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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. Nope, no credit cards. Paypal, int'l money orders or Western Union only.
  2. Hi Knight26. Based on the diagram below, the cut-out for the chest is just about proportionate to the same amount of extra covering that is added at the neck/chest armor. The lengthening of the cockpit also needs to be proportionate to that equation, or the transformation will malfunction. You can see this for yourself on the 1/60 VF-1D.
  3. Sept 23rd update. Things have begun to take shape: the cockpit, canopy and heatshield have all been fleshed-out, with only some minor shape refinement being needed. The D head will be done last, and things will most probably look a lot more finalized in next week's update.
  4. I'll post progress pics this weekend; nothing to see at the moment except a 1J cadavre in pieces
  5. Hi all. I just wanted everyone to know that Andy's VF-1J has officially gone into the operating room as of this morning. Pneumatic "death" was recorded at 10:34am local time, when the fuel pump was officially turned-off Now the hack-job begins.
  6. The patterns on that SU-27 are absolutely phenomenal! Crazy-long project too ( as can be clearly seen by the growth of his son over those 2 years.) Perhaps it's just me, but I was a tad disappointed when I saw him start making the returns on the master to mold/make an R/C model out of it. Had he simply continued to detail the whole aircraft as intricately as the outside, he could have produced a masterful one-of-a-kind, picture-perfect SU-27 model that would be the highlight in any of the finest aviation museums in the world.
  7. I'll most probably start next week. Patterns should be done in about a month; no payment required for the time being.
  8. Surprisingly, the pigment doesn't really add much to the cost of the kit, just takes time; maybe $0.25. I can just as easily leave the parts in white/light grey to better match the plastic of the Yamato.
  9. Hi Majestic. Yes, this is the official pre-order list, so it helps if you add your name again. Sorry, I should have specified.
  10. Hi all. The VF-1D conversion set is now done, and I will post pictures shortly. Parts are now being cast and packaged. For those of you who want a set, please follow the instructions below: -Click on my name at left and when you get to my MW profile, click on Send An Email. -Send me an email entitled "VF-1D." In the email, you'll need to leave me your MW screen name, real name, full shipping address, e-mail address, and quantity of VF-1D conversions desired (preferably indicating whether you want a vanilla or color kit (s)). I will then reply to you with payment instructions. Individual VF-1D conversion kit price: $80.00 -SHIPPING within north-america: Shipping for up to 2 conversion kits is $9.00. 3 conversion kits and up will be $13.00. Shipping time is about 8-10 business days. -Overseas shipping: $15.00 for up to 2 kits, and $28.00 for 3 kits or more. -Shipping delay: I try to keep these as a minimum, but they do happen from time to time. In a worst-case scenario, I may run low on resin and this incures a turn-around time of roughly 2 weeks, as the high-impact polymer that I use is not stocked regularly by my f*@king distributor. Your patience in these instances is immensely appreciated. If for whatever reason there is a problem with your order, I will contact YOU. If I do not contact you, take this as a sign that I'm working my a$$ off to fill your order and everything is running smoothly Lastly, if you have any questions, you can always include them in your e-mail and I'll do my best to answer them. Ready... Set... GO! Preorders: -Mechamaniac 2 -Majestic (vanilla) -Haterist 2 -Fulcy -4everNewbie (vanilla) -NightmareB4Macross -Snip -Dimension 2 -Skull-1 -Godzilla 2 -EXO -Knight26 -1 VF-1 2NV -JoLe727 -Wickedpr1nce 2 -aaajin -Major Tom -Prometheum -Xstoys 2 -Postman Pat 2 -Gabe Q (vanilla) -Chowyunskinny (vanilla) -Datterboy (vanilla) -TheLoneWolf (color) -Min -Die, Alien Scum 3 (vanilla) -Hirohawa 2 (1 vanilla, 1 regular) -BigKid24 -RuskiiVFaussie (vanilla) -Zeta Otaku (vanilla) -MecGojira -Roy's Blues (vanilla) -Nismoflip -Jorwar_b 2 -gian7675 (vanilla) -Spiff -Sephiroth -bbarr97 (2) -Skull Hunter -TheFrenchOne -Pat S (2) -Doctor Paragon -Devaspark -Deimos (color) -UNSpacy -Vermillion One (3 vanilla) -rnurmin (2) -Sundown (pigmented) -Jasonc
  11. Little update. NightmareB4macross seems to be unable to help deliver the models due to a change in plans. If enyone else out there might be able to help I'd greatly appreciate it. Hi Carl. It's the same tactical grey model that you've seen before.
  12. The next "Macross" project is to be the 1/48 Yamato VF-1D conversion, provided that enough people want that. I promised I'd do that before I took on the BSG Raptor and it's long overdue. I've contemplated doing the Booster Launch Vehicle, and I'm still open to do it if I can get a minimum order requirement met. The reason it hasn't gotten done until now is that the last time it was proposed, there were to few orders and too many people griping about the price.
  13. THanks, I appreciate it! I don't think the time delay will be too much of an issue; I'd rather the goodies get there safe a little later than early and trashed.
  14. It's a built-up VF-1 Valkyrie + booster, as well as 3 unbuilt models. In terms of fragility, the booster model will be relatively well packed, and can be carried normally, so long as it doesn't get banged, dropped or severely shaken it should be ok.
  15. Hi all. I haven't been on MW in quite a while, but rest assured that I'm back in Macross Modelling mode, and a new project will commence shortly. In the meantime, I have a question. I have a built model that I'd need to get to a fellow MWer in St Louis, MO named JARDANN but I don't have much confidence sending it through the post; knowing all too well that it'll most probably arrive destroyed. In such, I was wondering if anyone here on MW might be passing into the Montreal area anytime soon, and would be willing/able to relay a model to someone in St Louis? Of course, I would compensate you for your services; either in kit or in dollars, as desired. If anyone would be able to take this on, please feel free to post or PM me. Thanks in advance!
  16. She should be done in less than a month; just a few small bits left to sculpt.
  17. There's a link to my website in my sig... Though admittedly, my site is horribly, HORRIBLY out-of-date
  18. Silly question. Has BSG started to air in Kanada? I keep scanning SPACE channel for any signs of it being on, and still nothing, while the states are up to episode 3, WTF???
  19. For what it's worth, there are grumblings suggesting that Diamond is either about to drop, or HAS dropped FSS from its catalogue; presumably as a result of less-than-stellar sales. I was wondering if anyone could confirm or deny this officially?
  20. Hi all. I thought I'd chime-in on the topic, since there has been a slight restructuring of my schedule. Long story short, the VF-1J conversion won't commence until early August, as another project I'm currently on is going to take longer than projected. I'm still in for the long-haul; the haul will just take a lil' longer.
  21. Hi all. I'm nearing the end of the production run of the Regult. Aside for the 7 models I have on reserve for people who've placed their downpayment, I'm offering the last 5 castings to anyone who'd want them. After that, I'm all done.
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