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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. Hi Mika. Yes, I think this is sufficient. I'll creatively ad-lib some of the details
  2. Hi Mika. Yup, the green (and tan) armor seem to be reserved for officers, or at least, the officer's (heavier) armor.
  3. Update. All paid orders will have shipped out by tomorrow. Instructions: they are currently underway, and will have these posted by wednesdat the 1st of March at the very latest.
  4. Hi guys. I'm just about to paint-up 2 zentradi soldier kits and I just realised that I'm still a bit ambiguous as to the overall color scheme of the uniform. From what I've been able to gather, there are at least three distinct color schemes for the basic grunts: -One with overall purple armor -One with overall brown/dark tan armor -One with overall crimson (the recon pedophile scheme) I don't suppose anyone would have some decent color pics or screen caps of the above?
  5. Ahaa, it's made of silicone! *needs sleep* 370483[/snapback] Close, I cast the seated soldier's trunk/midsection out of urethane rubber. The advantage that this has over silicone is that rubber can be painted, and the part is cast seamless Also, as promised, I shipped out the orders for the following MWers: -Jorwar_b -darklord4 More will ship Friday. Instructions are also in the works. Need sleep...
  6. Quick update. I can actually start shipping a few kits today, or at least, the couple orders for standing pilots only. The molds for the seated pilot, as you know, needed re-doing which had put me back in the first place, but all is well again, and yet more orders will go out on Friday as promised. I came up with an interesting little surprise for the seated pilot, which will allow a slight bit of adjustability in those cramped quarters
  7. That's actually a very interesting point you bring up; I was trying to wrap my mind around exactly what the body armor would consist of in order to be as user-friendly as possible. In so much as there was no data that i could find, here's what I went with: -Helmet, main breast-plate, shoulder pads and midriff plate: hard armor to protect the vitals; the latter being hinged for better mobility. -upper arms, forearms, thighs, crotch, butt-plate and boots: made of a semi-flexible material (think of a soft PVC). Something that might stop small-arms fire, but still allow enough flexibility and mobility to the user. All these would go over a 2-piece (sweater & pants) type outfit, most probably made of some sort of insulated nomex/kevlar-type material that would act as the main space suit, and be extremely flexible while providing some minimal protection from small calibre arms or edged weapons. As for the footwear, their size and shape leads me to believe that the soldier's foot actually sits quite high in the boot, and thus serves to protect the user from burried artillery/explosives (mines, etc.) Essentially, a not too high-tech, cheap, and basic uniform that could be mass-produced and provide adequate protection for the grunts of the Zentradi army.
  8. Hi Mika. I wanted to use some remaining Smooth On silicone to make the molds for the seated pilot. However, the stuff seems to have gone bad (it was still all lumpy & bubbly when I removed it from the vacuum chamber.) I should have known better than to pour it over the parts but oh well. I'll just re-extract the parts tomorrow and start with some fresh Rhodia silicone; no biggie. Just a bit of a PITA to redo all the sprues & gates on the parts. Won't affect the kit quality, just an annoyance that'll put me a few days behind... A "speed bump" on the modelling road.
  9. Update: the silicone I had poured over the seated figure was defective, so first shipments will be delayed until the 17th or the 20th. SH$*%#@$%&%FRACK!!!!
  10. First post has been updated with ordering instructions and new photos.
  11. I just wanted to let everyone know that the masters for the second figure are finally done. I'll be posting pictures of both figures in a few hours.
  12. ...And all those mecha will need zentradi soldiers standing guard for 'em
  13. Hi Coby. I was contemplating (maybe eventually) offering a Regult Scout sans cockpit detail, and fixed joints instead of the ball-joints for better overall strength. The Regult's hollow cockpit caused innumerable molding/casting problems which, while making the kit extremely interesting, I don't really know if it needs to be repeated for the scout.
  14. For the time being, I need to remain focussed on the current project. I will poll later on to see if people still want the heavy missile upgrade.
  15. Minor update. ...Just when you thought YOUR working conditions were bad--shed a tear for the poor zentradi bastards crammed into their metal wombs of death
  16. Hi Sdf-1. These are test-shots/backup masters which are made from a more durable polymer; I color-code them differently from regular production parts so as not to confuse them. The production kits will most likely be grey, as it makes painting easier.
  17. Yet another update. Here are some of the initial castings for the standing figure. These are litterally as raw as it gets: no cleaning up and no sprues cut. Sufficed to say, I'm very pleased with the results. The seated figure will require a bif of fiddling, and should be ready in about 4-5 days.
  18. Actually, yes they do. That's part of the reason it's taking so long to sculpt. All of the outer armor parts are the same for both figures, and the joints, mid-torso & hands are different. I over-complicated the figure to try to simplify it... If that even makes sense. I need sleep.
  19. Indeed, the DYRL pilot suits are quite different. I personally prefer the TV series designs overall.
  20. Yet another update. All the patterns for the standing figure are done. Sorry for the sh*tty pics, the patterns are VERY fragile, and I cannot afford to glue/fit them properly or they will crumble when I disassemble them again. The joy of sculpting, I tells ya!
  21. Eww! Imai regult. I think mine looks much nicer
  22. Just wanted to give everyone a little heads-up. I'm still working on the Zentradi, I've just been distracted with other things; I'll try to have some finished pics by friday/saturday.
  23. I've sworn-off doing any more toy conversions.
  24. Actually, Kamjin wears officer's armor which is quite different from the standard infantry armor which I'm sculpting, so a Kamjin head would be rather pointless. If there is enough interest for the kit, I may offer a couple of different heads later on.
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