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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. New Deep Striker footage! The Shoulder parts are indeed new tooling, as is the head and chest. There is hope after all!
  2. While we have yet to see what the final "original" Falcon will look like, I personally think whoever made this kit nailed it right on the head in terms of what a "stock" YT freighter should look like. About the only thing I'd do differently is remove the visible panel lines for the rectenna mount and the opening on the opposite side of the jaw box. Other than that it's perfect!
  3. Assuming the pic is legit, my excitement has all but evaporated.
  4. Which is what these collector toys are all about: looks and detail over sturdiness.
  5. *Interest quickly evaporates* It's quite odd that Bandai would opt to re-use parts from a 15 year-old kit that way. Particularly as the parts of the S/EX-S that would benefit most from an upgrade are the head and shoulders--the very parts that carry over to the Deep Striker.
  6. Well that's interesting if it turns out to be true! I wonder if it would employ new tooling or a re-hash of the older kit parts with new sprues added.
  7. I'm leaving this here. May the HBT be with you! http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/45250-moscato-hobby-models-boxing-day-sale/
  8. Don't mind the haters. If anything, it's to be expected when decisions are made to take risks with a franchise as large and popular as this one. That being said, this could possibly, maybe be a thing:
  9. That's one of my all-time favorite MG kits. The box illustration looks amazing with all the panels in spread-eagle mode, but I leave all the Psyco-frame parts closed on the actual kit, otherwise the kit just looks like it's trying too hard and comes across as silly. I need to modify the handle on the shield also.
  10. Great review, thanks for sharing! The pragmatist in me thinks a lot of the issues can be fixed by just paying attention to details. Screw holes could easily be plugged, dies can be "massaged" for better parts-fit in key areas, the sequence of assembly and painting can be altered. Paint apps can be improved, and plastics can be changed. A much better product can be had by tweaking just a few little things; no need for major (expensive) re-tooling. Also, while it would likely come at the cost of transformation, these can be customized and repainted just like Valks. Lots of potential for someone who's not afraid of a fixer-upper.
  11. Bingo!! Add to this that many people cling to notions/ideas/beliefs which are comforting, but not founded in truth or reason... Only to be blindsided when reality comes-a-knockin'. Rian Johnson took a baseball bat to many of the sacred cows in the SW universe, and I for one would like to thank him for having the guts to do so. Darkness rises, and the light to meet it. I could spend a whole podcast on that one sentence alone.
  12. Just as an FYI, I will be having a 1-day holiday sale on December 26th with anywhere from 10 to 30% savings. Prepare your piggy banks accordingly!
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