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captain america

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Everything posted by captain america

  1. Just one??? Kidding, just kidding! Oh, by the way, I posted a new update on Samurai Monkey: http://www.samurai-monkey.com/boardz/viewt...p?p=10830#10830 Teaser pic below...
  2. About 15.7-16cm; typical Spaltan height in 1/72.
  3. Three of several yet left. I would consider doing other earth-based support craft like choppers or recon aircraft if the demand is there.
  4. They probably realise that I've got them horribly outgunned with my kits, so they just gave up & went for the safe stuff Just kidding, that's the cold medecine kicking in. Seriously, the Glaug, Rau and Ger are all projects I plan to tackle at some point, but they certainly won't be cheap, so I have to spread them out.
  5. Hi everyone. I wanted to let everyone know that the Spartan is progressing very nicely indeed, and despite taking Monday off to deal with 2 feet of snow and a bad cold, it seems that I'm still very much on schedule. I'm going to forego tomorrow's update due to holiday activities, but I plan to have some photos of the complete, or almost complete masters between Christmas & new year's. I also have enough of the sculpting done to get cracking on the decals, which tend to be the slow point in production, so I might as well get a jump on 'em. In the meantime, I'd like to wish everyone a very festive, peaceful and safe holiday season!
  6. More Spartan comin' your way! Check it out on the SM forums, punk!
  7. It's funny, I thought that "club" in the lineart was just a piece of pipe or something; I'm trying to remember seeing it in the show but I keep drawing a blank. Apparently I stand corrected Ironically, the Spartan's "joints" (and I use the term loosely) seem to be the most ill-designed of any mecha I've rendered into 3-D. Makes me wonder how it's supposed to use that weapon effectively, or at the very least, do so without embarassing the pilot
  8. Psst!! I just posted a new update on the building of the Spartan over on the SM forums. Pass it on... http://www.samurai-monkey.com/boardz/viewt...p?p=10614#10614 Teaser pic below
  9. Wow Ruben, you're not only skilled but brave: you must've been cursing and spitting when you were building the Regult pod with the pilot inside; I know I was!!
  10. Hi Phyrox, thanks a million! Judging from the line work, it looks like original japanese too
  11. Hey everyone. I was planning on gauging interest for a 1/72 Spartan kit... Anyone interested? My goal would be to have the detail be in line with all of my previous works, which means free-pose assembly, detailed cockpit and open/close option hatches to show off the armament. Projected kit price: $115.00 cdn Oh, also: I've been scouring my reference material as well as the internet, but I can't seem to find any technical front or side views of the Spartan. I'm guessing that since it was such a dissimilar design to the other three that they simply didn't bother, but if anyone knows where I can find some, just give me a heads-up; it'd be much appreciated As always, a show of interest or comments are welcome!
  12. Nope. I have to take into account the flake-factor with any model I make, so "35" orders usually only means about 30 actual orders, and this, like any variable-geometry mecha, is a very complex and labor-intensive sculpt, so when I quote numbers, that's exactly what I mean, not less.
  13. I think that 1/32 is very feasible for Southern Cross mecha, particularly that they're so small. Mind you, it's one thing for me to sculpt it, it's quite another for people to be willing to shell-out for them. I realise more than anyone that money doesn't grow on trees. That having been said, what say you all to a 1/32 Auroran? Let's say a fixed price of $350; buildable in any of the three modes, detailed cockpit, decals, and limited to just 30 examples?
  14. The more I look at the design, the more I like this thing. Not wanting to throw oil on the fire or anything, but in 1/72, the robot would stand at just about 12cm, which is quite tiny. Even in 1/48 you'd only be looking at a full height of 18.6cm, and 28cm in 1/32; fairly compact for a mecha. If it were up to me, I'd go big... But that's just me.
  15. Quite right. If you look back, you'll see that I never directly re-issued any of my models. While certain people have purchased some master-patterns and made their own castings, they likely use a different resin, gates, box art, and the models are not signed by me. With regards to the soldier, I plan to include a seated version with the eventual release of the Gnerl fighter pod, and probably also a full standing soldier (or partial bust) with the eventual Nousjadeul-Ger. If I do some sort of stand-alone re-issue, it'll likely be a slightly different pose and parts breakdown... If enough people ask for it.
  16. If it ever gets to the green light stage, the project would receive the same photo build diary treatment as all my previous works; I figure it's a good way to share the fun
  17. Assuming it ever gets to the production stage, the box will likely be a different color, so as to differentiate it from the Macross series models. Then again, I may change the box colors for future releases or special editions, who knows; I'll feel it out
  18. I'll chime-in to offer some clarity onto this matter. Jorwar_b had approached me several times about offering an Auroran (AJACS) model, and my feeling in this matter is the same as it was previously, and applies to pretty much any other project: if it's a subject that I enjoy, that I can find suitable sculpting reference for, and if I can justify it financially, I'll do it. Thus far, the first criteria is settled, as I think it's a neat concept. With regards to building reference, that could be something of a challenge, as I've never seen any truly detailed schematics of it or its transformation sequence. The last and most difficult aspect is the financial one, and more so for a model that has variable geometry, so I it's difficult to put any price on the model, but I can tell you that it would very likely be over $100, even at 1/72, and even if I had over 50 orders. Basically, this project is all tentative & hypothetical for now; the potential price depending on how many solid takers come forth and are willing to split the development fees between themselves.
  19. THe launch Vehicle: It would have been tremendously difficult to make the whole "LV" more squat, if not impossible; might as well resculpt one from scratch. That thickness issue was one I grappled with in the mocking-up stage, and I chose to go slightly "meatier" for 2 reasons. One, it has more visual presence (artistic license), and second, it has a lot of weight from the booster sitting on it, and a slimmer main section might potentially have sagged or developed a slight bow over time. Nice to see the build-up process though, we definitely need to see more of these
  20. I use these guys for precious metals: http://www.kitco.com/ Their prices are infinitely more competitive than small shops. I know that I just pay them a visit, pay in cash, and I get coins or bars (a silver 5 dollar coin is about 18 bucks). Very easy. [Also, this is slightly off-topic, but aside from gold and silver, did you guys know that you don't need to depend on FRNs? Did you know that all you need to create your own lawful money is a good or service to offer, a pen and a piece of paper? There's an awesome book called " Money: Understanding and Creating Alternatives to Legal Tender" by Thomas H. Greco, Jr (ISBN 1-890132-37-3) that I recommend to everyone. Once you understand your own value, you'll never have to worry about recessions.] Anyway yeah, the Spartan is next... After I recuperate a little.
  21. Thanks, I try my best. Withe regards to the next project, it'll be the Destoroido Spartan, and likely available around early/mid January. Also, please note that in light of the current rate of the US dollar, I will most likely be requesting payments in canadian dollars, or silver. If the latter is used, you'll be able to get a good discount.
  22. No worries, your order shipped last week, safe & sound
  23. Hi guys! Just wanted to give everyone a heads-up that I'm stopping production of the Scout; I got a whole whack of orders and I want to make sure I don't promise more than I can deliver. I have one tentative order for Vermillion One, 1 on hold for Neptunesurvey, and 2 for Cool8or. Beyond that, I shall deem the project closed, and a smashing success
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