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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. Wow, I honestly wasn't expecting this kind of anti-HG mobilization in such a short amount of time; it really sounded like you guys were gonna burn down their HQ for a while there. You guys make me so proud!!!! I think HG owes me one for calling off the lynch mob at this point
  2. Hey everyone. I guess it's only right that I make a statement here before things get out of control. I want you all to know that it pains me to say what I'm about to say, but I fear that it must be done... APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!
  3. Most people already have the two previous releases; it wouldn't be worthwhile to remold for a few possible sales.
  4. LoL! Maybe Paypal's trying to tell you something Spartan? Perhaps... OoOoOoOo... I took a few mock-up pics to show as well. I left off some significant bits for now, as they are being prepped and cleaned, but this shouls give you a good overall impression of the model.
  5. Hey everyone! Sorry for having dragged my feet on this one: some other matters required my attention, but have no fear, the Defender has been chugging-along at a healthy pace. Current status: the first half-dozen models have been cast, and the model is coming along very nicely indeed. The pic below is of the parts breakdown for the model Ok, now for the nasty part: payment Each kit price: $110.00 Shipping rates: USA/Canada: -$14.00 for Small Packet Air mail of 1 to 2 kits. -$22.00 via Expedited Parcel for 3/4 kits - $29.00 via Xpresspost (4-5 business days.) International shipping (France, Germany, Chile, HK, UK, Australia.) -$29.00 for 1-2 kits via Small Packet International Air, or $56.00 shipped via Xpresspost (4-5 business days.) PAYMENT METHODS -Western Union money transfer. Anyone who opts to pay via this method will recieve $10 off their order total for 1 model, and free shipping for orders of 2 to 3 kits. -International postal money-orders in US funds (no extra fee) -Paypal (incurs a $5 surcharge per model.) Shipping timeline: orders will begin shipping beginning the 10th of April (my estimate for the decals to arrive). Should the latter arrive sooner, then shipping will begin sooner and I will advise accordingly. For anything else, just feel free to PM me
  6. All of the scenes I've seen them shooting, as well as what was seen in the trailer correspond, almost to a tee, to what's in the leaked script. I would say that the latter is 90% accurate, with a few tweaks here and there. The leaked script's ending is what I believe has actually been changed... Possibly because it just wasn't deemed cool to kill-off a major character.
  7. Actually, the thighs are different on all variants, so the only parts that are common to all 3 are from the knees on down. Oddly enough, (torso) parts from all 3 don't really intermix very well: you could adapt the shoulder/weapons vest from a tomahawk to the defener, but the inverse is not true, because the center "body" unit is slimmer in width on the defender. Shoulder/arms/missile pods should be fine for all 3 though. As things are now, molds are almost done; I'm just waiting for a decal confirmation from Devin, and I'll start happily taking your money
  8. New update! http://www.samurai-monkey.com/boardz/viewt...sc&start=20 Teaser pic...
  9. Sounds like a great concept, and would really allow for a great way to show off battroids & Destroids alike. Run with it guys!
  10. Well it's that time of year again. I started getting an itchy sculptin' finger, so I set myself up and began sculpting this... http://www.samurai-monkey.com/boardz/viewt...php?p=5970#5970 Teaser pic below
  11. The Tread on the whole uses fairly little anime magic to transform, I agree, but the extending coupler mechanism is an exception to that rule: for that segment to extend far enough to reach the Legioss' crotch module, it practically has to be made of two inter-collapsing segments. Then, once the coupler is fully retracted, it has to fit snugly inside the Tread's crotch, and still somehow leave room for deployable landing gear and gear bays. To try to pull that off with non-removeable parts on a toy of that scale would have been ludicrous; tolerances would be too tight and would be so fragile that the toy would collapse under its own weight. This is most likely why Toynami were taking so long with theirs, but to be honest, these guys at CM seem to have their act together--more power to them.
  12. Hey Paul. Sorry to hear that the artwork ran like that. The model was actually one of the FIRST castings; back-up masters, if you prefer, since at the time I didn't know how well/long the original masters would hold up... Always be prepared, the man in the tinfoil hat once said to me.
  13. Absolutely awesome! ...Now we need a GrenDiZer version
  14. seriously! The original OVAs stalled after 12 episodes, and Viz dropped the manga after the end of book 8, and that's right when the story takes a significant turn. Anyway, who knows: maybe the 3rd time's the charm. If ADV sees that season 1 sells well enough, maybe they'll bankroll a second.
  15. What are they using at the joints in stead of polycaps?
  16. Hi Graham. Yeah, the figures sure look ok, but handleability (is that a word?) leaves something to be desired. Honestly, for the handsome price they're asking, I would have expected a LOT more. Just outta curiosity, what are the guyver figures fetching all the way out there in HK?
  17. Forgive my ignorance in this matter, but is this a new OVA series, or just some slapped-together video game clips? I ask because I see DVDs of MS Igloo on Ebay (1-6) and I never quite understood what it's supposed to be, or how long it is.
  18. I sympathise with you, believe me. Just recently it took about 2.5 weeks to recieve my decal shipment for the Tomahawks; I think it has more to do with how the local shipping routes are managed. It's funny:regardless of where someone is shipping goods to me from, it will take 20% longer to arrive, but when I ship orders out using the same service, thewy get it in 3 days. Yay quebec Overall, I can't really take a swipe at USPS: I've shipped well over 300 orders in the past 2.5 years, and not a single lost parcel.
  19. Sean, I'd give it another week; technically, it's only been about 8 days, and while some kits DO rarely defy the laws of space and time by arriving at their destinations in ridiculously-short timeframes, the general wait time is about 2 weeks. If it doesn't arrive by the 9th, PM me.
  20. Great googly-moogly! Does this mean that they're going to make a fully-painted/detailed Dendrobium Stamen in 1/144?? Considering the price tag on the existing 1/144 FIX figures, this one should make a few people cringe. ...And I want my PG Sazabi dagnabbit!
  21. Just a heads-up: I've posted the instructions up on the SM site http://www.samurai-monkey.com/boardz/viewtopic.php?t=418 ...Now to get cracking with my own build
  22. Out Of Control had some great animation; particularly in the first half, but it drops-off quite considerably in places; noteably when Sho makes his assault on the Chronos tanker, hacking his way through zoanoids, as well as when he assaults Vamore in the police station. The original OVA series was more cnsistent in terms of animation, and carried though very nicely: Sho's battle with the Hyper Zoanoids and Enzyme were nicely rendered. The same battle with Enzyme in the new series left me rather, umm.. Flat.
  23. D'oh! Quite right, I meant PG. The MG version is cute, but doesn't quite have the presence I'd like. Hydrospanning the MG kit is also out, since it would still come up short for 1/60.
  24. Speaking of Nu-Gundam, how popular is CCA among the japanese fans? I absolutely adored that film and its designs... Any chance they might be popular enough to warrant the PG treatment? Considering the price tag on the latest Bandai Yamato, I would have very little trouble believing that they could pull-off a Sazabi MG for roughly the same price-point. Hey, I can dream can't I??
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