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Everything posted by Bobby

  1. This clip and the RIP threads is a sobering reminder of: Life is hard. It's not about you. You're going to die.
  2. Being that we aren't privy as to what goes on behind the scenes/what it takes number-wise for Bandai to green light a re-issue, at least with the VF-2SS (a welcomed surprise) we get to see that $400,000's enough to help move their needle.
  3. So excited for this! For me it's the opposite, I have several as well and my Nexx is yellowing but my Silvie's are fine. --- Today, Robert's MII Kickstarter passed along this message to all its backers... The good folks at Bandai asked us to pass along this message... Hello to all the North American Macross fans out there! We've been amazed by the reception and all the love expressed by overseas fans for Macross II during AnimEigo's Kickstarter campaign -- so much so that we've decided to re-issue the HI-METAL R VF-2SS VALKYRIE II + SAP, now with a custom display stand and all-new illustrated box art! Based on the iconic mecha piloted by Lt. Silvie Gena in the 1992 OVA, this fully articulated action figure is capable of transforming into Fighter, Gerwalk, and Battroid modes! We'd like to take this opportunity to share the newly-commissioned box art with you all, featuring Silvie's VF-2SS, with Ishtar in the background. We hope you look forward to seeing how it looks on the product come this summer! Thank you for your continued support of Macross! More details here: https://tamashiiweb.com/item/15224/?wovn=en
  4. Not a game per say, but the art is so inspired you almost wish it was ...
  5. In this reissue could they have toned down the protruding canopy armor that used to stick out so abruptly? Either way very excited and love the stand.
  6. Maybe not quintessential but definitely reverential ...
  7. This is vintage licensed Chogokin Dairugger XV set by TOEI (stated on the box). The mid-80's Popy logo is also on the front (the red circle with a "P" in it). The toy mini gun just shoots some included discs and also comes with a small badge. It is 16cm tall made of diecast & plastic and is almost identical to the nicer GB-73 ST that looks like this... Both Voltrons have the same torso and stampings in the back... However, there are some noticeable differences between the ST standalone version and the giftset version with the gun. • The spring loaded mechanisms in the helicopters have been removed so they no longer can shoot the fists (aka Rotating Personnel Carrier #12 & Armored Equipment Carrier #13) which are now permanently glued on (note: if you look closely the yellow buttons to launch the fists that are on the ST version are missing on the giftset version). • The other difference is on the legs (aka Multi-wheeled Explorers #9 & #10) the red projectile missile gimmick has been removed as well (note: if you look closely you can see they recast the red and yellow pieces without holes). • The last difference is the plastic, the ST version's blue plastic has a slight metallic sheen to it but is also notorious for disintegrating and breaking over time. The giftset version is a darker shade of blue plastic with no sheen and has been proven itself more durable over the decades. I've seen this giftset available online anywhere from $180USD to $400USD only because finding a complete intact giftset is rare. BUT the slimmed down version of GB-73 Voltron itself that it comes with is very easy to come by because that's the version the USA got when MATCHBOX released this Voltron in the 80's for $15ish. They can easily be spotted used in online auctions by looking for these missing elements (i.e. no fist launcher buttons and no holes in the legs). Hope that helps.
  8. I spy upgraded Lightning Shield for RX-93-2 Hi-Nu ... no more polka dotted debacle shield! Nice!
  9. Cool mashup by Ed__It with a HG Grimgerde+Jesta+Astaroth (full album here)
  10. This is a cool blast from the past reissue ... https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/282541?o=2
  11. Saw this video of the Moderoid booth and noticed this for a split second and couldn't believe my eyes... Chouriki Robo Galatt wasn't very popular/well-known (designed by Kunio Okawara). The main mech Janbu only got one transforming kit which was limited to 80's tech partsforming ... a modern take on this is so welcomed.
  12. Years back there was that release by Mayhem Mekanics - The Unrustables Otomo Exclusive, that did an Akira Homage that sorta fulfills this ... it came with an "Akira-themed" sticker sheet and is about the same size as the Yaiba CT-3X from Cyberpunk.
  13. Ohhh, great solution for the sidemarker lights ... they are way too white, thanks for the suggestion!
  14. @wm cheng Looks great in your display! The wash, the lights, especially the ctr console blue reflection on Kaneda! P.S. You can pop up the headlight higher or fully retract it if you hadn't messed with it yet
  15. Well ... not necessarily after what you described ... it's having me think differently and comparing them side by side without the light gimmick I think tells a different story. I put a lot of emphasis on the light feature from a personal standpoint because of wanting a Popy version. If that gimmick isn't as important in the long run then Bandai's is better as a standalone display piece. Besides the visible foot pedals the most obvious difference is that Bandai's wheel rims are chromed (making it appear heavier) where Ace's are clear plastic (for the LED feature) so when the lights are not on (which will be most of the time if not all of the time), clear plastic rims look cheap compared to chromed ones. Plus the Bandai has an additional chromed disc detail on the rear wheel where Ace's does not. So it boils down to whatever you value the most and how you think you'll derive the most enjoyment out of the piece and for me it was the lights ... but I can see that for someone else who might place a lot of importance on display factor, quality finish and the appearance of a high-quality/heavy piece it would be different.
  16. I have both and will say when I picked up the original Bandai release years ago I loved it. I remember thinking it was heavy, the front panels come off to reveal the inner workings of the die cast front suspension, etc. Then ACE released theirs and the first thing I noticed when holding it was the weight difference (Ace 14.1oz vs Bandai 11.3oz). The front suspension on ACE is chrome plated plastic instead of die cast. Part of that could be because it was easier to run all the wiring for the LEDs plus it's cheaper but the weight is more than made up for since the side panels on the ACE version (minus the canopy) are solid metal while Bandai's panels are plastic but can also separate into two pieces each to provide additional display options (to reveal more of the front suspension). The detailing in my opinion seems identical and is hard to spot, a screw hole here an extra dimple there, so there are some very minimal and subtle differences. The most noticeable difference parts-wise is there are actual foot pedals on Bandai's version while Ace's pedals are cast into the metal body itself. Another possible noticeable difference would be comparing paint quality. Bandai's paint is just flawless but on the ACE, depending on the one you get you may be able to detect a couple spots that you can argue is not flawless and will most likely vary from one model to the next. Again, overall it is generally hard to tell the difference between the two I think. At the end of the day, the lighting feature got me and wins hands down in my opinion ... you push the button at the base of the center console, turn out the lights, and it is like having a whole 'nother bike to look at and enjoy.
  17. Release date confirmed! 10/10/25
  18. I didn't like the idea of switching out heads on mine so I created tiny little visors on the parts for the fighter and put the giant heads away!
  19. Another cool Labor mashup (this time by kevin_lsn) using Yutaka Izubuchi's MS-18E Kampfer...
  20. ^ Love the F-15 Kai! Ever since I saw the cover art for the Patlabor/Zoids Crossover I'd been looking for more info on the unit in the background of the Tenjin art due to the unique design features ... When I saw the following I thought, "That's awesome!" ... did anyone catch that this is currently under development at 1/35 scale?
  21. Supposedly Tron: Ares just began shooting officially this month with a release date of 12-19-25. Even with a cast change and what not I'm excited! https://screenrant.com/tron-3-cast-story-details-updates/
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