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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. http://www.samurai-monkey.com/boardz/viewtopic.php?t=338 this site should be visited regularly for anyone who's a Macross modelling enthusiast, as it's where I post about all my sculpting, front and center. I will be discontinuing the Phalanx on Oct 31st by the way.
  2. Most probably it'll arrive this week or early next week; it was shipped out on the 11th or 13th IIRC. I still have a few models available if anyone is interested.
  3. I like the idea of a Scout Regult. It goes on my "to do" list.
  4. Oops, sorry. I meant Regult.
  5. The Imai Glaug was just terrible. I will likely reissue mine next spring if there are enough takers.
  6. Hi everyone. Just wanted to let everyone know that the 1/72 Phalanx models are now shipping. Payment details can be found on the Samurai Monkey site: http://www.samurai-monkey.com/boardz/viewt...php?p=3285#3285 There are also decals available for the kit
  7. The transforming VF-0 and VF-1 are surprisingly nice in the battroid modes derived from the planes. I'm not too keen on the full-action/everything moves concept for models though, as you end up with sloppy hinges like in the pics. Definitely an A for effort though.
  8. Yup, that's Megatron alright. Never saw his alt form before now though; not sure why, but in my head I had invisioned him transforming into a fighter plane more reminiscent of Cyclonus. Either way I'm fine with it, so long as his alt mode isn't a fondue pot Call me crazy, but I don't think they'll be making any plush dolls of this guy anytime soon
  9. I was worried about the movie too, but ever since I read the script I've actually felt much better about the upcoming film. There's just one niggling little thing in the plot that doesn't seem to make sense. Hopefully it's some sort of "loophole" to allow for a future sequel.
  10. The script I have states "Feb 28th revised version" It's possible that some elements could have changed, and most likely would still change even after filming starts, but from the shots I've seen and the scenes I've seen being filmed, it pretty much falls in line with what I have. I've read the whole thing, and there are some fairly interesting (and funny) scenes with the Autobots interacting with Spike. Megatron on the other hand, is characterized in a way that makes him fearsome to the point that the original G1 Megatron seems like a happy little girlie-robot compared to his new incarnation. Sent chills up my spine reading it.
  11. I'm on page 58 of the script as we speak. I like it, it's interesting.... Nothing like the transformers of old, but interesting.
  12. Wow, so many ruffled panties over, umm... A movie. Just a movie... And not even a completed movie at that. I realise that the direction being taken in this film is probably drastically-different from what's been done in the past but i don't see that as negative. I grew-up with TF, and was an enormous fan, but if the film doesn't live up to my expectations, my life will *NOT* end. As I've stated previously, I have to commend the design team for taking such a bold turn on the designs. I'm one of those people who loves innovation: it's that very concept that brought us transforming toys in the first place. Someone, somewhere was willing to go out on a limb and create a toy concept that hadn't been done before, and eventually, we got Transformers. Someone on another forum has a sig that is a quote from Henry Ford, that reads something like "If I asked my customers what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse." I think it's quite funny, and probably very true. Granted, not everything new will be met with universal approval, and that's fine, but I can't fault people for trying. With regards to the upcoming film, I'm going to proceed with an open mind until I see the whole thing on screen. In the end, those who don't like it, or don't want to like it, can simply vote with their wallets and not go see it or buy the associated products. In the end, this film and associated merchandise were created to make money, pure and simple. If they aren't financially successful, they probably won't continue, or at the very least, be forced to re-evaluate their efforts. That having been said, I would also like to say that irrespective of the upcoming live-action film, be it good , bad, or other, in no way impedes people from enjoying all the previous incarnations of Transformers. There, I've spoken my mind. Flame away
  13. "One possibility was a resin statue on a stand that would link with their Masterpiece Alpha Fighter." ROFLMAO! They really need to buy a clue. I mean that.
  14. Here is a couple of pics from the 1/15 scale. i been trying to finish this for weeks but don't have the chance to. I need to do more details and other more stuff. 426744[/snapback] Actually, that's the 1/12 scale model, and it stands roughly 7" tall in "armor" mode.
  15. At this rate, I'm more worried about the script and plot than the designs, since that's really the glue that'll hold the film together or bring it crashing-down. For what it's worth, I remember the same abysmal whigning when the BSG miniseries came out: legions of fans were scandalized by Starbuck being a broad and it seemed like there was no shortage of things to criticize... Flash-foreward two seasons, and people now worship the new BSG. Just goes to show that there are *some* instances where remakes are done right, and as far as I'm concerned, the verdict is still out on TF.
  16. They're gonna be winging the toy designs. It's impossible to make them look exact, so they'll be cutting corners and making them "close enough". If you take a look at the Blackout toy and compare it to the movie pic, you can see what I mean. 426338[/snapback] Indeed. A pity though, as the new beastly, organic, alien robot modes is very daring, and much to my liking. Though I may be in the minority, I'm hoping that Hasbro releases some sort of "deluxe" large sized Prime with more intricate detail and poseability, even if it ends up being non-transformable, just to show-off the aesthetics of the design. A highly-detailed model would be even better, but somehow I doubt that's in the cards.
  17. My GOD! If that's really Optimus, I'm all for it! I was very skeptical about their redesigning the main characters, but if these images are indeed accurate, I'll accept them wholeheartedly. My bigest concern is that the transformations look very, VERY complex, and I have to wonder how well these designs will transfer to toys. Given that the whole point of the film is to sell toys in the end...
  18. Why have OptiMoose's eyes been blacked-out? Actually, I rather like the arm design. It doesn't look like Prime's arm, or even remotely like the CG test stuff shown previously, but I like the design work that was used.
  19. Mospeada never got enough love, right from the beginning. I still want to pick-up a decent copy of Love Live Alive; the old VHS copy I have is practically falling apart and barely has any audio.
  20. G1 Convoy was an american creation? I thought that it was initially part of a toy line called Diaclone before being one of many designs merged into the Transformers line by Hasbro. Unless I'm totally off, since I'm not really an expert on TF and its genesis.
  21. They should rename the line "TRANSFORMERS MOLESTORS"
  22. Ok seriously now, what the HELL is that??? That box has just waaay too much pink on it to have something other than a pink pony with long, flowing hair and a hairbrush as its contents. This is just too f*cked-up a marketing concept even for the japan-only market.
  23. New update here: http://www.samurai-monkey.com/boardz/viewt...php?p=2703#2703 ...And a teaser pic.
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