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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. Hi Frederic! How are things going with your new "recast" anyway? Have you been getting decent shut-eye?
  2. Wow, you know... I've seen footage of that particular scene countless times, but I never noticed the different head. Must be old age creepin' up on me I think that alternate head lookes wicked. I'll gladly make that as an option... Don't suppose there's any clean lineart of it, or is this the only known footage of it?
  3. This is something that truly bamboozles me. I have the Macross Perfect Memory book, and the lineart for the Phalanx is quite limited, but it looks to me that there's only one head... unless I'm missing something?
  4. Hi Berttt. Having studied the lineart for the Destroids somewhat, I can say that the only leg components that are the same on the Phalanx and Tomahawk are the lower legs and the foot; everything else is custom-constructed. As far as price is concerned, my aim is to maintain consistency in the pricing, so that if future variants are made, they will be about the same price. The key point to remember is that with artsy stuff of this nature, nothing is 100% certain: it all depends on how well (or not)one model is recieved, how the molding/casting goes, and most importantly, how I feel about working in a specific rut for a determined length of time.
  5. just out of curiosity, are there any plans for a Masterpiece Megatron? Somehow I doubt it, as the transformation sequence would be quite difficult to achieve, and he's a Walther. While the latter is ok for the japanese market, I seriously doubt we'll see a proper Megatron P-38 on US/cdn toystore shelves.
  6. Hi all. Having recieved a great deal of feedback from my latest models, it seems that many of you feel that the Destroids have gotten a bit of a raw deal in modelling circles. Having looked-around myself, I am forced to agree with that statement... Which is why I would like to make the following announcement: the next 1/72 "mo-suu-kaa-toh" hobby model will be a Destroid Phalanx. Having said this, I would like to sculpt something that is "free pose", which is to say that the model may be built in any pose desired, and I would like to incorporate the following features: -missile pod hatches which may be posed open or closed -all-individual micro-missiles Having said this, I would like to know how many people would be interested in a kit if indeed I did produce one? I will set a target price of $105, which I believe is reasonnable. All interested parties please pm me with the following information: -full name -your full address -email address Those of you who already own my last piece can skip that step, as I already have your information.
  7. Now now. There's enough room for models AND toys in this world
  8. Yup, I know just what you mean about pressure pots. The largest one I have is a Devilbiss 5 gallon pain tank. It has a diameter of 14" or so that I usually work-around. Depending on the shape and complexity of the part, you may not necessarily need to pressurize it though. With regards to molds for big parts (1lb mass or greater) all I can say is just take your time to make the mold box as strong, secure, and leak-proof as possible--this is where most people cut corners; often with disastrous results. Hehe, I remember back when I had a mold box fail right after a pour.. 1.5kg of silicone spewing out like a tsunami of green goo. Oh the memories!
  9. Hi honneamise. "Big" is not necessarily linked to difficult... Depending on the subject and medium of course. I tell myself that if the part can fit in my studio, I can generally find a way to work with it Actually, I must commend you on the Ghost as well: I think it came out quite fabulous and you've managed to give that obscure old design new wings
  10. Hi guys. I realise that I've been quiet on the boards lately... Mostly because I was busying myself sculpting this little bugger. Ain't she cute?
  11. The Club M Q Rau had nice casting, but the way the detailing was done it's like... The model was sculpted with no soul. The shapes are very smooth, but lack character. I look at it and it reminds me of a resin-cast toy. To me, such a prominent mecha needs to have life breathed into it beyond mere shapes.
  12. As stated in the "other" thread, I will tackle all the zentradi mecha. I would have continued doing baddies, but certain members *cough-cough* decided that my talents were needed on a certain UN-Spacy unit. I will relish the day I tackle the Queadluunn-Rau. I know that I can totally put away the awful Club M version with one hand tied behind my back. Glaug booster: oh great googly-moogly guys! We really need to do something about this obsession you have with gi-normous (50cm plus) sized kits
  13. oh for the love of.... dude the Captian didn't recast the regult, it's an original sculpt of his own making. 383566[/snapback] ROFL! I can't believe I missed that. I'm assuming he means "re-issue", as in me re-issuing the Regult kit.
  14. I'll be taking care of all the Zentradi assault mecha.
  15. Actually, I kinda like it. The shapes are crude and rough... But it matches the lineart quite well and gives the vessel that mysterious "organic" property I always found fascinating among the Zentradi. I hink the price is justifiable so long as the castings don't have too many defects in them.
  16. Your distributor was probably just trying to unload the rest of the bad batch and maybe hoping you wouldn't notice. Either that or they're just incompetent. Even when the smooth-on stuff clearly fracks-up, I had to do some extraordinary arm-twisting to get them to admit that their product is/was defective... And also unbelieveably-tempermental. Either way, they *should* replace the defective batch free of charge, because you paid for useable material to begin with... Maybe you could get them to throw-in a sample of something else to compensate you for the aggravation
  17. Seriously. That shuttle would be something like 64cm long in 1/72 scale; about as massive as the Monster. A kit that size would be a logistical PITA.
  18. Just out of curiosity... That "bad" resin wasn't Smooth On, was it?
  19. I haven't seen this "recast" myself, but from what I've heard, it's simply a resin casting of the old Imai model... Seems like a bit of a waste, honestly.
  20. Oh, by the way, the figures are sold out.
  21. Hi Coby. If your kits don't arrive by the 10th, PM me.
  22. Actually, I've done some paint tests on the rubber torso, and if you give it a good scrubbin' with a toothbrush and some dish soap, you'll be able to paint on it directly, no primer required. Personally, I use Tamiya acrylics, as the softness of the paint allows for a tiny bit of flex, and adheres quite well.
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