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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. So... Castings are looking excellent. I've taken a bit of a head-start on the kits and everything is proceeding smoothly. There may be a few pin holes needing to be filled on some parts due to the unusually humid weather. The good part is that the holes are easily visible and easy to patch.
  2. I think a reasonable case can be made to say that the overall body color is similar (if not identical) to the Gurab when viewed side-by-side. I'm also wondering if the tan parts (shoulders, fingers, etc.) wouldn't look neat as a sort of champagne-colored alloy.
  3. Perhaps so, but there are many variables to consider. A long time ago I used to be a commercial illustrator too, and I know all too well there are things like deadlines, re-do's and budgets to consider. Sometimes what we want to do is at odds with what needs to be done.
  4. I'm probably going to get lynched for saying this, but I think the character designs are kinda neat. In the interest of clarification, I appreciate that they brought a sense of realism to them and while I do think that Lieutenant Hayes does indeed look like a man in drag and Lick Huntaah can do way better, I appreciate the fact that they're distancing themselves from the anime and doing something that is more uniquely theirs. Let's face it: if this comic had another title and HG wasn't involved, you would think it was half-bad. We all have biases, but I'm trying to look at it at face-value. If we are to be frank with ourselves: if the characters were to be similar to their Anime counterparts, they'd be heckled for "ripping-off" Macross (and likely sued), and if they try to do something different, they get lambasted because the characters don't look look the way we expected them to. I'm actually far more disappointed with the new Veritech designs, which look like cheap commie knock-offs. There was an opportunity for them to come up with something clever and innovative (or at least pretty to look at), which I think was squandered. Anyways, what do I know, right?
  5. The Mospeada being back-heavy is to be expected considering all that mass in the rear. Hopefully they'll do a Fuke and Yellow version eventually. Still no word on price?
  6. Let's just say that this next batch of resin will be very peachy indeed! Is it possible that this Wonderfest kit was released previously? I seem to recall seeing low-res images of a Gosu with very similar proportions a few years back when I was hunting for reference images.
  7. Hi Ted, that shouldn't be an issue. The more the merrier. Tuesday morning update: molds are almost done, I have one final mold to pour (total of 7.) I had to start one mold over because it wasn't to my satisfaction. First kits will be casting Thursday afternoon/Friday morning.
  8. -Sorry, that's incorrect. The Gakken kit was marketed and sold under Gakken packaging, is non-transformable and has different proportions (and completely different parts breakdown) to Imai's kit; they are as different as different can be. -Also incorrect: the floppy arm mess of the "1/55" Toynami stems from the fact that they "borrowed" the arm design of the old IMAI kit. The kits were absolutely God-awful for this because the old polycaps/joints were crap. Also, the old IMAI kit suffered from stubby leg syndrome, which was corrected by Toynami/Aoshima when they adopted the design to make their toy. In fact, ALL of the modern Legioss toys beat the pants off the old IMAI kit for proportions AND durability, regardless of their respective QC issues. The old 1/48 IMAI kit is still available relatively cheap, but unless you're going to glue all the joints fixed, it will be a posing nightmare. To make it even remotely posable you would have to overhaul all the joints and IMHO, is not worth the time and effort. Take it from the guy that built a half-dozen of these back in the day. Finally, an image demonstrating the proportional differences in the kits.
  9. It partly depends on how the upcoming "1/48" Legioss toy turns-out. My first choice would obviously be my 1/48 kit.
  10. The tread is very rough as a sculpt, too! And the fighter mode cockpit is missing in the chest module.
  11. Normally I don't say stuff like this, but
  12. I could make something waaaaaay better than that statue at 1/3000. In scale with the Yammie. I'm mulling it over.
  13. The oversized, crude detailing is partly what kills the piece. The overall proportions look good, but to properly convey a sense of scale, the details would need to be much finer. The Christmas tree effect is the real nail-in-the-coffin, though: no proper warship would be covered in such an array of useless lights! It's almost like they're taunting me to come out of retirement...
  14. I used to have all three Gakken Legioss kits. Short version: the proportions and detail of the kit are a let-down. In fact, it's probably the most hideously-proportioned of all the 1/48 toys and models and like most "official" releases, it's too small to be a proper 1/48. There's a reason why I took the time and effort to create a full-scratch Legioss in 1/48: no one else had ever done the design justice. The Gakken kits are great for collecting and sentimental value, but to me that's where their value stops.
  15. The Gallant rifle is just plain sweet! Add a few machined metal parts and it would make a superb collector's piece.
  16. Fantastic work on the sensor-eye, Ted! I had contemplated putting more detail in the part initially, but didn't think it would cast well. It looks much better the way you did it. Will you be offering the same treatment to your other Crab subjects?
  17. Happy Monday to all! I'm letting everyone know that I'm officially kicking-off the King Crab project, and have begun some preliminary mold-prep. Just as for the Pinky, you can now send payment. The fees are listed in the first post as always and if you have any questions, you can PM me! P.S.: it may not show in the pic, but I have a fair bit done already.
  18. Sometimes revised styling works, sometimes it doesn't and I place this in the latter category. I think some people imagine that busier = realistic, which isn't necessarily true and extra detail added merely for its own sake can greatly detract from an otherwise great design. But hey, what do I know? lol
  19. Minimum order threshold achieved: the King Crab will rise again!! I'll open the payment window next week when I begin mold-prep. It's the vacation season so I'll take things slower this time around.
  20. Loving your build progress, Ted. You guys really make me proud when you take my kits to the next level!
  21. Depends on ambient conditions. I personally won't keep an opened silicone kit more than 6 months in ideal conditions. Ted: the first rule of being a good model-maker is to break the rules!
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