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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. You don't need any special compensator to shoot Glocks underwater. What you DO need is the P/N 3073 'Spring Cups, Amphibious'. Graham, (Glock Armorer since 1996). ...Yes, that's it! The little bits that allow the firing pin to maintain sufficient velocity to detonate the primers underwater... Or something along those lines. Personally, i can't think of any instances where any civilian would even WANT to fire their gun underwater (if I want to play with a gun in the bathtub, I just use a waterpistol )
  2. Shooting a glock underwater? Without the special compensator PROPERLY installed, you might as well just chop your hand off with a meat cleaver... Nowhere near as messy as letting the exploding gun do it for ya I've done some research on glocks, and apparently the.40 has a nasty little habit of exploding on you if you should be unfortunate enough to get a bad shell-casing on the round you're firing. This guy seems to echo my sentiments... http://members.cox.net/guntraining/no_glocks.htm This is not to say that I think glocks are bad guns; my biggest beef with them is that they're just horribly unattractive
  3. Hi JS Arclight. You'll be happy to know that my 9mm is fundamentally gimmick-free. There would be no use for a decocker, since there is no hammer whatsoever; the firing system is something completely new that I designed from scratch. Idiotically-simple, but rugged and reliable. Though I can't elaborate on details, I can tell you a few things about it: the pistol is COMPLETELY ambidextrous, right out of the box: safety, mag release button and slide release are all designed so that you can use the gun with either hand without any fumbling whatsoever(ALL backup guns should be). Furthermore, I also incorporated a sighting system that is 100% snag-free, and yet makes aiming even easier and quicker than with normal sights. You'll also be happy to know that the grip, which is minimised in thickness AND length(no extra room needed for a sear or main spring) sports finger indentations for maximum controllability. The safety also does double-duty, locking both the firing pin AND the trigger when not in use... Completely drop-safe. Oh... Did I mention that it can do all this with a mere 41 total parts? That includes the sights, screws, and springs.
  4. Hi Opus. I was grappling with the issue of mag capacity during the design phase as well. The problem is, when you design a micro-compact, whether you go for single stack, or double-stack to get the 10 rounds, you compromise on compactness and concealability. My own take is that 6+1 rounds is more than adequate for a CC/backup weapon. If you need more rounds than that to take down an assailant or two, it's cos your aim is bad! LOL Seriously though, for certain situations, nothing beats a full-size gun with the full 10 round mag. The good thing about designing something small, is that it's a lot easier to size-up afterwards, than the other way around.. If I play my cards right, hopefully I'll be able to offer both
  5. I currently carry a Glock 19 and HK USP Compact in .357 SIG as backups when I am working. One on each side of my vest. off duty, I carry two Glock 33s in .357 SIG. i usually carry these in either a dual shoulder-rig or in two fobus paddle holsters. I am looking into getting the HK P2000 subcompact in .357 SIG when it comes out. Hmm. Those are still fairly bulky pieces to carry. I always had a liking for the PPK, but it's a little bit large for a "modern" .380, and for that size, I'd definitely like something with a bit more stopping-power. Hopefully, what I've got in development will make concealed-carry a little more "concealable"; especially for everyday use. Essentially, I've been working on a compact semi-auto chambered for 9mm. 5.6 inches in total length, 4" high, and 0.95" across grip & slide. Mag capacity:6 rounds... The best part is that it's DAO, but uses a slide-in trigger like a 1911, and a few other features that I can't really elaborate on... Yet.
  6. I design guns and I can't believe I haven't noticed this thread until now Anyone here into compact, concealed-carry pieces?
  7. It just dawned on me that this year will mark the 20th anniversary of Takaya's Bio Boosted Armor Guyver series. I know that they're releasing a new series of poseable figures based on their old vinyl kit series line, but I was wondering if anything else might be planned?
  8. Hi Sam. All I can say is wow, Guyver III never looked so good! I took a stroll onto HLJ's website, and did a search for both Max Factory and Guyver, but they don't seem to have the item listed--out of stock, or otherwise. Is the original yen price listed on the box, by chance?
