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Heavy Melder

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Everything posted by Heavy Melder

  1. I'd love a 1/48 VF-25, but haven't heard if anyone is going to do one or what. Keep your fingers crossed.
  2. Just preordered 4 of these...
  3. Just a question, when are the set shipping out?
  4. haha like many other projects not done yet.....
  5. Okay, so Macross stuff isn't the only stuff I like. I admit it. I posted this at a few other boards, but I guess I should throw it up here too. It's an Free Planets Alliance Transport ship from legend of the Galactic Heroes. Its based on the 1/12000 model found in the 1st set of 1/12000 models from a company called Wright Staff. My scratch build will be 1/5000 when complete so as to be in scale with all my other 1/5000 Legend of the Galactic Heroes models which in turn are from a company called Alba Create. Its taken me awhile to get this far since I'm a full time College student. I probably won't get back to it until after April (when I finish school).
  6. hrmmm When Hasegawa finally gets around to doing the Super/Strike VF-1's in 1/48....what kinda of PE are we gonna see for those me wonders?
  7. has not set their status

  8. How long does shipping from Jasmine Models take? I'm not complaining as I just ordered a few sets yesterday and am wondering what the time frame is. That and I can't wait to see them on a 1/48 VF-19....
  9. Shame. I'm all about the 1/48, but not 1/32, not so much.
  10. oh yummyness. They showed up today, and they're pretty.
  11. Sadly nothing in my mailbox yet.....
  12. figured it it out. Had to actually to save it somewhere instead of just right click and print and this round it seemed to actually work unlike the the cat's eye.
  13. ugh...could you email me a nice each to use .jpg? Whatever file that is, it isn't something that wants to print and after dropping serious cash on the kit I'm not about it screw around like that over an instruction sheet.
  14. I'm holding out hope that our man captain america will make one some day......
  15. Yep and I still want one in this scale.
  16. well, crap. Guess I'll be upgrading my order to two of these.....
  17. So mine arrived today. It's pretty nice. Just thought everyone would like to know.
  18. hrmmmmm........ Me thinks I'll have to upgrade my order to 2 or these......
  19. Fair enough. Any ideas price wise, there abouts? With the gun open/gun closed option, I think I'll have to get two....
  20. I'm in for one possibly two depending on price. Can I assume that the model would have the ability to be built either with the main cannon deployed or not? As for the battle damaged version I would suggest separate pieces that would allow the modeler to build it as such, if possible.
  21. I certainly hope there's a fleet coming. I'm a 'one scale' kinda of guy. I want to buy each class of ship in one scale and it would kinda suck if they only went half way with it.
  22. I'd gladly buy one in both 1/2500 and 1/5000. I'm hoping there's a fleet coming in one of or both of these scales.
  23. From the sounds of it I won't need to worry about having money to pay for anything from you for a while then. Good luck with that beast.
  24. No please don't. It was 15 minutes to run thu the process just to get these to print off. For the money we'll shelling out I'd prefer that instructions just come in the bloody box. All this monkey business getting these to roll off the printer just made me realize I never print off the Glaug instructions....
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