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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. The conflict is more aesthetic than ethical.
  2. If they're giving the series a DVD release, maybe there's hope of seeing a clean (and complete) version of that awesome theme song as well.
  3. Ready your wallets, guys. I'm going to start taking payments next week.
  4. Just one more. Get ready guys, the party's gonna start soon!
  5. To be fair, the clip at the beginning with Kresse is from 34 years ago. He may have been written-out of the storyline or, better yet, they may be saving his return for a future episode.
  6. Soldier mode only. Transforming resin kits are a fool's errand... And this one is already challenging to build even in a static pose.
  7. Well it does come in all 3 models with corresponding decals... Including aircraft bureau serial numbers and loads of other markings and fine details never offered on the toys or even previous (plastic) model kits.
  8. Hi guys, just a quick heads-up: I've reworked the decal sheet to make sure to get as many markings as possible on one sheet. Now I'm waiting on confirmation from the contractors.
  9. It's 1/48-ish. The Anime stats are wrong if you want to keep those proportions and have a proper adult man be able to fit in it. I did all the math almost 2 decades ago, old news. EvolutionToy's offering is pretty good, but the main body and nose/cockpit would need to be thicker... Like this.
  10. However long it takes to get 3 more confirmed orders. At that point I'll start to take payments and begin the molds.
  11. Hi everyone! Might anyone know of a source to get custom waterslide delals printed? I need to be able to print white (as well as other colors) for a small run. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Major props to Sentinel for providing some fantastic box-art that literally looks like it came straight out of 1983!
  13. An efficient business can't operate on the often unrealistic standard of perfection many fans have for their beloved anime: there are time and financial constraints to contend with. Large distributors can (depending on contractual obligations) impose financial penalties when manufacturers don't respect shipping deadlines because they then have to deal with cancellations from retailers. They have to find that middle ground where the product is good enough to go to market so as not to result in significant returns but not be so terribly anal on QC that they cost themselves by missing their delivery window. To the end consumer it's fun and games, but the business side of it can be very ulcer-inducing. Packaging, manufacturing, licensor approval, shipping are all replete with their respective pitfalls, and Murphy lurks ominously over all.
  14. Make no mistake, the toy will still have flaws -all products do, but hopefully the delay will result in lesser or more easily overlooked flaws. If they delayed it, more than likely the first examples were so bad that they dared not ship knowing that they would face massive returns. This particular design makes for an extremely complex toy, so better to give them some leeway to work the bugs out.
  15. ...So what you're saying is we need a PG Sazabi? I'm totally with you on that!
  16. Exo has expressed his desire to tackle the Spartas in 1/48 later last year. You might want to contact him directly to see what his current inclinations are.
  17. Worry not, I'm posting early to give people time to save up/get their tax credits/pawn vestigial organs.
  18. I'd be curious to see what approach they take before I throw it under the bus. In the interest of disclosure, in my universe, there is no Karate Kid III.
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