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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. Captain's log: Tuesday, quitting time. Basic molds are done, duplicate molds are in the pipeline and the castings are awesome! The visor is looking really sweet, too, and if I'm lucky, I can game the mixture just a little so that the part remains slightly flexible and less prone to breakage. I'll be casting these already tinted, so as to save those with lesser modeling skills the chore of painting them. As for the tint, this test-shot is a bit too blue, so I'll adjust the color to a blue-gray as seen in the anime. The RPG will come with a clear lens for the targeting system, but I'll also be giving you all a little extra glow-in-the-dark sheet, which you can trim and place beneath the lens on the RPG to simulate a night-vision system. Simple, but effective! Also, I'm finishing up the markings before I send them to print. You have markings/serial/instructions for the RPG, markings for the saddle-packs as well as for the Gallant weapons. Will post a For Sale thread tomorrow w/shipping prices... I'm pumped!
  2. https://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/45610-the-official-moscato-hobby-models-thread/?page=2
  3. Just a quick reminder, I'll start accepting pre-orders for the 1/12 Mospeada accessories on Wednesday. Better pics coming soon.
  4. I've updated the first post with a FAQ. Recommended read.
  5. I'm not sure why I'd bother casting a visor, tediously filling-in the scribed lines and re-molding it in opaque resin. Sort of defeats the purpose, wouldn't you say? If you don't mind paying for the extra individual parts, it's no problem.
  6. Captain's log: Friday, August 17th. Quick-and-dirty update on the accessories set: molding has begun in earnest, and the modified visor looks to be a success! However chaotic my molding process looks, it works, and works well.
  7. For what it's worth, I just don't think the demand is there. When a project proposal stretches-on for too long in the hope of scrounging-up extra customers, you start to lose your initial customers as they wander-off, captivated by some newer, shinier bobble elsewhere. I have the skill, I have the desire, but the demand is soft and frankly, there are other, more interesting projects to tackle.
  8. Just from looking at pics, I think you'd be better off painting with regular colors, and then mix some pearl powder in with your flat basecoat. It will reproduce the subtle effect in the photos more convincingly than going with straight metallics.
  9. That's definitely an interesting project, and I'd be happy to take a stab at it if demand is there. I also had the idea of making a 1/12 Legioss cockpit that would go with the existing Sentinel figures. One idea among many.
  10. No plans for it. Besides, it would cost the same to ship one visor as 4 whole accessory sets, so really not worth it.
  11. Yes, and that's a significant part of the price increase. The visors are actually scribed on the underside, so I had to make special tools to fill and sand the very tight compound curve, which is a major tedious PITA, but it's coming along.
  12. Just by-the-by, I'm toying with the idea of having the dash panel as a glow-in-the-dark piece, which would add just a little extra coolness to the update set. Must. Succeed!
  13. Yes indeed. I'll actually put that thread in the FOR SALE section and link to it from this thread to help people find it.
  14. Captain's log, August 14th. Almost done! Just little details remain now. Since I made the fanny saddle-pack box openable, I figured I'd make some innards to compliment it. Various food stuffs, medical supplies, cantine... The box's internals aren't removeable, but the water bottle is, Just another nifty little accessory for additional posing or dioramas. Also, as specifically requested, we have... An HBT family pack!! I really have to thank Ted for bringing it up, because in hindsight, the accessories set wouldn't have been complete without it. Also, I managed to adjust the Gallant/Rifle stock so that I can mold them separately, so you will have the option to mix & match between short or extended barrel versions... You're welcome! And it looks like you guys will be getting unscribed visors as well. Still finishing those up, but it looks like it's a go. While the visors are drying, I'll be finishing the dashboard panel and decals. All that being said, the accessories set has grown beyond my initial plans, so the price will have to be adjusted--that's the only bad news. It would go from $65 CAD to $85 CAD ($50 USD to $65 USD). So the pre-order price will be $85 CAD for the first 50 paid. Shipping would be the same as for the Baby Space Crab (which is the minimum for any parcel) with the added advantage being that I can ship 4 sets for the price of one. I'll provide the exact figures next week when I start accepting payments. The bottom pic gives you an idea of what the set will look like, minus a few parts.
  15. Captain's log: August 7th. I'm in the home stretch now, with mostly just the HBT pack remaining to be made. For that, however, I'll have to cast the figure's HBT cannister to make a full set. Saddle-packs are almost done, just a bit of detailing to do here and there. I added carry handles, just because it seemed silly not to have them, knowing that they would be hella-awkward to pick-up/carry without them, especially if you're already being chased by Inbit. This is also me being pragmatic, just as I had been with the Legioss, which has the extra-added bonus of providing yet more posing options for your figures. For those who prefer no handles, you can easily trim the hinges off to make the boxes flat, so everybody wins! The RPG launcher is also almost done and looking very illustration-accurate. Of course, I took a little extra time to ensure that the saddle-packs not only fit on the bike, but also don't interfere with the rider. I'm going to be doing some preliminary casting today, so the next time you see the parts, they will either be primed and/or already molded.
  16. Thanks for bringing that up, Ted. My original idea was to keep the price-point as $50US/65 CAD. I can keep the price-point the same and leave some parts for another set, or I can add things in and bump the price up to compensate. For the sake of sturdiness, I'd likely mold the HBT cannister, make four castings, create the frame/handle and then mold it all as a solid piece.
  17. I will attept to re-cast the visor, but because I don't want to mangle the original, I will have to cast it once, modify it and cast it again. It's a small and very thin part, so no guarantees.
  18. Seeing things like that give me pause. I think the figure looks fantastic, and I was seriously considering getting it, but part of me wants to wait and see if, like with some other Masterpiece figures, a 3P will step-up and produce a more "massaged" version with sturdier joints and more durable paint apps. For what it's worth, great review here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oc8svt4k4tk
  19. LOL Such an awesome build! Brett, I thought you said your modeling skills were rusty?
  20. Your kitchen counters have been immortalized!!
  21. Captain's log Tuesday, July 31st. Also known as today. So I've been making progress with the 1/12 accessories set. I opted to churn-away on the RPG and do some refinement of the Gallant, and the saddle-packs are begun, but still just blocks for the time being. Pics 1 and 2: some lathe action as I slowly become accustomed to my new machine, whose adjustment wheels are located differently from my previous rig. Alas, no major disasters as yet, and I've put those resin cylinder castings to good use for the RPG parts. You can see the progression even at this early stage. Pics 3 and 4: the Gallant, now sporting its flashy and handy shoulder strap. The latter will be included, along with staples used to make the buckles. I also concocted an attachment that allows you to mount the rifle onto the bike. I figured that since all of these are current-issue MARS weapons, that they should be compatible and have dedicated integrated systems. Pics 5 and 6: the strap allows for more posing options, so regardless of what mode your MOSPEADA is in, it will always be interesting. Pics 7 and 8: the basic RPG launcher in need of further detailing. I don't know what the official MOSPEADA illustration book has to say about it, but I consider the RPG to be older tech; possibly even pre Inbit... At least that's the impression that I get from looking at the large, clumsy one-shot design. The VR-038L's launcher, by contrast, is smaller, sleeker and can fire multiple rounds. Pics 9 and 10: Here we see Ley modeling the RPG launcher for us. It has a pop-out secondary handle for easy use. The official illustration has Ley holding it with one hand... The joys of a powered exo-suit. I will show-off better pics of the RPG being held like in the official illustration, but for now I need the bike in Ride-Mode to make the adjusdtments for the saddle-packs. More to come next week!
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