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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. What are they using at the joints in stead of polycaps?
  2. Hi Graham. Yeah, the figures sure look ok, but handleability (is that a word?) leaves something to be desired. Honestly, for the handsome price they're asking, I would have expected a LOT more. Just outta curiosity, what are the guyver figures fetching all the way out there in HK?
  3. Forgive my ignorance in this matter, but is this a new OVA series, or just some slapped-together video game clips? I ask because I see DVDs of MS Igloo on Ebay (1-6) and I never quite understood what it's supposed to be, or how long it is.
  4. I sympathise with you, believe me. Just recently it took about 2.5 weeks to recieve my decal shipment for the Tomahawks; I think it has more to do with how the local shipping routes are managed. It's funny:regardless of where someone is shipping goods to me from, it will take 20% longer to arrive, but when I ship orders out using the same service, thewy get it in 3 days. Yay quebec Overall, I can't really take a swipe at USPS: I've shipped well over 300 orders in the past 2.5 years, and not a single lost parcel.
  5. Sean, I'd give it another week; technically, it's only been about 8 days, and while some kits DO rarely defy the laws of space and time by arriving at their destinations in ridiculously-short timeframes, the general wait time is about 2 weeks. If it doesn't arrive by the 9th, PM me.
  6. Great googly-moogly! Does this mean that they're going to make a fully-painted/detailed Dendrobium Stamen in 1/144?? Considering the price tag on the existing 1/144 FIX figures, this one should make a few people cringe. ...And I want my PG Sazabi dagnabbit!
  7. Just a heads-up: I've posted the instructions up on the SM site http://www.samurai-monkey.com/boardz/viewtopic.php?t=418 ...Now to get cracking with my own build
  8. Out Of Control had some great animation; particularly in the first half, but it drops-off quite considerably in places; noteably when Sho makes his assault on the Chronos tanker, hacking his way through zoanoids, as well as when he assaults Vamore in the police station. The original OVA series was more cnsistent in terms of animation, and carried though very nicely: Sho's battle with the Hyper Zoanoids and Enzyme were nicely rendered. The same battle with Enzyme in the new series left me rather, umm.. Flat.
  9. D'oh! Quite right, I meant PG. The MG version is cute, but doesn't quite have the presence I'd like. Hydrospanning the MG kit is also out, since it would still come up short for 1/60.
  10. Speaking of Nu-Gundam, how popular is CCA among the japanese fans? I absolutely adored that film and its designs... Any chance they might be popular enough to warrant the PG treatment? Considering the price tag on the latest Bandai Yamato, I would have very little trouble believing that they could pull-off a Sazabi MG for roughly the same price-point. Hey, I can dream can't I??
  11. I was able to watch a few fansubbed (excellent job, btw) episodes of the new series. As could be expected, it still doesn't quite follow the manga, but it's still watchable. I feel that the storyboarding, animation and fight sequences are still better in the original OVA(the first 6 episodes, anyway), but I'm inclined to overlook that for continuity's sake.
  12. Haha, you just might be right about that. I definitey wanted to do one of those bubble-headed pods this year... Guess I can do a little poll at some point to see which version you guys would prefer first.
  13. Indeed. My intention is to produce a heavy-missile Regult later in the year: it will have no inner cockpit, and will be fixed-pose; done so as to allow such a top-heavy model to be built upright... And stay that way.
  14. That's very unfortunate to hear; I had hoped that this third animated incarnation would be the charm, but it seems that Guyver may (yet again) die prematurely Re: dubbing. I haven't heard the "new" dub, but I distinctly remember the one from the old series, which was so awful that it sent chills down my spine, not to mention the fact that it completely changed the mood of the anime itself. For the worst. In short, I just opt for subtitles now.
  15. I'm in!! Screw the Defender, I'm all for full-action carebears with high-detail cockpits and realistic plush
  16. Hi Ben. Glad you like the model... The huge-a$$ sprues are a specialty of mine They actually make my life a little easier, as they allow me to pour more resin volume at a faster rate. Heck, even with the huge sprues it takes me over 12 minutes just to fill all the molds for 1 kit. Fun stuff
  17. Just out of curiosity, might anyone know if there's going to be another PG model, and if so, what might it be? **shamefully-biased towards GP-02A**
  18. I've read that the new anime goes all the way up to book 9 or 10, which means that there is more than enough manga material already out for a second season... Any clue as to whether that will go foreward?
  19. Oh, and the decals HAVE FINALLY ARRIVED!!!! ...Which means that all models paid as of today will have been shipped by Wednesday at the latest
  20. Depends primarily on your level of modelling skill. With a little dremelling it souldn't be too much trouble. The most difficult part will be the knee joint, which wasn't really designed as a "joint" on the kit... You could always replace that with a homemade flexible "boot" of some sort.
  21. See, this is what I was afraid of: they ended up making the TF film designs so uber-complex, that there's no way that they'll be able to make "faithful" transforming toys of them. Megs and Prime test shots both look overly-bulky compared to the CG renders. Hopefully they'll at least make some sort of non-transforming bote mode sculpts (be they toy or model) which will be much more faithful and detailed.
  22. The arms are already designed to be poseable; all the major arm joints move on the kit
  23. [attachmentid=39528][attachmentid=39529] Here are 2 pics of mine in progress.
  24. Hey everyone. If it seems to those of you waiting for your kits that it's taking forever... It's because it is. I'm still waiting on the decals before I begin to ship, and I have about 30 models just packed and waiting. Anyhoo, I just wanted to let everyone know that all is going very well otherwise, and I will send your models out the very instand the decals arrive. My sincerest apologies for the delay.
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