  9. To call the Exorcist "overrated" is truly unfair. It stands as probably the scariest horror movie of all time, not because of its visual effects, but more because of it's chilling mood and psychological impact. Gore does not mean scary, and vice-versa. For what it's worth, it boggles me that films like Scream and its carbon-copy immitations are held in such high regard by the average viewer; they're completely devoid of the fundamental psychological "chill" factor necessary to truly frighten a person to the core. That's why the Exorcist will probably always be toted as the king.
  10. ... I seem to have found the answer to my own question, and the answer is an impressive doosie. Quoted directly from the Hyperscale aircraft forums: "APPROXIMATE ARRIVAL: SEPTEMBER 1, 2004 ___**2224 1/32 SUKHOI SU27 FLANKER-B FIGHTER SRP $149.95 The Su-27 was developed as a long-range air superiority fighter, having improved the quality of the former Soviet fighters. It’s combat abilities compare roughly to the US F-15. Up to 10 air-to-air missiles can be carried and is equipped with a formidable front and rear radar system. This allows the Su-27 to fire at targets in front or behind the aircraft. The Flanker-B variant was placed into service in April, 1981, having been newly equipped with better aerodynamics and an aft radar extension. Kit consists of 350 parts on 9 giant sprues plus upper and lower fuselage halves, canopy, nose radome and 3 rubber tires. Additional features include white metal landing gear & struts, pitot head and flap shaft, photo-etched aileron and flap hinges and a film instrument panel. Markings are for the 582nd Fighter Regiment, 4th Air Army Frontal Aviation, Chojna, Poland, 1992. Operational parts include the flaps and speedbrake, and opening canopy. Completed kit measures 27 ½” long with a wingspan of over 18". Oooooh boy, she's gonna be a BIG BIRD!
  11. Hi Retracting. I've been hearing feint whispers of this model since about this time last year, but nothing solid whatsoever. As you can see now, sites are starting to show it as To Be Released, and one actually had a price of $148 for the model. I think they SHOULD have released it last year, but seem to have held-back in order to improve the tooling and correct a few little details. It's to the point now, that even one aftermarket decal company is planning to release an upgrade decal sheet to coincide with the kit... Unfortunately, still no official date of release. http://argo.net.au/jbwhole/trumpeter/tr32.htm http://www.discountmodels.com/trumperter_32_planes.htm http://www2.stevenshobby.com:5641/si/produ...supplierid=5270 http://www.udisco.com/hobbies/inv/Trumpe.HTM
  12. though I wouldn't normally bother with a silly "pie-in-the-sky" rumor of this nature, I've seen this listed on at least 3 sites so far as being slated for 2004 release by Trumpeter. Unfortunately, no pictures or prices. Just wondering if anyone had any solid info of any kind on this (possible) upcoming release?
  13. Hi David. The Techniks and Cutting Edge update sets are one in the same; just packaged differently. With regards to the "incorrect-ness" of hasegawa's wing-glove fairing, it's too flat when you look at the aircraft from the side. The area where the wing-glove meets the foreward fuselage/nose section should have a bit more of a curve to it. In the end, most people won't notice, and despite all my scratchbuilding skills, I deem it as not worth the hassle to repair. I did a quick write-up on the hasegawa kit here: http://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com/Fea1...cato/fea681.htm One sample picture:
  14. Hi David. I actually have the 1/32 Tamiya Tomcat ( 1994 re-issue.) All in all, I firmly believe that it has more potential than any other Tomcat kit out there on the market at the moment. The lack of scribed detail on the aft fuselage is a blessing in my eyes: considering tamiya's tendancy to carve very deep trenches in offerings like the 1/32 Eagle and Phantoms, I'll gladly do my own scribing in the proper size. Regarding the Cutting Edge fuselage/engine nozzle update set, I think it falls rather short in my eyes: there's absolutely no need to cut away the aft fuselage to make it correct, you just need some putty to square-off the outer fairing and re-model the adaptor fitting aft of the alligator plates, which is really just a bare carbon-fiber part. Even worse, the update kit completely ignores the fact that you need new burner cans to go with the GE nozzles, so scratchbuilding skills are necessary if you want to do it right. Having said that, it's still my pick as the best F-14 kit out there, with the 1/48 Hasegawa a close second. The latter definitely provides more bang for the buck and gives you more lattitude to build alternate versions, but they did screw-up in the shaping of the upper portion of the LEX/wing glove, which is a tad too flat, and the lower aft fuselage just foreward of the engine nozzles is improperly shaped.
