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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. Just for Kicks, here's a Regult image I cleaned up. Feel free to size it to 33cm (from the absolute tip of the cannons to the bottom of the foot)...See for yourself how monstrous it is at that size
  2. Argh! Now I'm in a quagmire... The "large" Regult makes more sense since a Zentradi soldier can actually fit into it, but I just now printed some plotter outputs to scale: this thing is HUGE!!! Now i'm really contemplating whether I should shrink it down just for practicality's sake. If I go ahead and sculpt it at this size, it would mean a jump of about $30.00 in price, just for the extra resin. The only bonus I can see in making it this huge is that it would be adequate for both 1/72 in terms of "logical" scale, and also 1/48 if you base yourself on numerical values... So you could put it next to your 1/48 Yammies. But it would cost $30 more. Or... I can keep it to scale with the Imai model, which is "correct" in terms of the numerical height dimension. Smaller, but also easier on the wallet. Any suggestions guys? It's your money.
  3. There's actually a method to my madness... Should I ever decide to produce a 1/72 Zentradi soldier to go with the 'Gult, I want it to look right. I know the cockpits are supposed to be cramped, but there's a difference between cramped, and dangerously shrink-wrapped If anything, I think that the 1/72 kits are more like 1/100 scale as far as proportions are concerned... I can stil remember seeing that episode where Hikaru/Misa/Max/Hayao escape from the Breetai's ship aboard a pod and you see three VF-1s retrieve it; you could clearly see the pod was quite large.
  4. Do you have any confirmed data to back that up? The official Macross lineart seems to indicate otherwise.
  5. Hi Coby. I actually have Macross Perfect Memory, TIA #11, as well as the cutaway view. The cutaway is truly great, but it won't be much help, since there won't be any actual internal structure on the model, and the cutaway's view of the cockpit details is somewhat ambiguous... The anime style sheets will be better suited for that.
  6. In so much as the preorders for the Regult are quite high, I've already started gathering reference to build the patterns from. One point of interest will be the size of this model: IT WILL BE LARGER THAN THE IMAI KIT. MWers: why will it be larger Cap'n? Cap'n: because the Imai model was made too small for the scale advertised. As you can see from the size chart below, a conventional Zentradi soldier is about 10M tall, compared to the VF-1 Battroid, which is just under 13m tall. Now, basing myself on available data, as well as reference taken from both Perfect Memory and TIA volume 11 (official lineart), we can see how that 10m Zentradi soldier needs to fit inside the pod of the Regult. Based on this, there is NO way that the Regult could stand 15.2m tall... Unless it's in its "crouched" hangar bay stowage mode. Long story short, a regult made to "intelligent" 1/72 scale would stand about 33cm tall, so this is going to be a fairly large model. ...Just doing my homework as usual
  7. If we can get the preorders to hit 45, I'll commence sculpting ASAP.
  8. I actually painted all the grey parts dull aluminium... Which was basically just Tamiya's chrome silver spray can which I then dull-coated with micro-flat. The "ball" joints I left shiny
  9. If/when the LV is produced, there will be a limited set available with both the booster and launch pylon. Launch pylons by themselves are no longer available.
  10. Hi Exo, thanks for the vote of confidence... I do my best. If anyone needs any Tachikoma models, just PM Rob or Myself, we still have some left.
  11. Hi Coby. Problem is, if you factor out the costs for a run of 25, but you only get 18 orders, you lose money, and sadly, I've been doing a bit too much of that as it is. Basically, the only reason Rob and I skipped-over that project was because we weren't able to get the orders necessary for it to break even. This is not to say that it'll never get done, it just won't get done right now.
  12. The large missile pod attachments will most likely be a stand-alone set that can simply be dropped onto the existing kit. However, since my Regult sculpt will be a full scratchbuild, I'm not sure how well the system will adapt to the old Imai plastic model... Shouldn't be too much of an issue though.
  13. Hi Flash. The scale of 1/72 was prefered, since it's the prime scale for Macross model kits; best compromise between size and cost. Personally, I'd love to make it in 1/48, but sometimes I just don't get my way Plus the price would be more than double what I'm projecting for the model in 1/72. Hi alan168hk. Shipping for the model will be determined when it's done. Most likely about $12-13 to ship within north america, and maybe $20-25.00 to ship overseas. Gas prices are still climbing, so I don't even know if those shipping prices will be valid by the time the model is ready to ship. As for payment method, Paypal would be the prefered method, but an international postal money-order in US or canadian funds would work as well. Hi Will. The problem with the LV was that there just weren't enough people interested to make it financially viable. As you get fewer orders, unit price goes up, so it becomes a vicious cycle. Perhaps if I could (eventually) get about 30-35 takers, I could drop the price to about $250.00.
