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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. Oh, and the kit is officially out! Simply PM if interested. Scale is 1/48, and actual size is 17.1cm in height.
  2. Hey all, Episode 42 of the Scale Model Podcast is out. If you want to understand why my new mecha design looks the way it does, you need to listen to this! https://scalemodelpodcast.com/podcast/scale-model-podcast-ep-42-john-moscato-part-duex/ I've also uploaded the instruction files for the new kit on Facebook, for those who want a look. There are too many plates to upload here (36) so I'll just leave you with the painting guide.
  3. No. The broken part needs to pivot while also having a hint of flexibility. CA glue has very poor resistance to torsional loads, so not only will it not work, but it'll also leave your parts caked with unsightly CA residue. Best bet would be to back-engineer the part and 3D print something in ABS.
  4. In as much as Meptoys announced production of SC merchandise, I won't be poking the bear.
  5. Very clever how you made the cannons removable!
  6. Heads-up guys! I'll be re-issuing the Pinky and Baby Space Crabbs as part of Crabb Awareness Month; pre-orders go live next week. I'd upload a pic, but the site is malfunctioning ATM.
  7. I hate being a voice of dissent, but that's just horrible. Whatever may have been said about the aborted MAAS offering, the previews they had shown were leaps and bounds ahead of this. When will people ever learn that quality is the cheapest and fastest path to success?
  8. Well Fuke me! That Bartley looks excellent! Hopefully the new Sentinel versions are what they'll use for Genesis Breakers. Nicely modernized yet faithful to the spirit of the old designs.
  9. IMHO, those were the nicest NGE EVA units. Shame that the pre-painted figures were so sloppy. I had the EVA-01 kit and was enamored with the proportions, but I loathe vinyl kits.
  10. They look almost satirical with those oversized helmets.
  11. Partly this, partly the fact that the hinges for the cockpit covers aren't movable. Arguably, you could grind the figure or the cockpit in a few strategic places to get the covers to fit over her, but it's easier just to take the pilot out, and combine that with hatch magnets to make a kit that you can display open or closed.
  12. No, you either have to build it open or closed.
  13. She's done! Casting is 75% done for current orders, and I'll be posting the destructions later this week.
  14. Hey guys! If anyone out there is in the US military, preferably Army or Marines, please shoot me a PM: I have a few question with regards to armored troop formations. Thanks in advance!
  15. I figured out why the kit took so long to make: it has a buttload of parts! 74 for the pre-order kit and 71pcs for the standard version. Parts came out great, and I've already begun prepping my own kit.
  16. About 30 good castings, if I baby the molds. Technically I can get about 35 pulls, but in my estimation the quality of the last 5 or so doesn't meet quality standards, and I want the last casting to be substantially the same as the first.
  17. Captain's log: Friday, January 17th. Molds are done! The process went surprisingly well, despite the complexity of certain parts. Seemed like a good use if 15lbs of silicone! Preliminary casting has already begun and the results are excellent. Will have more pics in the next few days. Decals: looking good, despite some teething troubles needing to be massaged.
  18. Shhhh! You're blowing my cover, bro. Actually, someone was kind enough to point-out that mW = milliwatts, while MW = megawatts. **Pulls E-13 trigger, watches projectile fall lifelessly out the barrel and lawn-dart into the ground directly below** ...I think I need more power. Directed energy weapons are there too, though they play a slightly different role.
  19. More M-72 Gabriel goodness! I went with the look of a defence contractor's brochure, at least for the initial presentation, to give the mecha and the series a little extra depth. Real-world specs and RHA penetration capabilities will remain 'classified' for the time being... Just like with real-world weapons. Short version: the soldier locks onto the target with the E-13, when the trigger is depressed, the EMP emitter fires a controlled pulse to disable the enemy APS system, and a fraction of a second later, the projectile is fired.
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