  15. Hi Jesse White metal (pewter) is intrinsically difficult to cast because of the fact that the metal cools/solidifies very quickly. I've tried doing some home pouring myself, but for anything more detailed than a 1.5 by 1.5 inch cube, it'll result in much of the detail not coming out because of the above problem. As it turns out though, I currently have a supplier that specialises in white metal casting. He uses spin-casting ( centrifuge) to do small stuff, and from firsthand knowledge, his work is quite nice. Just let me know if I can help.
  16. Hi Anthony ...I really should've been more careful about posting that; looks like I've opened up another can o' worms. The Vf-1D project sounds like a relatively interesting one. However, if you look at the foreward fuselage of the D conpared to the A/J/S, there's quite a length difference. That, combined with the shortened chest armor and the need for a very long heatshield (to cover the elongated canopy) might result in an engineering "brick wall." Probably the best solution would be a "cheat" technique similar to what Yamato did in 1/60... It's a lot of work though.
  17. Yeah why don't cha cast it for us, we'll all buy it? Sure thing. Just line-up 50 or so people who are willing to shell-out $520.00 apiece for the kit, and I'll get right to work.
  18. That's not a knife... THIS is a knife. **shameless attempt at self-promotion**
  19. ...Not just re-casts, his absurdly-high prices didn't help. I still have a few of his catalogs from 12-13 years ago; seems like he just bought the kits for retail in Japan, and tried to make a mark-up on that. If anything put him out of business, it was HLJ. When his clientele realised what the original kits actually cost, they defected in droves to greener pastures.
  20. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/mwat/j...giosstreadd.jpg The picture isn't mine, but it IS of my model. The warped port-side wing and angled wing stripes give it away. I also have the magazine article somewhere. I'll try to scan it in the next couple days.
  21. I built the Newtype-issued kit about 11 years ago for a magazine review... Funny, most of the pics I see on the net of the kit built are of my model. It's an ok kit. As Jesse mentionned, the Legioss' cockpot canopy is opaque resin, but as the Legioss itself is just a resin casting of the 1/72 Imai plastic kit, you may want to swap the resin chunker for its plastic counterpart. The tread portion is cute; nothing spectacular, but detailed enough for what it is. Though not actually transformable, it can be re-worked to transform to Tread Soldier with some minor scratchbuilding and refinement. Decals are plenty, and are of the same type issued in the Imai kits. They go on with no problems. The only drawback of the kit was the Tread's wings, which are molded in a soft resin which seemingly has a tendancy to sag with time... More so if placed in a warm area. You may want to scratchbuild a set of these out of styrene. Doubtful that you'll find that kit for $50. They usually fetch over a undred on E-Bay, and that's for the re-recasts.
  22. God, some people are cheap. Truthfully, I've never considered myself a reckless spender, but to limit one's self to a $20-$50 price-point on an item simply because it gets stereotyped as a "toy" in my mind, just seems ludicrous. Unlike my parents, who are the cheapest people I know, and spend absurd amounts of time/effort to save a nickel on everything they buy, I've adopted a slightly different philosophy: you only live once, and you're here for a good time, not a long time, so enjoy. That having been said, I don't want to wake up one day, look back and say that I've saved-up all this money, knowing that I won't be able to spend it when I die. To me, toys are a healthy part of everyday life, and if I really want something, whether it costs $10 or $10 000, if I really want it, there's a good chance I'll get it.
  23. Hi Jesse Sounds like a fair challenge. I may feel obligated to do a litle bit of tinkering on the VF-0 though... Most likely convert it to 1/32 scale and make it transformable for starters
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