks-out its creator (Elden Tyrrell/The Engineers) in an attempt to cheat death and become God-like without necessarily being worthy of the mantle... An attempt doomed to failure! You see this same theme again with some variance in Raiders of the Lost Ark, as well as Rebuild of Evangelion 3.33 and it's not coincidental. They simply all draw on the teachings conveyed in the Royal Arch degree of Freemasonry, upon wehich all these fictitious stories are founded. In fact, I can tell you that pretty much every big-budget sci-fi/fantasy film has/does incorporate significant esoteric teachings and symbolism, this just happens to be one film that was more easily decoded.
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