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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. Correct, sir. Like the Spartas, the Auroran is technically a triple-changer which has a spacecraft mode and that's what I remember most. Once I get past the 1/48 Gamo, I'd be game to tackle something like this, but it's a complex design and I'll easily need 30 orders to cover my time/labor.
  2. That brings me to the crux of the Auroran issue: I've never seen (published or otherwise) any diagrams of just how it transforms. The Spartas on the other hand, is relatively simple.
  3. The Auroran and Spartas are both great designs. I'm contemplated whether I should dip my toe back into the sculpting arena.
  4. I was already floored when I saw the decal guide: those alone will take days to apply correctly! Now seeing the inside of the canopy frame, the lighting system and the PE parts... I'm glad I ordered moar than one! Oh, and Pinky is totally outmatched.
  5. People who grew-up with the prequel films have occasionally commented on how some shots in the OT look rickety and fake, and that some of the OT designs look like a bunch of junk cobbled-together. Arguably, ship crashes, explosions and complex moves look infinitely better in the prequels than the OT. Frankly, I'm more concerned with how Disney will develop the story going forward, but in the end it's out of my hands.
  6. Back in the 80s, you were a lot younger and more impressionnable. Second, Star Wars was such an out-of-the-box phenomenon in the late 70s/early 80s that there was little-to-nothing else in its league, so it stands to reason that it would be memorable if only for that one fact. You also have to account for the nostalgia factor, which is probably more significant than anything else. Lots of old films/series I used to watch as a child were really cool to me then, but if I look at them objectively now, they don't always stack-up too well. For what it's worth, I really like the Jedi Starfighters, the 2-seater X-wings (that remind me of an F-4 Phantom) and the Republic Freighter, but I realize that taste is subjective. Fun fact: the prequels utilized more physical models/miniatures than the OT.
  7. The Perfect Grade Falcon looks to be out. Also a few sprue shots here: https://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/iakitoo/GALLERY/show_image.html?id=15546524&no=4&fref=gc
  8. Those who fail to learn from the lessons of the past are doomed to repeat them. Pretty sure the background image is current, if for no other reason that I worked for several companies who licensed Disney merchandise and I can say without hesitation that Disney are anal-retentive sticklers for detail. They wouldn't have approved that product image if it weren't from their own style guide.
  9. Agreed, I think the orange needs a bit more red. Same for the pink, I think. I'm really, REALLY looking forward to see how these babies turn-out!
  10. Hey all, This is me offering a third possible re-release of my 1/48 crab line of models for your consideration: the Blueberry Crab (Inbit Gamo doppleganger) As with previous offerings, I would need a 10-order minimum (payable up-front) to kick the project off. If you're interested, let your typing fingers fly! Basic kit price per crab: $205 CAD (about $165 US) -Price per kit shipped (US/Canada): $240 CAD -Price for 2 kits shipped (US/Canada): $461 CAD -Price per kit shipped (international): $263 CAD
  11. Those kits have been around since '83 or '84 with various rebrandings, including the Go-Bots Cy-Kill version Blow Superior. Pre-painted? Duuude! These are old-school models that barely even have adequate alignment pegs! No snap-fitting here, these all require cement, putty, paint, and ample amounts of sanity. I don't care much for the kits themselves but I'd happily acquire the original Imai/LS box-tops: to me those are the real prizes
  12. Those are the old Imai 1/72 kits. For the price, I sure hope it's a Fighter/Diver/Soldier combo.
  13. Hi guys, I imagine that most of you have gotten your King Crabs by now. I just wanted to give everyone a heads-up that the next kit to be offered will be the Blueberry Crab (Gosu doppleganger) in September. Stay tuned!
  14. I'm pretty sure there are a few internal organs/fluids/body parts you could pawn if you really, REALLY wanted to, Ted. Looking forward to see your work on the King!
  15. For what it's worth, the first incarnation cockpit "Lee-Gult" had ball-joints, but even the toughest joints I could find were barely strong enough to support that bulbous head, and that's why I revised all the joints to be fixed. Purely practical reasons. I've been lurking too, but have no fear...
  16. I see that Ted has discovered the wonderful, "full-range" joints of the archaic Imai kit. The limitations of the build aside, it also has some very inhuman proportions to contend with. If I had the time, I would start with a 1/6 figure and build all the armor and bike around the figure. Nevertheless, I admire your work and look forward to seeing you transform that old kit into something dazzling!
  17. For what it's worth, my 1/48 BUSTER (Legioss Soldier mode) is just about 24cm to the top of the shoulders, minus the clearance of the shoulder-pod or head antennae, which would give it a real-world height of about 11.52m. Substantially taller than the 8.75m stats, yet when compared to my same-scale Crabs, they most closely resemble the size comparison pic above. Just sayin'.
  18. Tuedsay update: all paid/confirmed orders have shipped! You will soon have MOAR crabs! Also, I have included the destructions which you may download at your leisure!
  19. Good thing I ordered more boxes, I'm gonna need 'em! Kits will begin shipping early next week. I will post the destructions at that time: stay tuned!!
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