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Heavy Melder

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Everything posted by Heavy Melder

  1. Sounds like somebody better get busy on a flaps and slats detail set, yes? Somebody mentioned a fold engine for the YF-19. Best be hoping for a resin one since Hasegawa hasn't done one yet (1/48 or 1/72) and at this rate probably won't be coming out.
  2. Bout frickin' time. I've only had it on pre-order at HLJ since what, early summer? And yeah wants to see the 1/48th VF-1 and the F-14 with the funky paint job. Can't get enough of either of those.
  3. Since I was #2 on the old list..... Yeah I'm interested as long as it isn't before February that I'd have to pay. Heck later would be even better...... Be interested in comparing this to the new Wave 1/100....pics of that thing anywhere? And I'd love to see the same details on that recast 1/144 that cool8or posted but in 1/72. The inside of the cannon arms has so much more going on in that 1/144 one, really brings it to life. And the feet look wider and beefier. That would be amazing in this scale...geez here I am talking myself into one of those 1/144 ones....
  4. heh. It arrived today! Now I have a complete set. They look so cute together......
  5. So mines in the mail? That's super keen. Soon I'll have one each of Johns Regults....
  6. Cripes makes me wish SSM would release this beauty again.....
  7. way way way after.
  8. You might as well sign me up for that one right now.....
  9. Just sent money. Since I'm Ontario can I assume it'll be here in a day or 2?
  10. Cripes, saw the heading and didn't even read it the post before I realized Cap has me on there already......
  11. Sign me up! Hopefully I didn't miss out this time....
  12. Mine are at customs in Canada already....I might get them tomorrow or Wednesday. God, I'm been looking forward to this one.....
  13. Damn....why do I get the feeling that my preorder for two won't be enough..... I wouldn't bet on that M.O. here......how many years has it been and we still haven't seen the aforementioned weapons and fold engine in 1/72? A looooong time and no sign of those yet, nor info that they're going to happen. Frankly weapons and a fold engine for the 1/48 would get my cash right away, never mind anyone still waiting for them in 1/72.
  14. Put me on the list already!
  15. Yer putting out the regular, plain jane vanilla Regult, yes? Not to be confused with the heavy missle, light missle, and scout varients? Captain, can I be added to that short list too?
  16. Forgive me but whats wrong with the 1/72 in the first place? I'm new so I don't know. Also photos showing the correct version vs. the kit please, so I know what you're talking about.
  17. There's something wrong with you. Jus kiddin'. Couldn't help myself, you left yourself wide open.......
  18. Just a suggestion, you might want to try contacting Starship Modeler and see if John would be interested in carrying your product in his on line store. SSM is pretty well known and has a very good reputation in customer service. They even carry the kits your photo etch is designed for. Might be worth checking out.
  19. That's some yummy yummy sprue right there.....
  20. Too bad these are only availible thu ebay, otherwise I'd be getting a set or two.
  21. Just got it today. Good stuff. Anybody else got an opinion on it? I like it but I'm something of a noob. http://www.hlj.com/product/SOF35182
  22. Crap thats what I did, that and my colour blindness isn't helping.... ah okay...hadn't considered the bonding aspect. Interesting stuff. Yup two what look to be drywall screws. Would love to post pics of something I scratched myself except 1) no camera and 2) haven't decided what to make yet! But when I do I'll let you know.
  23. It's herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.................. Holy crap thats a heck of a lot of parts. I have to ask this; all the parts need this baking process, yes? I ask because there are two different colours of resin. I can safely assume that the clear bits are excluded from the horrors of my oven I believe..... Oh yeah, how come acrylic rods? Why not brass? Not complaining mind you, just curious as a guy might make his own kits someday over the rainbow.....
  24. Looking good.
  25. You should, but if your molds aren't too huge and you have the time you can brush on (very carefully mind you) the first layer of rubber before pouring the rest into your mold box. I've never done it that way myself as I have a vacuum pump for degassing the rubber. I have heard of doing it this way so I can't guarantee the results; but its time comsuming and probably messy.
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