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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. Precisely. Plus, where do you you put the filler bits when the bike transforms? Just imagine the rider having to get off his bike, pull-out the filler parts, lay them carefully on the ground and get back on before transforming
  2. I'm ordering some new machining equipment soon; that's about the only reason why I haven't started an official 1/12 MOSPEADA aftermarket gear thread. Bazooka, saddle-packs, water bottle, and at least one sidearm are what I plan to include in the kit. I just need to start setting things up first.
  3. Decided to take the plunge and watch the whole season, seeing as how the first two were excellent. I was not disappointed. In fact, I was quite impressed! The writers did a great job of fleshing-out the characters and giving us a glimpse of their inner demons and motivations, not to mention masterfully plucking at my nostalgia strings... And HOLY CRAP talk about a season-ending cliffhanger!!
  4. They'd probably end up looking better being hand-made and cast; no steps or heavy texture that way. That's my plan.
  5. Because of the rather high weight and CG of the kit, I don't know that store-bought hobby joints are strong enough. With the 1/32 Legioss, I came up with a solution whereby the 3D-printed ball/sockets had a screw/nut clamping mechanism to provide greater friction. Something custom-made would probably be your best bet.
  6. They are. The supplier sent me boxes that are twice as tall as what I ordered; ended up screwing-up all my shipping options as a result. Oh, and here are the destructions for your building pleasure!
  7. Odd, I would have thought the opposite: the Pinky being the easiest to build and the King being the most fiddly. Perhaps I'm confusing sculpting with building again. Emiliano, dude, impressive work! Every time I see people build these kits up I well-up with happiness at saeeing all the great work you guys do. Without the builders, those kits would just be a pile of resin parts.
  8. Kits are finally shipping! Took longer than expected due to an issue with the boxes.
  9. No, because it's your stick and nobody else's.
  10. Here's the thing: those joints were great for a child's toy, but they leave a lot to be desired in terms of poseability. Also, when you have to start adding opening missile bay doors and missile detail, you automatically have a bit less space for the internals. Still very doable if you use steel for the joints... Dunno man, I figured this sh*t out 16 years ago using a crude version of Corel Draw. It's not like I've been hiding under a rock in another dimension: we have Interwebs + Google Translate and email, so it's not like these firms can't contact me for input. As I've stated ad nauseum, they just don't care.
  11. No. Dipping will result in too thick of a layer on both the outside and inside, not to mention paint buildup around the rectangular white tabs at the top of the visor. Also, model paint isn't particularly hard and if you tend to handle it carelessly, you can damage the finish and ruin your very expensive collector toy. Some may suggest Future with food coloring, but I have old diecast and models that employed the Future method and the finish cracks after a dozen years or so.
  12. It can certainly be done, but MOSPEADA isn't nearly as popular a franchise as say, Transformers. Add to that the fact that the MOSPEADA market is quickly becoming saturated and you realize that it may not be a warranted investment ATM.
  13. At the very least, it's consistent with all the art and merchandise that came before. Within the series itself, it doesn't make quite as much sense, though: the ship with the MOSPEADAs that Rey scavenged on earth was military, and all the bikes would have been assigned prior to the mission starting, and therefore should have markings. The AFC-01 he occasionally pilots certainly did.
  14. Sometimes life is cruel. That's why Rey wears blue... It symbolizes the blue blue rain in his soul.
  15. I spy a Yellow Belmont hiding in the background of the box art.
  16. That tubular structure isn't part of the original design, nor is it an element of the modern redesign that I know of. I think I can pull-off something that doesn't need a granny-walker... I'm only wondering if it's even worthwhile to make the saddle-packs hollow, or just leave (the side boxes) as solid one-piece units.
  17. Hi everyone! The (gorgeous) decals are in, the hands are in, and I'm currently in packing mode. Kits will start shipping later this week.
  18. As I think about it, things could have been resolved VERY differently, quickly, and while still respecting the limits of characters' specific powers. Of course, that probably would have made for a shorter, duller movie, and no need for an action-packed sequel.
  19. Not to mention the fact that having an UNDO function cheapens life and lessens the impact that the death of a character is supposed to have on the audience.
  20. Seeing as how the price of a 6" MOSPEADA figure currently hovers at around the $200 mark, even if they scaled a Legioss to 3 3/4" figures, it would likely be more expensive than the market will bear, and that's even if they do a half-assed job.
  21. If you decide to sell your Stick MOSPEADA, I'll take it. Like with most figures, if you break the seal it will affect the value.
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