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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. Great work on the Zeta, Ted! Did you use the specified color-calls, or did you improvise? Back in the early 90s I had contemplated taking all three 1/72 non-variable kits and trying to kitbash them into a proper variable. As you can see with the fighter, they really cheated on the highly-compacted chest module to keep it all very tidy.
  2. Duuude!! Why are you taking a pic when you should be putting a compress on that-- stat! Hope it doesn't need stitches... And FYI, I never require blood sacrifices: simple payment will suffice.
  3. I'm baaaaack! And this time I plan to reissue the King Crab (Gosu doppleganger) kit, with your help. This is the biggest and most elaborate of all the Inbit kits in my line, a true King Crab! Just as with the original, it will have a translucent eye and canopy part as well as a detailed cockpit ready to accept aftermarket pilot figues (not included this time). Just like the Pinky, the kit is free-pose. Price would be $300 CAD (about $233 US)+ shipping with up-front payment required and I'd need a minimum of 10 orders to get the ball rolling on the project. Shipping prices are as follows: -$26 CAD per kit shipped in Canada or the US -$48 CAD per kit shipped internationally. Any takers?
  4. It's a mixed-bag: the Gosu had to be upscaled by virtue of the fact that it too has to house a human-sized pilot, so it's very close to the height of a Legioss--as it should be. The other crabs are a little larger than spec, but just marginally. If you look at the "Crab family" pics earlier in the thread, you can see how they al relate to each other.
  5. Good news, everyone!! The Mini-Me's have arrived and I've begun shipping! A huge thanks to Neptunesurvey and Exo for their contributions to the Space Crab revival! I've included a couple images of the Blowsperior figures, which are simply gorgeous! I also took a comparison pic with my 1/48 Legioss cockpit to show what a properly scaled mecha/figure looks like. Also, I will launch the King Crabb revival project on Monday. I understand that some of you who are new to my kits will want to wait and evaluate my work on the Pinky before investing further, which is very sensible. Not to worry, I will leave the order window open a little bit longer this time around. On that note, I'd like to wish you all an excellent weekend.
  6. Still waiting on the mini-me Blowsperiors. Kits themselves are already packed and customs paperwork is done & waiting.
  7. I have. I don't know if it would be a financially feasible endeavor, though. The Legioss/Mospeada mecha releases have had mixed sales results at best, and bad guy stuff is already at a sales numbers disadvantage right out of the gate.
  8. I'd hang my head in shame too if I looked like that! I had this as well as the larger purple version when I was young. They were the only game in town, and I think that the mediocre stuff we had back in the day was a big motivator for me to do my own thing. Sometimes I think about taking my kit masters and making collectible figures from them.
  9. I don't recall off the top of my head. Basically, whatever my 1/32 Armo Soldier measures out to X 32! Instead of creating the mecha based on price-point or approximating how big I thought it should be, I started from a blank slate, took a ruler, some cardboard and crudely calculated the cockpit dimensions around the space requirements of a 6ft adult male. I then designed the rest of the mecha around those minimum measurements. Knowing that a cockpit has to be X wide at minimum, plus the thickness of the fuselage and armor, that gives you the approximate thickness of the nose section and accordingly, the width of the torso. The "official" Anime stats were designed for some sort of freak munchkin humunculus at best. Without being able to cite exact numerical values, a Legioss fighter (Moscato ver.) takes up the parking space of an F-18C, give-or-take. Perhaps someone who has one of my kits can chime-in with numbers but yeah, a Legioss would be a lot closer to a VF-1 Battroid in height.
  10. Maybe, but not that I've seen. The 1/32 kits were quite pricy and I reckon that the 2 dozen owners won't be tackling their prized possessions frivolously. Some may even be waiting to perfect their skills before touching it.
  11. It's all a matter of compromise, simply because maximizing one mode invariably detracts from the other, and people generally prefer Soldier mode. Trust me, I spent weeks and weeks trying different combinations to get something harmonious! All things considered, I think I did a respectable job. This is my "Soldier-Mode Only" 1/48 kit. While not variable, the proportions are identical to my 1/32 version, so you can see that while not nearly as streamlined as the fixed Imai 1/72, it gets pretty close and no parts-morphing needed.
