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Everything posted by Bobby

  1. Just got this from Hasbro Pulse ... Finally an F-14 transformer... Top Gun fun
  2. Thanks ... gerwalk's been fun with this guy Agreed ... fresh is so refreshing right now with all endless constant remakes it seems ... have a lumitent pre-ordered as well and really looking forward to it!
  3. I'd been in for a set as well! Just let me know where to paypal
  4. That is awesome to see...hoping here as well!
  5. Farmer: This is so painful it's like watchin' paint dry! Worker: You mean like so slow it's like watchin' grass grow! Macross Fan: Yeah totally, it's like watching my valkyrie yellow! Farmer: What in tarnation is he talkin' about?
  6. It is my understanding that is on the list of factors that affect our plastics/polymers: UV radiation/exposure to visible light, extreme temperatures, humidity, exposure to solvents (which cause polymers to fail over time), but when it comes to yellowing, UV light is usually the primary culprit.
  7. ^Good questions! I've even wondered if there's some degree of interaction that causes it with the variety of plastic bags out there (material, quality ...some with holes ...some air sealed), the foam trays (vs. clear blister packs), the plastic windows (sometimes) in presentation tray tops, and the occasional sheet of cardboard tray top itself ...lots of variables to consider for sure. After reading your post I thought I'd to go check in storage and take a peak at my original 80's Bandai H.C.M. Series#20 1:72 Scale VF-1J that's been stored for years and years in its original packaging out of direct UV. The toy itself is wrapped inside a plastic bag, inserted in its original foam tray, with its original cardboard tray insert on top...and oh that bit of anxiety as you're opening it ...eager to see what color "white" once you lift the cardboard off Happy to say, it's still very white ...but then compare it to the infamous v1 VF-25 Alto which is packaged practically the exact same way which looks absolutely horrible! So is the biggest determinant sunlight, or the plastic quality itself, or both? Seems like it's unfortunately somewhat "predetermined" with the different batches and qualities of plastic manufacturers can use, and yellowing may still occur despite all our precautionary efforts to prevent it (but still worth doing them for sure).
  8. Not fair additional hint added after I guessed So I get a set too right...I mean I did afterall guess what it was (partly) just kidding I know it wasn't the answer you were looking for ... Congrats kaiotheforsaken!
  9. It looks like a "wrist" swivel joint that goes in the forearm of a valk. The side pegs gives full swivel, the socket on top is for the hand/fist ball joint, and the radius cut notch on the end is for re-locking the lifting forearm panel in place once the swivel is complete?
  10. This has been mentioned in other threads over the years but this is just a reminder that florescent lights are BAD for white and clear plastics. Here's an example with identical blister packs for some Yukikaze Mave Fighters, one stored in a room with 48" long 5000K Daylight LEDs (L) and the other stored in a room with conventional 4ft florescent bulbs (R) and the discoloration in the plastic is very noticeable.
  11. I asked because I've used Zenmarket for years and have never paid a percentage for an item. It's always the same thing: item price, ¥300 per item (regardless of its value which includes them buying the item, asking the seller questions for me, packing consolidation and repacking the items) so $0 consolidation fee, and then ship fee (the ¥300 incl giving you every ship option: EMS, Air, Sal, UPS, FedEx, and DHL so you can choose). The only percentage fee I know of for buying an item is if you buy an intangible good (like downloadable music which I've never done) but it is not on anything else. Perhaps SanityisOpt meant you have to pay a deposit fee of ¥360 for every $100 you load onto your account (?) ...I can see how that could be considered 'paying a percentage' but $3.50 is still cheaper than when Buyee charges you ¥500 for 2 items or ¥1000 for 2+items just to consolidate a package for you. -update- I just saw your post Sanity...thanks
  12. Could you explain or where does it say that? Thx
  13. That is soooooooo cool!
  14. Awesome shot...one of my fav sculpts for the D-1!
  15. Great pose! Used it for...
  16. Totally Meganite! "Miss Yui Tsukioka, please report to Senjo City Centre now ...the Trillennium Committee needs your help!"
  17. same pose...different angle
  18. ^ ah...one of my fav's from the early 80's
  19. KILLER shots as of late! What is this?
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