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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. I started building model kits at the tender age of 5... I think it just snowballed from there. Just for the record, I'm entirely self-taught. If anything, I've always been a fast learner, and would devour all sorts of books for information. Most of all, I experimented feverishly... If only I hadn't wasted my time in college learning pesky commercial illustration! LoL
  2. Hi Exo. The super-detail set, IF it ever gets prodced, will only be replacement/add-on parts, not a whole Tachikoma model.
  3. If you mean the Tachi, it's @ 11cm tall, by 11-12 cm wide, and @ 14 cm long. I originally had misgivings, thinking that I had chosen too small a scale, but in fact, it's a surprisingly good size, and it's free-pose, so you can build it in any pose you like: the joints allow for a very wide range of positioning. ...And if it sells well enough, a high-detail super-set (opening fridge, different weapons, white metal parts) is not out of the question.
  4. I actually like BGC more than Megazone 23: part II was great, but parts 1 & 3 kinda blew chunks in my eyes. Despite that, the Garland from part III and the Moto-Slave are excellent designs, and if there's enough demand, I'd certainly step-up to the plate to make either or both. Having said that, I still think my Tachi is aweome
  5. I think everyone needs a good pair of MG Balls They REALLY must be running out of good skus if they're releasing kits of the giant space testicle... Seriously, bring on the PG EX-S Gundam
  6. I really don't know if there'd be enough demand for a variable Moto-slave. I like the mecha a lot, but even in 1/12 or 1/15 it would probably top $200, and I doubt there would be 50-60 people ready to pay that much.
  7. Hi all. Here's the test-shot Tachikoma model that I'm finishing up. There are a few bits that I left off for the pics; namely the fingers, lenses and wheels for the feet; the hot glue I use to temporarily affix the parts would just have damaged them. There are no fewer than 70 pieces in total, and will be molded in 4 colors. The final molding process has commenced, and final castings will be done in about 10 days. For those interested in obtaining a kit, you can do so by ordering directly from Samurai Monkey Models http://www.samurai-monkey.com Orders placed in the first 30 days will be at the special introductory price.
  8. The part actually looks much, MUCH better with a couple coats of lacquer
  9. Denture cleaner might help in some instances. There's also this.... http://www.brightsolutionsinc.com/?source=overture Haven't tried it yet, but it seems like one of the only real dedicated plastic restoration compounds.
  10. It's to release the front bodywork.
  11. Actually, the McLaren was the ultimate supercar... The Saleen S7 can outrun it; as can the Enzo. Just the result of progress, I suppose. The one thing that will always remain fantastic about the F1 is that it's a family car... A whole 3 seats! It's an absolute pain in the a$$ to get in & out of the car though; I damn near had to CRAWL back out. The most driver-friendly car is really the Enzo: so easy to get in & out that you almost think it's a cadillac, but the cockpit feels tight as a drum! If you ever have the opportunity, give it a try and you'll see what I mean.
  12. Interesting pitch, but in my eyes, the 220 always had about as much grace as a beached whale...Which pretty much explains how big it is too. For a kool million, I coud get an Enzo and probably have enough change left-over to get an S-7... Both of which would out-handle, out-accelerate and out-brake the british whale, and they look much nicer too
  13. They're the little ones.
  14. Aaaaaargh! Don't you just love it when you have two official pieces of artwork that directly contradict each other? Honestly though, for such a simple mecha design, you'd think that they could at least keep certain things consistent, but in fact, the project has been much slower-going because of discrepancies just like this. Among the other problems: the shape of the forearms. Some artwork shows it as jellybean-shaped, while others show it as cylindrical. The eye "balls" are of varying size in different drawings, some stick out more on some art, and even the positioning varies wildly... BTW, the eye-balls on the gashapon are wrong: they placed them at 12, 4, and 8 o'clock respectively, when they SHOULD be at 12, 3 and 9 o'clock. Lower legs: some artwork has them looking very straight and mechanical, some views show them looking to have a far more organic taper. The scale/size is also an issue, but a lesser one. If anything, it might just end up labeled as 1/24 in stead of 1/18.
  15. I'm going to submit some progress pics by week's end; be sure to keep an eye on the Samurai Monkey website
  16. For the time being, there's no intention to make the "fridge" cockpit openable to keep costs reasonnable. However... An "upgrade" kit may be produced later on for those who require more detail.
  17. hehehe! That looks kinda like what I'm sculpting
  18. Who the hell cares?
  19. ...You mean like this?: http://www.samurai-monkey.com
  20. ...You mean like this?: http://www.samurai-monkey.com
  21. I've only ever had contact with Toynami once, and briefly at that; I have no clue what their current projects, policies or wages consist of. I'm sure they'll be able to manage just fine without me.
  22. It's not really an issue of detail: a sculpt is done with a fixed objective in mind. In the case of a toy, you have to take a different approach than you would for a model/model kit. On a toy, you have to think about sturdiness and functionnality: gear bay doors and landing gear have to be solid & over-designed, so do joints. You also have to think about partition lines for the dies, etc. Also, because if the type of plastic used, you can't have very fine detail. I know all about this, I designed toys for a living. Truth be told, you can still make a visually-superb toy, even without very fine detail or high metal content. It's not the materials, it's about how you use them.
  23. Just for the record, neither George Sohn nor Toynami have ever threatened me regarding the Legioss... Or anything else, for that matter: the warning to take down the MW frontpage Legioss update pre-order came directly from the offices of Harmony gold. Apples & oranges. Also, George Sohn had simply called me & asked me to provide an estimate for my services to work on their Legioss project. They passed. That's all there is to it.
  24. Hi guys. Yes, that is my auction. A lot of people have been asking about the Launch Vehicle (LV.) My thought was to put it off until after the X-mas holidays, and maybe come out with a "surprise" kit befor the LV; I haven't quite made-up my mind yet
  25. Have you thought of contacting Rob or myself about your castings? It was my understanding that some of them were a bit rough, and did not meet the expectations of some modelers. If this is the case with your model, please contact either of us and we'll see what we can do to rectify the situation.
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