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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. I've just posted yet another update on SM. Teaser pic below.
  2. Hi everyone. New thread was started on SM for the buildup; pics to be posted tomorrow: http://www.samurai-monkey.com/boardz/viewt...php?p=7249#7249
  3. Just wanted to let everyone know that the Defender project is now officially closed. Thanks one & all!
  4. Quite right. Just to inform everyone that I will be commencing the sculpt on Monday the 21st, and the first pictorial progress update is scheduled for the 25th.
  5. Externally it will be the same, but as mentioned in the first post, there will be no interior detail. The improvements to the legs/joints will also be structural, and thus be visually identical to its 1.0 sibling. As for being able to swap-out the beanie, I don't know if that'll work, as I still need to mock it up and see how stable the missiles sit atop the pod. They may need to be glued in place.
  6. Hi Carl. I'll start out with the missile-carrier version for now, but if there's demand later on, it would certainly be doable to offer the Regult minus the missile pod, and throw-in the standard double-gun beanie cap. Cheaper too. Depending on what the costing is, I'll see if I can include some brass rod with the kit to strengthen the knee joints; since those are the most vulnerable.
  7. Not entirely: the beanie cap atop the Regult pod will have to be modified in order to mount the missile pods instead of the dual guns, but yes, aside from that, the structure of the regults is identical.
  8. Perhaps one day, but not for the time being.
  9. I would consider making many things, provided that there would be enough interested parties to make the endeavour worthwhile, same goes for the AJACS aircraft. IIRC, aside from color variations, there was definitely a heavier Zentradi soldier suit (as worn by Kamjin.)
  10. Once I can justify enough interested parties, about 2-3 weeks to get the masters done and tuned, another 1-1.5 weeks to get the molds done... Say 5 weeks from when I give the green light to the first examples being available.
  11. Hi everyone. Well it seems like quite a few people have been asking for this one, so here goes: how many of you would be interested in a heavy-missile variation of my previous Regult model? Now before you say yes, I'd like to point-out that this particular variant will NOT be a direct re-issue of the previous. In order to accomodate a much higher CG and weight, it will be a revised edition with the following features: -fixed-pose leg joints for maximum stability -main pod will be re-engineered, reinforced and as a result, will not have a cockpit. -unlike version 1.0, I intend for this variant to have marking decals included. -you will have the option to order the micro-missile ( I hope), or twin heavy-missile variant. -each model would be priced at $140.00 Also, in the interest of fostering amicable relations, I have included a very crude Q&A that I hope will help explain some of the changes made to this model Q: WTF MAN??? How come this F&%# variant doesn't include a cocpit?!?! A: due to the Missile Regult's ridiculously-high CG and the weight of the missile pods themselves, the 1.0 version's thin pod hull probably would not stand-up well to the extra overhead weight and would most likely deform over time, so I opted for a revision that would keep the model from self-destructing. Q: you're saying this kit is fixed pose, so that means no YS ball-joints like the last one. Why are you trying to screw us over like that you rat ba$tard??? A: no screwing intended, I assure you. Because of the CG and weight issue I mentioned above, even the best ball-joints would simply collapse under the extra weight of the overhead missile pod. Remember, even the 1.0 model was right on the limit of what the YS ball-joints could tolerate. Retaining the original joints, all while adding a few ounces of weight and a higher CG would be irresponsable on my part. I just want the model to look good and STAY looking good. Q: will the missiles in the missile pods be removeable? A: HELL NO! Have you SEEN that miserable little excuse for a twig that mounts the missile cans to the main pod?? It'll be a miracle just to keep the missile cans from bending or breaking off, so I'll be looking to save every possible gram of weight, and even then, the horizontally-mounted pods are still iffy. Q: *sigh* alright. But at least we get decals this time? A: yup ...And now that all that's out of the way, who's in?? Anyone? ...Hello? ...
  12. Due to insufficient interest, I am hereby discontinuing the 1/48 Inbit project. Updated plans will be posted in the Modelling section on Monday.
  13. I never made any 1/48 VF-1, only a VF-1D conversion for the Yamato 1/48 toy.
  14. I've tossed pretty much everything except : -1/48 VF-1D molds (I was keeping those to make spares) -the LV molds and the pylon, though a few molds cavities are a bit borderline -the Defender molds.
  15. Yup. With each casting, the mold goes through a subtle, elemental 'breakdown'. You will notice that beyone stage 1, the halves will no longer close together quite the same way because the molds react with the resin and after a certain time, the mold "swells" and creates distorted castings. This can be very subtle depending on the shape, and generally not a big issue with small parts. However, with use, the inside of the mold will also develop texture and brittleness, and eventually rip or break. I never let them get to that point; I discard them as soon as the castings are no longer up to my standards, or, like with the Defender, I know that they are still capable of a few more good castings, so I may keep them. The reason I toss pretty much all of my molds is that with time, you can accumulate a LOT of these and they take up valuable space and just plain create clutter.
  16. Just the molds or the masters? You can PM me about that.
  17. Last call for these models. I'll be putting the molds into storage and/or tossing them by May 18th to make room for upcoming contracts.
  18. Plus the fact that a 1/72 Inbit would just be ridiculously tiny for me to sculpt; hard on my eyes and nerves
  19. The shoulder missile pod was actually devised by Imai to hide the gap in the upper fuselage in fighter mode, and was deliberated by the show's producers where it was then (I think) incorporated for one episode... The one with Rainy Boy.
  20. Hi LSB. The idea was that you would be able to choose either the standard Gurab, or the beam gun version if/when freebee time comes around. The model itself would be what is refered to as 'free pose' in the industry: what that means is that you would be able to build the model in the static pose of your choice.
  21. Hey Carl, neat pics! Guess there have been quite a few WF-type models made over time... The Retppu Eager is still one of my all time faves though; I got one back in '90 and the proportions were great; darn good casting too. The Gurab pics leave me kinda flat though; I could sculpt something that'd run circles around those... I started a topic on that here http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=22473
  22. Absolutely! I figure that each subscription should be good for one free model, and someone can get as many subscriptions as they please
  23. Lineart is my bible. I only work with original source-material for all of my models, and the fact that the Inbit are relatively straightforeward means that there will be very little interpretation needed. The biggest snag with the Gurab are the proportions of the legs, which look nicely flared at the front in some views, and symmetrical front/back in others. Personally, I prefer the former, as it gives the Gurab a more organic look. The image below will be my primary take on proportions
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