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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. Hi guys. Looking good so far; I'll begin as soon as I can get a good 30 pre-orders!
  2. I like the idea of a more organic looking inbit, but I don't feel that the execution in this case was everything that it could be. I'm trying to remember, but in the original series, were the humans not initially under the impression that the outer armor was the actual inbit creature?
  3. Just to be clear, I don't plan to include any lights or lighting system in the kit itself, simply that it will be designed in such a way as to facilitate the process if an individual builder decides to persue that option.
  4. Hi everyone! As the title states, I'm interested to know how many people (if any) would be interested in a 1/72 Tactical Scout Regult kit, so I started this thread to gauge interest. My aim would be to be to offer a kit very similar to the heavy Regult, which is to say solid, static pose, and including accurate decal markings. Owing to the scout pod's design, I also intend to mold the sensory thingies in such a way as to make it light-friendly, should anyone feel compelled to go that route. Projected unit kit price: $140.00. Any takers?
  5. The 1/72 Heavy Regult project is now officially CLOSED.
  6. Hi guys. I'm currently working on the second salvo of heavy Regults, and I'll keep the order window open until the 20th of this month. Anyone who would like to order them, please PM me with your full shipping address; I'll advise the cost and methods of payment.
  7. A second run is underway as we speak, but I don't know if I'll have enough resin on-hand to complete it, so it might require a 2 week wait until I can top-up.
  8. I wouldn't have sold my babies if I didn't think they were going to a good home, and I'm convinced that this will be the case.
  9. Hi everyone. As per what I promised initially, I'm enquiring to see if there might be any more requests for the 1/72 Heavy Regult models. In the event that anyone is interested, please send me a PM. If a second run is warranted, I will post here in the forums.
  10. Now THAT is dedication! Notice that the battroid mode looks pretty good too Must be fragile as all hell though, it's very easy to scratch the paint when transforming a model like that. He deserves a medal just for having the guts to transform it. That dude in the other thread claiming to have the "best" model on MW with his YF-19/21 dio has a lot to live up to
  11. I just saw the film a few hours ago. Funny enough, I had the script for almost a year, and I absolutely loved what I read; it seemed to have good pace and I really --genuinely-- got a kick out of it. While it pains me to say this, I think Michael Bay's directing seemed to ruin what was an otherwise great script. To be fair, I had never bashed Mr. Bay at any point throughout the one year buildup to the film, and was quite convinced that the story would carry itself, irrespective of who was hired to direct. Unfortunately, the re-sequencing of certain events, coupled with the rather chaotic filming style made the film seem rushed... And the movie is almost two and a half hours long! This, combined with some instances of laughably-simplistic dialoge (not found in my copy of the script, I might add) had me rolling my eyes on more than one occasion. Certainly nowhere near as lifeless and starchy as say, The Phantom Menace though. I hate to be the one to give credit to Michael Bay's detractors, but when they're right they're right, and I must give credit where it's due: they duely forecasted that his directing style would be the film's achilles' heel, and well it was. While the film is still watchable, I also feel that a trained chimpanzee could have directed the film far better than it was. Alas, I didn't come here to fling mud, and I will content myself to say that it is my sincerest hope that the powers-that-be at Paramount have the open-mind and foresight to hire a PROPER director for the sequel. My thanks to them in advance.
  12. Sold out pending confirmation of 1 order.
  13. 11 models remaining. Current orders begin shipping tomorrow AM.
  14. I offer only models that require assembly and painting; there are photos in the Regult thread in the modelling section http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...22507&st=40
  15. Regult toys in 1/60 or 1/48? Absolute, abysmal long-shot: too large an item, necessitating too high a price-point and too little demand = not gonna happen. They made the Q-Rau, but that doesn't mean the sku was successful, and based on the fact that they (Yamato) chose to, at least thus far, not continue the line means that it wasn't a money-maker for them. Alas, if you guys ever want Regults that badly, I do currently make some in 1/72, but I doubt you'd find the price point attractive.
  16. Seriously, what the f*ck is this sh*t??? Suddenly, the old animation from '84 is starting to look good.
  17. Hi everyone. Mess has been cleaned, new molds almost done, and I updated on SM with ordering info for the Heavy Regult. http://www.samurai-monkey.com/boardz/viewtopic.php?t=679
  18. Hi everyone, well the castings are done. See for yourself below. Full update here: http://www.samurai-monkey.com/boardz/viewt...php?p=7619#7619 Oh, I also took the liberty of doing a side-by-side comparison of all the main Regult kits to give you a better idea of what to expect.
  19. The 1.0 pod didn't come with decals; the best I was able to offer at the time was a same-size image of the markings that could be used as painting templates.
  20. Hey everyone. I'll have a photo update for you all in a couple days; the molds are pretty much done, and I want to be able to show a full & proper set of castings, as well as an image of the decals.
  21. Hear here! I tried doing the math from every angle, heck, I even employed that "new math", and it still came out to far less than what I could pay the bills with Some folks just build for the pure love of the build though, and I can respect that.
  22. If the info posted on TFW2005 turns out to be true regarding the re-colored Starscream, I am 99.9% positive that it will be the exact same Takara toy (in a different color scheme), manufactured by Takara, and simply re-branded by Hasbro with no changes to the structure or transformation. The hip kibble may simply have been left off for the photos. Also, this could very well be a pre-production test-shot version; proper plastic coloring and little details like the joints & the battle damage paint would be "improved" on the actual production unit. That's generally how the toy business works. ...And for the record, if this thing IS offered in those colors, I'm all over it. I simply couldn't bring myself to purchase the MP Starscream in that awful green and burgundy at the quoted price. While the toy is still too tiny for my liking, the right colors and a considerably cheaper domestic release is an offer I couldn't refuse.
  23. Here's a pic from the buildup of the original 1.0 Regult with a ruler for comparison. It comes out to just under 26cm in height, but the overall height measurement can vary, depending on how the Regult stands or crouches.
  24. My rendition of the Regult conforms more faithfully to both the dimensions and officially-stated height. The Imai Regult was just ridiculously undersized, but I don't have one at the moment, so I can't give you any numerical values.
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