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Everything posted by Bobby

  1. Update on this tragedy ... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-68090388
  2. Thanks, hard to believe it's been 1.5yrs and still waiting but that's how it goes. The idea spawned when messing with the transformation and realizing a three-wheel configuration was pretty natural for it. Modding was the following: • discard front cowling & side flaring • cut/sand down metallic purple horns on helmet • w/alcohol/q-tips remove: autobot symbol, all purple paint, and metallic charcoal on chest-piece • snag third wheel from duplicate, cutaway/sand hip armor (below), shape clear green eyepiece from leftover Gundam sprue, swap reverse forearm shield pieces (key) • paint: shoulders/thighs blue, upper-arms/feet silver, forearms & wheels white, chest/head yellow accent and voila! ... a temporary placeholder until Pose+ is done!
  3. That's a standard issue LEGO speargun [LINK]
  4. Came across this mashup done by R-AREA [LINK] and kinda loved it/squinted at it/got confused by it/drooled at it/etc. but overall very slick...
  5. More Vehicle Voltron CG love from Iron Castle ... Land Team Sea Team Air Team Uncombine:
  6. It's that time of year again (for those that know ... KNOW!) P.S. HD makes it xtra special 🎄
  7. Plus the shoulders, arms, thighs and feet are on the wrong side O.o but hey ... CG rendered Dairugger is real rarity to this day so ... hall pass for me
  8. Question on scaling ... Enterbay's HD Masterpiece Robocop is 1/4 scale and stands 22" tall ... this model says it's 1/3 scale standing 24" tall? Which is more correct you think?
  9. While still waiting for Arcadia's Hargun, a 1/48 scale Hiroshi Imuzu Hargun is up for grabs at YJA for a more reasonable ¥20,000 ($139) --> https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/u1103724311
  10. Video demo in action ... rather amazing for the price ... the most noticeable difference is replacing all the chrome with matte silver
  11. If you're a Dairugger XV / Vehicle Voltron fan this weekend's 60% off sale is a pretty good price (comes w/free ship)... https://tfsource.com/articulated-figures-statues/voltron-vehicle-force-es-gokin-voltron-defender-of-the-universe-action-toys/ I have a lot of DXV/VVs [LINK] and while I'm not into SD much, I particularly enjoy this iterations never before seen transformations (mostly due to being SD) for roughly half the vehicles: Rugger #1 A.C.E. jet - head Rugger's #4, #5 recon choppers - helicopter shoulder Rugger's #7, #8 aquatic exploration probers - thigh Rugger's #9, #10 exploration units - lower leg Rugger #11 radar station - hip The rest of it is pretty much standard stuff but the approach that Action Toys took to solve some of the connection joints to provide poseability is worth noting by any future attempts imo.
  12. When I saw this tiny product pic on my phone ... I had to zoom in ... the red reflection on his face played tricks on my eyes ... (reference pic) At any rate I'm super excited for the Action Toys release!
  13. Very interesting interview with Isayama-san on his inspiration, childhood, current reflection, etc. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/ondemand/video/3021019/
  14. This set of three 1/48 kits by Imizu-san still haven't sold since Feb. When Arcadia releases their Hargun w/Transporter I have a feeling the demand for these will cool down. Anyway, just a quick example on how much you can save with proxy buying/shipping: buy this set on Japan Mercari [LINK] for ¥66,600 shipped incl. tax ($472USD) + proxy fees + shipping to the US ... or ... buy it direct [LINK] via ebay for $986 + $20 ship + fees.
  15. When Earth Federation picks up used Labors and puts them use!
  16. Yesss .. great review!
  17. Indeed ... Akira plus Tron crossover equals take my money
  18. Looks really good! The undercarriage storage compartment's a nice touch for the "partsforming" portion which in this case is pretty understandable. Love it when they do that.
  19. Great find!! Very interesting design of that top down view of the bike ... it's got an Akira reclined seating position. Transformation-wise it seems somewhat reminiscent of a Garland that R-Area created for MOTO Comics back in 5/2019. The transformation is swapped meaning the arms don't tuck under the main body/fuel tank, instead they become the rear saddlebags, and the legs instead of being on the sides of the rear wheel fold in under the entire fairing/fuel tank/seat...
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