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Heavy Melder

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Everything posted by Heavy Melder

  1. Was wondering. I use it for all the time for my casting work and I've never had bit of trouble.
  2. I have one already but holy crap this is tempting. Hey what are the chances of captain america's other models getting re-releases? Like a Gnerl fighter and a regular Regult? I know, but I can dream......
  3. Shame it won't be here for Wednesday night so I can show it off to my Macross loving friends who marvel at your work; but alas Canada Post just isn't that fast.....
  4. Wow really? I'm surprised I made the list for this sucker the first time around. My post count is like super super low here...... I used to get all my kits (of yours that is) thu SSM, but missed out on the Gnerl fighter because it didn't make it there.
  5. Okay I'll bite. How much longer until I get this piece of resin pretty in the mail? My fingers lust for new resin model bits to fondle.
  6. Yeah any of these would be fricking sweet.
  7. paypal sent. Soooo any really good drawings of the booster for this sucker? I think I'll have to give it a go now..... Now that is out of the way what next? I'm gonna want one whatever it is. Cat's Eye would be damn sweet.
  8. Hello I'll paypal the moolah today after I get home to my computer as I'm at work right now.
  9. I'm hoping for a fold engine....
  10. Lovely. All these weeks of Mr. Noodle will be worth it then
  11. Will it be possible to build the model without him in the cockpit?
  12. Yeah I'm in. For one of everything.
  13. I just got in the door moments ago and I just sent mine! Tell me I made it! And now I have to get ready for my other job........working in an anime store
  14. jeez okay then. Mild stroke averted. So soon as I get home Monday I'll be paypalin' the deposit over. Thanks for calming my nerves. BTW, what will the email be that I'll be sending you moolah? Or should I assume you'll post that on the 25th as well....
  15. CRAP! 1pm EST? I don't get home from work (no comp at work) until after 5(EST), does that mean I miss my chance? I'm a noob to buying your models direct, the ones I have I got from SSM.
  16. Hey I wanted to ask the price I assume is USD yes? Dumb question I'm sure but I thought I should make sure. CAn I pay now? I want to make sure I get one of these.
  17. Howdy all. I gots to thinking as I have a number of his models but not all of them, if anyone could fill in the blanks for me? Not that I'm expecting anyone to sell me the ones I don't have or anything, just got to wondering. The numbers in the list are the ones I own. I - ??? II - ??? III - ??? IV - ??? V - ??? VI - Destroido Pharanx VII - Destoroido Tomahawk VIII - Destoroido Defender IX - Regult Heavy Missle X - Regult Light Missle XI - Regult Scout Type XII - Destoroido Spaltan XIII - ??? XIV - ??? XV - Commanchero Gunship
  18. WHAT?? 1/48 VF-25? Seriously? Well damn. I'll need two dozen of those suckers.
  19. Like a booster sized surprise?
  20. Christ I almost had a stroke there....
  21. I'm in, for the moment. What, no booster?
  22. Looking forward to a Gluag and a Glaug booster too. And then I'll need a couple Cat's Eyes.....
  23. Oh I wish I wish that e2046 would get these kits.......and the date is now april 30 or may 10th..... When it's in stock I'll grab them, but not this preorder crap Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me
  24. I have a recast of the Club M YF-19 and frankly compared to the Hase 1/72, it is a turd. Not talking about the fit or construction mind you but the shape. I consider the Hase kit to be the most accurate and the 1/48 club M kit is just bad in comparison. Shapes all over that thing are off, way off. Heres to hoping that somebody decides to make a new 1/48 version someday.....
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