  12. Mike Salzo had built/painted his a few years back. Here are some pics I saved of his completed model.
  13. The Blowsperiors are on their way to me. My apologies for the shipping delay for all those of you waiting patiently for your kits.
  14. I wouldn't be upset because if I want the 80s PG version, I have the 80s PG version that I can watch and re-watch already. That being said, there are some things that they could reproduce very faithfully if they did an animated reboot as opposed to a live-action version. I don't think the saw-blade hairdos would translate well IRL and logistically, a live-action version would have many more challenges to contend with. Among those are the great bureaucracy and red tape that comes from any project requiring a major capital investment. Changing story elements entails risk: sometimes it pays off, and sometimes it doesn't. You have to remember that social mores change with time also, so that has to be taken into consideration. Considering what a harsh minefield of red-tape, money and egos are involved in any major motion-picture project, it's almost a miracle that anything gets done at all. I just try to be thankful for the good stuff, which I will watch multiple times, and the things I don't like which I just don't re-watch.
  15. Just a reminder to all those wearing their rose-colored nostalgia glasses that the original 1986 Transformers The Movie, the "Holy Grail of Gee-Wun" was both a box-office and critical disappointment. http://www.the-numbers.com/movies/franchise/Transformers#tab=summary <5.9 million gross after 30 years after a DVD & Blu-Ray release. Clearly G1 is where it's at! People are a fickle bunch. All the critics at the time of release despised the film and many labeled it a 90-minute toy commercial. Fan-boys I spoke to when I started going to cons circa 1991 also hated the film, so there's something to be said for films not being appreciated in their era. Same with Star Trek: Wrath Of Khan. Two or three decades on, the very films the fan-boys once rued and reviled are now lauded and held aloft as the shining points of light of their respective franchises. Fact: the The first 4 Bay films crushed it at the box-office. This fifth installment will likely be the first to not achieve the same financial success (and with just cause!) as the rest, but may still turn a profit. It's barely a week old as yet. All things considered, that's a pretty good winning streak. Face it, people vote with their wallets and in that respect the Bayverse Transformers have been a resounding success. FYI, they actually tried G1-style designs when they were doing 3D animation tests for the first film. They found that the robots looked silly, and I agree with them: however fond you may be of the old 80s designs, they just wouldn't work for a wide-release live-action big budget film. With that said, hate and rage to your heart's content. Watch the movies or don't, you will always have your fond childhood series/movies immortalized on celluloid and digital format to watch and re-watch to your heart's content. The newer generation will have this re-imagined incarnation, and it's not going anywhere. With time, age and wisdom, you may come to appreciate these films for elements you never noticed when you first viewed them, and perhaps even regret your criticism of them. Maybe. These films do contain pearls of esoteric wisdom, but perhaps only those who know not how to read nor write, but only know how to spell are truly capable of appreciating them.
  16. Nice work, Hikaru. It's nice to see that people are keeping this old, obscure Anime alive!
  17. I've seen all the previous Transformers films and actually enjoyed them. This one I did not. I thought it was tedious and found myself staring at my watch, hoping it would end... A really bad sign. Aside from the fact that the film felt as if it had no solid plot, no clear objective, there were some major, silly and otherwise inexcusable plot holes. I'm sure there are many more plot holes, but these are the ones that jumped-out at me.
  18. Thanks for taking the time to bring us that comparison, it's quite revealing. After seeing this, I will likely just stick with the DVD. I may be branded a heretic for saying this, but none of these animated series were made to be viewed in HD. When watching it on an old CRT, the image has a slight fuzziness that makes most of the imperfections less evident, and that's the way I remember it from my childhood. Watching many old series in HD seems like being thrust from the 10th row of a concert to within 10 inches of the actors' faces, and you see lots of things you simply weren't meant to see, and in some ways, that ruins the experience. As for the color differences, I'll just adjust the color balance on my monitor and be happy with that.
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