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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. The BLOW SUPERIOR will be compatible for sure. I suspect that the BARTLEY will be also, based purely on the common parts that will be carried-over.
  2. Pinky Space Crab goodness!! Taking a case of crabs and turning it into art.
  3. It's definitely better than we were expecting, I'll give them that. Looks like the voice module is located in the lower backpack region, too. I still think TransformElement did it way better. Just look at how junky Takara Prime's lower legs are in comparison.
  4. It reminds me of the Wave kit with its gorilla-like proportions.
  5. *Dons his asbestos underpants* I may get flamed for this, but I think TransformElement pulled-off a better Prime between the two, at least at the prototype stage . Very happy to see Hound, though!
  6. Well FUKE-me: they actually made the Bartley and the BLOW SUPERIOR! I think many of us will be very happy indeed. Sentinel Legios: *shakes head in disbelief* Had I known, I could have just sent them a resin kit to copy... Save them some embarrassment.
  7. Tried all three themes, but no success. And I'm using Chrome, too! Will try with Brave later and report. *Edit* Brave works like a charm.
  8. Getting closer. The Gallant is almost done, just tweaking a few details here and there. Next will be the saddle-packs, then the RPG launcher... Or maybe the other way around. I'm finally getting back into my groove. The rifle mode, while being a clusterf*ck of ergonomics hell, has at least one interesting (and slightly redeeming) feature in that it can be used one-handed with decent stability. A plus if it ever needs to be fired while riding. I was also able to find some black ribbon that is the perfect size for the strap, which I will be including in the set. Therefore, shoulder-slung will be another posing option. Stay tuned!
  9. Ever since last weekend's update, I can't seem to navigate to specific pages of a given thread. Even if I select, say, page 3 of 4, nothing happens. I also had trouble posting in a thread earlier today: as soon as I clicked Submit Reply, it said "saving" for almost 30 minutes and I had to refresh manually to see my post.
  10. Captain's log, July 24th. Things are progressing more slowly than I would like, mostly because I'm still arranging the studio to my liking and trying to find old tools I had stashed away years ago. I'm getting there, step by step. Pic 1: thankfully I kept my trusty ol' Ryobi drill press, which ironically is never used for drilling. I set the pulleys to high-speed and mounted a grinding stone and use it almost exclusively as an end-mill to create parallell surfaces on pieces of oddly-shaped modeling board. Pic 2: next, I carefully cut-out my blueprints and mount them to the modeling board before taking the trusty bandsaw to them. I remove as much excess material as possible with the saw, then I can get much finer work done with the Dremel or just hand-sanding. Pic 3: for straight, flat cuts & surfaces, I'll resort to the mill. This new machine has a brushless motor with variable speed control, so I can get finer cuts without chipping like with my old equipment. Pic 4: I can also use my diaond-tipped grinding bits at high-speed to simulate a milling bit. In this case, creating an indent in the rifle stock. Pic 5: this odd arrangement of pillars will be molded in order to create castings of various-sized resin bar-stock which I can then turn on the lathe... Mostly because it's much faster and cheaper than using metal. My immediate use will be for creating the RPG launcher, lenses and various gun barrels. Pic 6: the basic Gallant components. I opted to use a styrene/modeling board sandwich to create extra depth and detail on an otherwise small and intricate part. I'll also be testing the fit with my Rey figure's hand to ensure an adequate fit. More to come next week!
  11. Such beauty!! For a while back when I had sculpted the Eager, I was worried that maybe I didn't do the proportions justice, but over time I came to understand that it was pretty much all in my head, as Emiliano's pics clearly demonstrate. Sir, you had my curiosity, but now you have my attention!
  12. While I'm sad that this may negatively inpact Guardians 3, ultimately, the truth of the matter is that Gunn got himself fired. Studios spend ludicrous amounts of money to make these movies and I trust that Disney has already seen what bad publicity (fan backlash) can do to even THE biggest film franchise (Star Wars) and likely jumped into damage-control mode at the first hint of a media sh*tstorm. I don't blame them, hundreds of millions of dollars are on the line.
  13. I'd be reticent to add a third Gallant, just because it adds to the price (planned $65 CAD), and that for an option that probably few people will want. Right now the set will (tentatively) include: -Gallant pistol -Gallant rifle w/sling -RPG launcher w/clear targeting lenses -Saddle-packs (side, 2pcs) -Saddle-pack (rear, can be built open or closed) -Water cantine and misc. supplies -dash panel and weapons markings decal
  14. Demand will dictate whether or not there is more than one run. It's very possible that Sentinel will wake-up and decide to release those options with future releases. Normally I'd think that was a no-brainer, but given how cheap toy manufacturers are lately, it's still very much a crap-shoot.
  15. I'm working on accessories for the 1/12 Sentinel, but a clear visor is not among them. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/45610-the-official-moscato-hobby-models-thread/
  16. So as promised, I'm making a quick update for my latest project, which is an update set for the Sentinel 1/12 MOSPEADA. Aside from the saddle-packs which I will be making, I also elected to include both a Gallant pistol and rifle, the RPG launcher, as well as some other goodies. I've already done some basic work as an attempt to size the rifle properly, which proves to be more of a challenge than I initially thought. *RANT MODE ON* For the love of mother f**king C*rist, you'd think that those F&%#$# designers could handle designing something as simple and pedestriant as a f?$*! rifle, but NOOOO!!! I mean for f#%*k's sake, the only way they could have made this thing LESS ergonomic would have been to incorporate barbed-wire into the grip! The stock is waaaay too long and you have to make the pistol the size of a small pizza box just to get an adult human hand into the grip opening! I swear, nothing burns my a$$ more than sloppy, LAZY design work! *RANT MODE OFF* So as with pretty much every other Anime-related project, I've had to resort to some creative-redesigning to make this thing work with an actual human figure, without actually butchering the aesthetics. I think I've managed to do a decent job in the process, but you be the judge.
  17. He used the saddle-bags from the Imai 1/12 plastic model.
  18. It's very possible that the slots were designed for that originally, and went unused from the factory. The Imai kit saddle-bags fit rather well without the rider on, but I wonder why they didn't take any pics with the rider on the bike? I figured I'll restyle the boxes slightly and make them a bit more user-friendly.
  19. Better yet, a reboot that, like the original series, takes place in the early 70's: re-use the original character designs, but update the stories and animation with a modern touch.
  20. No pics yet, but know that it'll be an update set and not a full kit. I'm warming-up.
  21. Just a quick heads-up: I've been quiet for a few months, but have recently started working on a new project. More updates next week.
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