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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. If you decide to sell your Stick MOSPEADA, I'll take it. Like with most figures, if you break the seal it will affect the value.
  2. The pics are fairly obvious: wipe the silver backing from inside the helmet with rubbing alcohol, then airbrush a mixture of clear blue + smoke to the top. Mechaniac: in so much as the recessed gray area below the dash (if that's indeed what you're talkig about) needs to slide into the tank when transforming, it may not be a good idea to put a sticker there.
  3. So. Many. Parts. I had forgotten just how laborious it was to cast... So much so that I decided to pour each kit in 2 shots in stead of one to better manage the workload. Everything is coming along nicely, though!
  4. I could, but it wouldn't look nearly as harmonious as if it had been designed properly from the get-go. Based squarely on pictures, I don't know if placing the foot-peg further forward is actually a good thing: you'd have to bring the knees up higher, which might accentuate the scrunched rider look. Also, can the figure's foot flex forward like on the beagle? The re-design of the MOSPEADA looks much more like a racing bike (smaller, lower front fairing + forward leaning position) whereas the Beagle looks a little bit more like an easy-rider based on the seating position and the overall proportions of the bike. It's just my opinion, but to me the foot pegs place further aft fit the new design better, even if the toes do hang too low.
  5. Just from looking at the photos, the bike looks proportional to the (slightly) undersized figure. I think the reason it looks small compared to the rider has to do with the boots: they're almost mini-stilts where the foot module extends well below the wearer's foot. As a result, it makes the bike look short and as we can see, the toes scrape the ground in ride-mode. Pretty much all toys/models have had this issue by virtue of the design.
  6. Great photos and review, Kuma! I have to say that your videos are perhaps the most comprehensive and professional of the bunch for this figure; well-done! Also, a PSA: if anyone is disappointed/dissatisfied with their VR-052F, I will gladly purchase it from you. If anything, it will speed-up my ability to produce the saddle-bags/RPG add-on parts.
  7. I guess poor Scott got the short-end of the STICK in that ARTMIC adventure!!
  8. Except that while I see quite a few people asking a premium for their toys, I don't many people actually buying them at those inflated prices. If there's high demand for a product but the manufacturer doesn't meet supply, it only invites competition to come in with a newer, better (and cheaper) product. I see people asking $600+ for Beagle ride-armors, but who's actually buying them? Chances are that the toys will yellow in their packages long before anyone buys them, and then it will be a race to the bottom.
  9. I think (and I may be wrong) that if the toy is well-received overall, it may get a second run. I'd be weary of paying a premium for these things right now.
  10. Let me start by acquiring a Mospeada and I'll do it. Patience, my friend.
  11. I decided to wait until the first examples landed to see whether this was a good purchase or not. If there's a second run or if someone decides to part with theirs, I may just pick it up. Based on what I can see, the storage containers and alternate weapons should be a piece of cake to do.
  12. Hey everyone, quick hump-day update! Molds are done, initial test-shots are excellent. I'll start the casting process on Friday, and from there I'm just waiting on the decals (which are also done) to arrive.
  13. I suspect that the empty spaces are merely the trade-off for the transformation particularities in order to bring it closer to the Anime. It really doesn't bother me at all. If anything, just cram a couple extra HBT cans in there!
  14. Sweet build, Emiliano, would you object if I share it on social media? You would be credited as the builder, of course! Also, quick BUSTER update: I've finished refining the parts... As expected, I discarded the neck part I made and went with something else. Pics will be posted later. Basic mold-prep has begun, and I thought I'd take a moment to issue a PSA to help with your building process. Occasionally, you will see these little triangular shapes on some parts: these are not details, they're simply vents I use to free trapped air bubbles in more complex shapes as a means to get better castings. Just wanted to mention that because I've seen a couple of builds where those vents weren't removed
  15. Thanks for the suggestions, guys. I tried contacting Samual decal twice: once through his site and again via Facebook and no reply to either. I ended up finding a printer in Australia who works with ALPS printers and things are moving along nicely.
  16. Most impressive work, Brett! The chicken wire for rebar is very clever indeed and adds extra realism to an already beautiful build.
  17. Hi guys! Today is update day! Figured I'd take some time to go through the minor updates of the kit before I start mold-prep. As you will see, they're relatively minor but they will make for a nicer and sturdier model. the first update shown in pics 001-003 concern the hip joints. The first pic shows the separate hip-joint parts: the two gray H-shapes on the left and the two smaller brown parts on the right. On the original kit, these parts were separate to maximize poseability, but as they needed to be pined, were quite small, and held a significant amount of overhead weight. Therefore, I thought it would be safer to mold them as one combined part (pic 002.) You can still get a wide range of poses with the new part, and now the built kit will be sturdier. Please note that it will still need to be pinned. The next change, as I have mentioned previously, is the neck. On the original-issue, the neck was a double-jointed I-beam that attached to the body at the chin, similar to the old Imai 1/48 kit. After a moment of clarity, I realized that because of my transformation design, I could opt for a more conventional neck unit. It deletes one part in the kit (I can mold it in with the torso) and still offer a full range of poseability. That covers the mods for Soldier Mode. Should there ever be demand for a Fighter, I'll have to do more scratchbuilding, but that's a whole other kettle of fish!
  18. Of course it's not too late. Welcome aboard, sir! The improvements are actually quite minor, I'll post a pic of the new neck later this week. Tiny part, but will make Buster look much less awkward. A few people have been asking about getting extra decals, so here's thew lowdown: they're being handled by a contractor in Australia (yes, that's how far I have to go to get custom sh*t done nowadays!) Since they have to be shipped from far (time delay) and the sheets themselves are quite big & pricy, I had to anticipate demand and try to plan accordingly. I ordered barely more than the planned run, but I will see if I can get them to do extras. As for the hands, this is what I plan to include in each kit: https://hlj.com/product/YLSPPC-TN83
  19. Hi guys! The 1/48 BUSTER (Legioss) revival is officially underway. You can send payments now. Also, please let me know what version (H, I or Z) you'd like. You will get all three heads, but I need to know what decals to include in your kit. For those who are new to this, I'll send you a private message with the payment info.
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