  14. Hi Frederic. Sorry 'bout the LV... The numbers just weren't working. More snow??? ... .... ..... ...... F&*$^&%^&%^E%^%^%^&^&^^&***#$##$%!!!!!!!!
  15. Less than Super O: the resin model will not be based on the plastic model whatsoever; it'll have proportions closer to the official lineart, plus an actual cockpit & clear-view hull. Like most any other Macross design, there are plastic versions, and there are resin versions. There were resin VF-1 fighters & battroid kits (non variable) selling for triple or quadruple the price of the older Imai variable plastic model, but people still bought the resin models. Like anything else, if you don't agree with the price, you are under no obligation to purchase the product.
  16. 94medition: the main "pod" of the regult will have two halves to the structure, left and right. One half will simply be molded in clear amber resin. However, it will also have the rear entry/exit hatch which can be positioned open or closed for extra cockpit viewing. azrhino: yes, the Booster LV is on hold due to lack of demand. Even this project hinges on whether or not I can fill the quota of 50 to make it financially viable.
  17. Hi all. I just wanted to give everyone the heads-up on the next SM project: after some lengthy deliberation, Rob and I have both decided on the Regult in 1/72 scale. Features I plan to build into the kit: poseable legs and feet via the use of ball-joints, detailed cockpit, and 1-side see-through hull to show off the details of that cockpit. The model would also be modular, allowing for possible Regult "Missile Carrier" and "Tactical Scout" variations at a later time. Estimated price: $125.00 plus shipping. Estimated completion: mid May. I'd essentially like to keep this thread as a preorder list ONLY as much as possible, so all those interested can simply post here, and I'll continually update this first post with names of all interested members. No money needs to be put down for the time being, but you will be required to put down a deposit once the masters are done to confirm your pre-order (payment instructions will be made available at that time)... That should be around late April/early May. We need at least 50 orders to get things going. ...Let the mayhem begin! Orders: -Ranger565 (2) -xstoys -ghadrack (2) -Grayson72 -azrhino (2) -myersjessee (2) -94medition -cobywan (2) -jardann -akim -berttt -AlphaHX (2) -newbie -JoLe727 (2) -Prometheum5 -007-vf1 -Gabe Q -Ignacio Ocamica -viceland (2) -neptuneservey (2) -flash -Mechleader -wm cheng -Plastik Missle -jorwar b (2) -Lo-pan -THOR (2) -baxojayz -Jinnai -Major Tom -f91 -shdwfx2000 -gnollman -bigkid24 (3) -valkyrie -rkiyo -Jasonic -chowyunskinny -Sebastian -Cdr Fokker (Tentative) -laroy -to177 -Wheels -David Graf -agass4u -sithlord (2) -yman1437 -Amped -Mystix -ChristopherB (2)
  18. No, it's not nearly that severe. Most of the design of the toy works very well. The only problem is, it works well for the regular VF-1; the extra growth required for the 1D poses a slight hurdle, but it's not by any means impossible to overcome.
  19. http://www.warriorguyver.com/starsguyverpa...el/synopsis.htm
  20. The first 6 or 7 volumes of the manga were translated into english by Viz well over a decade ago, but for whatever reason, they stopped just as the storyline was getting interesting. The current japanese manga are up to volume 22.
  21. From the Guyver manga. The Gigantic Guyver/Guyver III is actually only one unit generated by the Gigantic coccoon which itself was produced by the relic after it "abducts" sho and reads the data from his Guyver unit's control medal. As the relic ship is being destroyed by the surrounding fighting as well as the volcano's explosion, it whisks Sho to safety in the Gigantic coccoon, from which he eventually emmerges as the Gigantic Guyver. However, lately, Agito was able to wrestle the Gigantic unit away from Sho and seems to be using it exclusively in the latest Manga volume.
  22. Just out of curiosity, how did Hasegawa solve the backpack/V-tail issue on their models? I don't own either, but perhaps they could offer a clue as to how based on the Movie stylesheets, the backpack appears to be in its "normal" horizontal super configuration, but the V-tails still appear to be extended with the tips out on either side of the fighter's spine? I swear sometimes! Kawamori-kun outta learn to *inaudible grumble*
  23. The next "thing" I will probably work on Macross-wise is the 2-seater conversion for the 1/48 toys. After that, it's a toss-up between a Regult or the GBP-1 add-on for 1/72 Hasegawa model, depending on what people want to see first.
  24. Nah, more like $120-$130 in resin, AND unlike the plastic model, I can even make a detailed cockpit with one side half in clear resin to show off the internals.
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