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Everything posted by Bobby

  1. From what I recall those pages feature black and white action poses of the Blue Garland, Garland, the different versions of Hargan throughout the game, the main antagonist mech (name?) and Flagger (it's been awhile). If it's a good price it covers the Alternate Continuity timeline and acquiring any new and fresh licensed material is hard to come by.
  2. Speaking of Altelier + ES Gokin (had posted this awhile back)... And I know the ES Gokin got beat up pretty bad in some reviews for what you got for the price but that HLJ sale is totally worth it in my opinion as this Garland's got dynamic angles...
  3. Yes, that's is correct ... that Hargan is from a limited production run for Wonder Festival (avg about 3.5" tall) sculpted/designed by Hiroshi Imizu who does amazing Megazone 23 work! (some of his creations to date...) In looking at some other pics of Hargun I recognize the teeny-tiny screws ... I had managed to pick up a couple of his Garlands (pics of one below w/some size comparisons) and it was a blast to build (his kits come in color-ready resin), is fully transformable, but man, drilling all those teeny-tiny holes and working with all those tenny-tiny screws which are the size found in eyeglasses was rather tedious!
  4. ... guess he forgot to activate "Biker Assist Program" to help get those saddlebags out of the way
  5. In instances like this I have used ZenMarket's "Other Shops" link and add the direct URL of the item(s) I want to purchase. Then they buy it for me and charge ¥300 per item for proxy and hold it my "warehouse" for up to 45 days for free. I will then usually purchase other things during that time to make a haul and then around day 40 create the parcel (also a free service). They provide around 6-7 shipping options to choose from (I actually just got a package from them yesterday). This was interesting to me that just recently I calculated that it was cheaper for me to buy 5 books from Mandarake going through ZM vs going through Mandarake direct. Shipping within Japan is fairly cheap when vendors use things like Yu-Pack (Japan's parcel post equivalent) and for this instance having Madarake ship my items to ZM and then having ZM consolidate it into one package for me (free) was cheaper mainly because ZM offers way more shipping options than Mandarake at the moment.
  6. ...speaking of the quintessential Akira bike
  7. To RavenHawk's point regarding lean, that's probably the Garland's overriding issue and mainly how low the side-mounted legs hang. In one of the Megazone art books I have the Garland has been given some sort of "biker assist system" (see pic) where it detects the rider's banking angle and the legs automatically move/rotate out of the way to help the rider achieve maximum lean on sharp turns. The left and right "leg engines" are actively always trying to keep as low of a position as possible to help maintain a low center of gravity. Both Kawasaki and/or the backyard-hobby-enthusiast-builder are welcome to tackle that! We've all probably seen some of the real-life Akira bikes and Tron Light Cycles people have made here and there online, but nothing this elaborate ... oh anime-magic transformation, you got us again!
  8. You bet ... (photoshopped out the folds)
  9. Actually, it does have a "secret" fold out poster in it ... if you remove the book jacket, on the reverse side of the jacket there is quite a large fold out poster (over 2 ft) of the red Garland in bike mode which is pretty awesome and pretty detailed. The Megazone Manuever Book that was sold separately from the box set (has silver cover) which I bought first, did not have this jacket hence no poster. I regularly check behind my book jackets from Japan because sometimes the art printed on the binded cover (both front and back) of the book differs from the art found on the book jacket (nice way to sneak in more art!). While it is not that common it's always nice to find these easter eggs!
  10. That's an awesome mod! Great job!
  11. Thanks! Me too ... and for whatever reason missing a face feels more incomplete that missing other parts ... and now I need to buy a ROTF Prime to hold me over in the meantime
  12. I know exactly what/where you're talking about and also since it's technically a faux tailhook makes it even easier to mix'em up during assembly!
  13. Sorry to hear ... broken or missing parts is always a bummer. Mine just arrived and is actually missing the front half of his head which means he has no face ... I sent in a request to David @ ShowZ and am hopeful. MKT's comments about requiring lots of focus and time and parts being a bit too snugly are spot on but the reward's worth it.
  14. Just wanted to say I am pretty pleased with the proportions of the MA Thunder Warrior SX-01 in alt mode. Zeta Toys ZV-02 Flash Mechanical Alliance Thunder Warrior EX-01 and another fun gerwalker...
  15. This photo was just taken by David Morris along the coast of England ... looks like they're finally getting a hang of the gravity control system Article - temperature inversion causing superior mirage
  16. Ugh, that profile shot definitely shows the truncated length which I did not know about prior to ordering. Reminds me of what the old 747SP's looked like in comparison to other 7's... ...and especially stubby compared the the latest (and very rare) 747-8
  17. Have both MA and Zeta on order as well. Exactly what I'm hoping ... can't stand those struts on my Studio Series version so I removed them... Before After
  18. That's pretty much what they did with the addition of the entire arms/shoulders on a 180˚ swivel apparatus to move its placement fore and aft along the body for the transformation.
  19. Late followup ... but the box seems to indicate Hasbro might be needing to pay licensing $$$ to both Paramount Pictures and Northrop Grumman for the likenesses ... the Delorean from BTTF and the '59 Caddy from Ghostbusters are also rather pricey (perhaps the same dealio). In case anyone's curious about the underside kibble ...
  20. VERY exited about the Peacemakers! (don't like the 'pending licensor's approval' in red tho)
  21. Yeah a little bit for everyone in this creation ... in addition to Z.O.E. it's got a strong Frame Arms vibe to it and even a little exosuit from District 9. Scale wise it feels 1/115ish
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